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DECIZIE   Nr. 1417 din  1 noiembrie 2002

privind aplicarea deciziilor Comitetului Sistemului armonizat referitoare la interpretarea Sistemului armonizat de denumire si codificare a marfurilor



ACT PUBLICAT IN: MONITORUL OFICIAL  NR. 835 din 20 noiembrie 2002

    In temeiul prevederilor art. 104 alin. (1) din Regulamentul de aplicare a Codului vamal al Romaniei, aprobat prin Hotararea Guvernului nr. 1.114/2001,

    directorul general al Directiei Generale a Vamilor emite urmatoarea decizie:

    Art. 1
    Deciziile referitoare la interpretarea Sistemului armonizat, emise de Comitetul Sistemului armonizat la sesiunea 28 din anul 2001 si la sesiunea 29 din anul 2002 si aprobate de Consiliul de Cooperare Vamala, conform Conventiei internationale privind Sistemul armonizat de denumire si codificare a marfurilor, la care Romania a aderat prin Legea nr. 98/1996, prevazute in anexele nr. 1 si 2 la prezenta decizie, se aplica de autoritatea vamala in conformitate cu prevederile art. 104 alin. (1) din Regulamentul de aplicare a Codului vamal al Romaniei, aprobat prin Hotararea Guvernului nr. 1.114/2001.
    Art. 2
    Prezenta decizie va fi publicata in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I.

               Directorul general al Directiei Generale a Vamilor,
                            Dinu Mihail Gheorghe

    ANEXA 1*)

    *) Anexa nr. 1 este reprodusa in facsimil.

         Deciziile referitoare la interpretarea Sistemului armonizat,
     emise de Comitetul Sistemului armonizat la sesiunea 28 din anul 2001

|Nr. |          Descrierea produsului             |Clasificarea| Argumentarea  |
|crt.|                                            | in Sistemul| clasificarii  |
|    |                                            |  armonizat |               |
|  1.|Capsuni proaspete, curatate si taiate in    |   0810.10  |               |
|    |bucati, ambalate in cutii de plastic si     |            |               |
|    |acoperite cu folie de plastic prin          |            |               |
|    |intermediul unui procedeu special. In       |            |               |
|    |timpul acestui procedeu, o pompa de vid     |            |               |
|    |elimina oxigenul din ambalaj si il          |            |               |
|    |inlocuieste cu un gaz protector pe baza de  |            |               |
|    |azot. Capsunile refrigerate pot fi pastrate |            |               |
|    |"proaspete" o perioada de pana la 8 zile.   |            |               |
|  2.|Seminte de pepene verde de tipul celor      |   1209.99  |RGI nr. 1 si 6 |
|    |utilizate pentru insamantare.               |            |               |
|  3.|Produs pe baza de amestec de grasimi, compus|   1517.90  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |din 80 - 90% grasime de porc topita (untura)|            |               |
|    |si 10 - 20% seu de vaca, destinat consumului|            |               |
|    |uman.                                       |            |               |
|  4.|Preparat cu vitamina C prezentat sub forma  |   2106.90  |               |
|    |de tablete (500 mg/tableta) care contine    |            |               |
|    |acid ascorbic, amidon de porumb, sodiu      |            |               |
|    |carboximetilceluloza reticulata, celuloza,  |            |               |
|    |fructe de maces, acid stearic, compus       |            |               |
|    |bioflavonoid de lamaie, stearat de magneziu |            |               |
|    |si acerola. Tabletele sunt conditionate     |            |               |
|    |pentru vanzarea cu amanuntul in flacoane    |            |               |
|    |care contin 130 de tablete. Produsul nu este|            |               |
|    |destinat diagnosticarii, tratarii sau       |            |               |
|    |prevenirii unei boli.                       |            |               |
|  5.|Bauturi alcoolice, mentionate ca "pisco" si |   2208.20  |               |
|    |"singani", obtinute prin distilarea vinului |            |               |
|    |de struguri.                                |            |               |
|  6.|Grila flexibila de ranforsare, prezentata   |   3926.90  |RGI nr. 1 si 6,|
|    |sub forma de rulouri, compusa din fibre de  |            |Nota 2 a) si 3 |
|    |poliester de rezistenta inalta si acoperite |            |de la          |
|    |cu un strat protector de polimer            |            |Capitolul 59;  |
|    |(poli(clorura de vinil)), utilizata la      |            |Nota 10 de la  |
|    |consolidarea solurilor: strat portant in    |            |Capitolul 39   |
|    |constructia drumurilor, structuri de        |            |               |
|    |sustinere si maluri foarte abrupte,         |            |               |
|    |indiguiri etc. Fiecare element al grilei are|            |               |
|    |forma unei panglici inguste constituita din |            |               |
|    |fire paralele, cu urzeala inserata in       |            |               |
|    |unghiuri drepte intre firele lantului,      |            |               |
|    |astfel incat se formeaza deschideri de      |            |               |
|    |35 x 40 mm.                                 |            |               |
|    |Polimerul de acoperire asigura fixarea      |            |               |
|    |(consolidarea) elementelor grilei si        |            |               |
|    |protejeaza firele impotriva razelor UV si a |            |               |
|    |degradarii mecanice.                        |            |               |
|  7.|Panouri (aproximativ 30 cm latime si 180 cm |     4412   |               |
|    |lungime) constand din foi de placaj (intre 8|            |               |
|    |si 12 mm grosime), acoperite cu o foaie     |            |               |
|    |subtire de furnir din lemn (obtinuta din    |            |               |
|    |transarea blocurilor din lemn stratificat)  |            |               |
|    |astfel incat sa imite un panou de podea     |            |               |
|    |obtinut din lamele de parchet. Suprafetele  |            |               |
|    |panourilor au fost slefuite, decorate,      |            |               |
|    |colorate si apoi lacuite. Unele panouri au  |            |               |
|    |fost prelucrate la suprafata prin realizarea|            |               |
|    |de santuri in sensul lungimii. Panourile    |            |               |
|    |sunt prelucrate sub forma de lamba (feder)  |            |               |
|    |la extremitati si au caneluri de-a lungul   |            |               |
|    |ambelor parti.                              |            |               |
|  8.|Tuburi de reactie cu cuart si suporturi     |   7020.00  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |utilizate pentru introducerea in cuptoare de|            |               |
|    |difuzie si de oxidare pentru producerea de  |            |               |
|    |discuri semiconductoare (wafers).           |            |               |
|  9.|Agenda electronica de dimensiuni reduse:    |   8471.30  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |11,5 cm x 7,7 cm x 1 cm. Aceasta cantareste |            |(Nota nr. 5    |
|    |115 g. Partea frontala a dispozitivului are |            |de la          |
|    |incorporate un ecran senzitiv cu un spatiu  |            |Capitolul 84)  |
|    |destinat scrisului (un stilet este livrat   |            |si 6           |
|    |impreuna cu dispozitivul) si diverse taste  |            |               |
|    |de functiuni. Bateria pe baza de ioni de    |            |               |
|    |litiu care alimenteaza dispozitivul poate fi|            |               |
|    |reincarcata prin intermediul unui conector  |            |               |
|    |in serie in cazul in care acesta este pus in|            |               |
|    |contact cu o retea de alimentare legata la  |            |               |
|    |pamant. In cazul in care bateria devine prea|            |               |
|    |slaba pentru a alimenta aparatul,           |            |               |
|    |utilizatorul dispune de o saptamana pentru a|            |               |
|    |o reincarca inainte ca datele sa fie        |            |               |
|    |definitiv pierdute. Dispozitivul poate fi   |            |               |
|    |conectat la o masina automata de prelucrare |            |               |
|    |a informatiilor si, dupa instalarea unui    |            |               |
|    |program adecvat (software, vandut separat pe|            |               |
|    |un CD-ROM), este capabil sa efectueze       |            |               |
|    |schimburi de date cu acesta. De asemenea, un|            |               |
|    |port IR (de raze infrarosii) permite        |            |               |
|    |transmiterea datelor catre o alta unitate   |            |               |
|    |prevazuta cu un dispozitiv similar.         |            |               |
|    |Principalele utilizari ale dispozitivului   |            |               |
|    |sunt urmatoarele: agenda, carnet de adrese, |            |               |
|    |lista de intalniri, bloc-notes, calculator, |            |               |
|    |registru de cheltuieli.                     |            |               |
|    |                                            |            |               |
|    |Dispozitivul este livrat cu o statie de     |            |               |
|    |sincronizare (HotSync cradle), un incarcator|            |               |
|    |de baterie, un stilet metalic, un stilet de |            |               |
|    |rezerva din plastic, software pentru        |            |               |
|    |introducere date, un manual de utilizare, un|            |               |
|    |ghid de punere in functiune, o baterie      |            |               |
|    |reincarcabila pe baza de ioni de litiu, un  |            |               |
|    |adaptor DB-25 si o geanta de protectie.     |            |               |
| 10.|Repetitor local pentru toate tipurile de    |   8471.80  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |medii Ethernet, special conceput pentru     |            |(Nota 5B) de la|
|    |retele locale (LAN). El transmite           |            |Capitolul 84)  |
|    |informatiile LAN prin regenerarea si        |            |si 6           |
|    |resincronizarea semnalului complet (semnal  |            |               |
|    |integral). Are porturi de conexiune pentru  |            |               |
|    |doua segmente Ethernet care sunt in         |            |               |
|    |conformitate cu normele standardizate pentru|            |               |
|    |retele locale Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) in ceea |            |               |
|    |ce priveste lungimea segmentelor si numarul |            |               |
|    |statiilor de lucru conectate la reteaua LAN |            |               |
|    |(noduri). Genereaza de asemenea semnale care|            |               |
|    |au rolul de a preveni celelalte statii de   |            |               |
|    |lucru sa nu transmita informatii in cazul in|            |               |
|    |care este detectata la unul din porturile   |            |               |
|    |repetitorului o coliziune de semnale.       |            |               |
| 11.|Repetitor multimod cu fibra optica pentru   |   8471.80  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |toate tipurile de medii Ethernet, special   |            |(Nota 5B) de la|
|    |conceput pentru retele locale (LAN). El     |            |Capitolul 84)  |
|    |transmite informatiile LAN prin regenerarea |            |si 6           |
|    |si resincronizarea semnalului complet       |            |               |
|    |(semnal integral). Are porturi de conexiune |            |               |
|    |pentru doua segmente Ethernet care sunt in  |            |               |
|    |conformitate cu normele standardizate pentru|            |               |
|    |retele locale Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) in ceea |            |               |
|    |ce priveste lungimea segmentelor si numarul |            |               |
|    |statiilor de lucru conectate la reteaua LAN |            |               |
|    |(noduri). Genereaza de asemenea semnale care|            |               |
|    |au rolul de a preveni celelalte statii de   |            |               |
|    |lucru sa nu transmita informatii in cazul in|            |               |
|    |care este detectata la unul din porturile   |            |               |
|    |repetitorului o coliziune de semnale.       |            |               |
| 12.|Repetitor monomod cu fibra optica pentru    |   8471.80  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |toate tipurile de medii Ethernet, special   |            |(Nota 5B) de la|
|    |conceput pentru retele locale (LAN). El     |            |Capitolul 84)  |
|    |transmite informatiile LAN prin regenerarea |            |si 6           |
|    |si resincronizarea semnalului complet       |            |               |
|    |(semnal integral). Are porturi de conexiune |            |               |
|    |pentru doua segmente Ethernet care sunt in  |            |               |
|    |conformitate cu normele standardizate pentru|            |               |
|    |retele locale Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) in ceea |            |               |
|    |ce priveste lungimea segmentelor si numarul |            |               |
|    |statiilor de lucru conectate la reteaua LAN |            |               |
|    |(noduri). Genereaza de asemenea semnale care|            |               |
|    |au rolul de a preveni celelalte statii de   |            |               |
|    |lucru sa nu transmita informatii in cazul in|            |               |
|    |care este detectata la unul din porturile   |            |               |
|    |repetitorului o coliziune de semnale.       |            |               |
| 13.|Module de memorie cu serie simpla de        |    8473    |RGI nr. 1,     |
|    |conexiuni (SIMM). Acest tip de modul se     |    sau     |Nota nr. 2     |
|    |compune din mai multe cipuri DRAM montate pe|   urmeaza  |de la          |
|    |o mica placa cu circuite imprimate. Cei doi |   regimul  |Sectiunea XVI  |
|    |pini opusi de pe cele doua parti ale placii |   masinii  |               |
|    |sunt legati impreuna astfel incat formeaza  |    sau     |               |
|    |un singur contact electric. Modulul se      |    8548    |               |
|    |aplica vertical pe fisele de extensie si    |            |               |
|    |poate fi asociat cu alte module functie de  |            |               |
|    |capacitatea de memorie a masinii careia ii  |            |               |
|    |este destinat.                              |            |               |
| 14.|Module de memorie cu serie dubla de         |    8473    |RGI nr. 1,     |
|    |conexiuni (DIMM). Acest tip de modul se     |    sau     |Nota nr. 2     |
|    |compune din mai multe cipuri DRAM montate pe|   urmeaza  |de la          |
|    |o mica placa cu circuite imprimate. Cei doi |   regimul  |Sectiunea XVI  |
|    |pini opusi de pe cele doua parti ale placii |   masinii  |               |
|    |raman izolati electric unul de altul astfel |    sau     |               |
|    |incat formeaza doua contacte electrice      |    8548    |               |
|    |distincte. Modulul se aplica vertical pe    |            |               |
|    |fisele de extensie. Modulele DIMM sunt      |            |               |
|    |deseori utilizate in configuratiile de      |            |               |
|    |calculatoare sustinute de o magistrala de   |            |               |
|    |memorie (memory bus) de minimum 64 biti.    |            |               |
|    |Aceste configuratii raspund noilor          |            |               |
|    |procesoare puternice, de exemplu procesoare |            |               |
|    |Intel Pentium.                              |            |               |
| 15.|Unitati de spalare concepute pentru         |   8479.89  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |curatarea si gravarea suprafetelor placilor |            |(Nota 3 de la  |
|    |de siliciu (wafer) precum si inlaturarea    |            |Sectiunea XVI) |
|    |materiilor straine inutile de pe aceste     |            |si 6           |
|    |suprafete, prin imersarea placilor, perioade|            |               |
|    |determinate de timp, in compartimentele baii|            |               |
|    |care contin produse chimice si/sau apa      |            |               |
|    |demineralizata. Aceste unitati sunt compuse |            |               |
|    |din diferite module (unitati de interfata,  |            |               |
|    |bai chimice, bai de limpezire, uscatoare si |            |               |
|    |unitati de transfer) al caror numar, ordine |            |               |
|    |si combinare depinde de functionarea        |            |               |
|    |fiecarui model si de rezultatul scontat.    |            |               |
| 16.|"Bain-marie" din otel inoxidabil (model     |   8516.79  |RGI nr. 1 si 6 |
|    |"RONDO 1/1 GN", nr. 2509-697), cu capac     |            |               |
|    |"roll-top", echipata in partea de jos cu un |            |               |
|    |sistem amovibil de incalzire electrica, cu  |            |               |
|    |reglaj termic, care se fixeaza prin         |            |               |
|    |insurubare si se asaza in contact cu        |            |               |
|    |recipientul cu apa pentru a asigura         |            |               |
|    |transferul de caldura. Este formata dintr-o |            |               |
|    |parte superioara care se deschide in sus, ce|            |               |
|    |poate avea 50 sau 70 cm, functie de tip. Sub|            |               |
|    |platou, un recipient ce contine apa,        |            |               |
|    |pastreaza alimentele la cald. Acesta are o  |            |               |
|    |lungime de 66 cm, o latime de 48 cm, o      |            |               |
|    |inaltime de 40 cm si o capacitate de maxim  |            |               |
|    |14 l. Este utilizata la pastrarea           |            |               |
|    |alimentelor la cald prin procedeul          |            |               |
|    |"bain-marie" (recipientele ce contin        |            |               |
|    |alimentele de incalzit sunt asezate in apa  |            |               |
|    |calda, mentinuta la o temperatura constanta |            |               |
|    |prin incalzire electrica), in unitatile unde|            |               |
|    |se serveste masa (in special hoteluri).     |            |               |
| 17.|Echipamente de radiocomunicatie ce permit   |   8525.20  |RGI nr. 1,     |
|    |efectuarea unei legaturi de telecomunicatie |            |Nota nr. 4     |
|    |intre doua puncte aflate la distanta si care|            |de la          |
|    |sunt concepute pentru a functiona impreuna, |            |Sectiunea XVI  |
|    |prin interconectarea urmatoarelor:          |            |               |
|    | 1) - o unitate centrala ce cuprinde 4      |            |               |
|    | emitatoare si 4 receptoare radio,          |            |               |
|    | 2) - un modul sistem de comutare care      |            |               |
|    | permite atenuarea eventualelor deficiente  |            |               |
|    | ale receptoarelor,                         |            |               |
|    | 3) - un modul de gestionare a retelei      |            |               |
|    | emitator-receptor.                         |            |               |
| 18.|Autoturism echipat cu un sistem de propulsie|   8703.2   |RGI nr. 3 b)   |
|    |"hibrid", care asociaza un motor cu piston  |            |si 6           |
|    |cu aprindere prin scanteie (motor cu 4      |            |               |
|    |cilindri in linie, din aluminiu, 1497 cc,   |            |               |
|    |16 supape, putere maxima de 53 kW la 4500   |            |               |
|    |rot/min (72 CP DIN) si un motor electric    |            |               |
|    |(magnet permanent (2CM), putere maxima de   |            |               |
|    |33kW la 1040-5600 rot/min (45 CP DIN)),     |            |               |
|    |In sistemul "hibrid" un sistem de comanda   |            |               |
|    |complicat permite motorului cu benzina si   |            |               |
|    |motorului electric sa functioneze impreuna. |            |               |
|    |Astfel, atunci cand necesarul de putere este|            |               |
|    |mic (pornire, deplasare cu viteza mica sau  |            |               |
|    |oprire), masina este propulsata de catre    |            |               |
|    |motorul electric. Dupa aceasta, pe masura ce|            |               |
|    |se trece la o deplasare normala, este pornit|            |               |
|    |motorul cu benzina care asigura doua        |            |               |
|    |functiuni: actioneaza alternatorul ce       |            |               |
|    |alimenteaza motorul electric care antreneaza|            |               |
|    |rotile si contribuie si el la antrenarea    |            |               |
|    |rotilor. Un dispozitiv de comanda conduce   |            |               |
|    |aceasta functie pentru a asigura o eficienta|            |               |
|    |maxima. In cazul unei acceleratii la maxim, |            |               |
|    |sistemul de propulsare este ajutat cu un    |            |               |
|    |supliment de putere provenind de la motorul |            |               |
|    |electric alimentat de catre baterie. In     |            |               |
|    |sfarsit, in cazul incetinirii sau franarii, |            |               |
|    |rotile antreneaza motorul electric, care se |            |               |
|    |comporta ca un alternator si incarca        |            |               |
|    |bateria. Atunci cand soferul opreste        |            |               |
|    |vehiculul, motorul cu benzina se opreste    |            |               |
|    |automat. Totusi, atunci cand este necesara  |            |               |
|    |incarcarea bateriei si/sau punerea in       |            |               |
|    |functiune a compresorului climatizorului,   |            |               |
|    |motorul cu benzina continua sa functioneze. |            |               |
|    |Incarcarea bateriei se realizeaza atunci    |            |               |
|    |cand vehiculul stationeaza sau cand         |            |               |
|    |necesarul de putere la nivelul motorului cu |            |               |
|    |benzina este mic. Motorul cu benzina        |            |               |
|    |actioneaza alternatorul atunci cand este    |            |               |
|    |necesara incarcarea bateriei pana la        |            |               |
|    |umplere.                                    |            |               |
| 19.|Trotinete de tip bicicleta, actionate cu    |   8712.00  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |ajutorul unei pedale, concepute a fi        |            |               |
|    |folosite de catre copii, adolescenti si     |            |               |
|    |adulti, echipate cu o coloana de directie   |            |               |
|    |reglabila si un ghidon tip bicicleta, roti  |            |               |
|    |gonflabile, un cadru si frane actionate de  |            |               |
|    |mana. Aceste trotinete sunt prevazute cu un |            |               |
|    |singur pinion de lant fixat la pedala.      |            |               |
| 20.|Trotinete-carucior cu trei roti, concepute  |   8716.80  |RGI nr. 1 si 6 |
|    |pentru transportul marfurilor, echipate cu o|            |               |
|    |coloana de directie nereglabila, roti mici, |            |               |
|    |pline (doua in fata si una in spate), o     |            |               |
|    |platforma pentru incarcarea marfurilor      |            |               |
|    |instalata deasupra celor doua roti din fata |            |               |
|    |si o frana de picior pe roata din spate.    |            |               |
| 21.|"Kicksled" care este actionat de presiunea  |   8716.80  |               |
|    |directa a piciorului pe zapada ce acopera   |            |               |
|    |solul si poate fi de asemenea impins cu     |            |               |
|    |mana.                                       |            |               |
| 22.|Trotinete cu doua roti, concepute a fi      |   9501.00  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |folosite de catre copii, formate dintr-o    |            |               |
|    |platforma, o coloana de directie nereglabila|            |               |
|    |si roti mici, pline.                        |            |               |
| 23.|Trotinete cu doua roti, concepute a fi      |   9501.00  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |folosite de catre copii, adolescenti si     |            |               |
|    |adulti, formate dintr-o platforma, o coloana|            |               |
|    |de directie reglabila, roti mici, pline, si |            |               |
|    |o frana de picior pe roata din spate.       |            |               |

    ANEXA 2*)

    *) Anexa nr. 2 este reprodusa in facsimil.

         Deciziile referitoare la interpretarea Sistemului armonizat,
     emise de Comitetul Sistemului armonizat la sesiunea 29 din anul 2002

|Nr. |          Descrierea produsului             |Clasificarea| Argumentarea  |
|crt.|                                            | in Sistemul| clasificarii  |
|    |                                            |  armonizat |               |
|  1.|Substituent de lapte pentru cafea continand |   2106.90  |               |
|    |sirop de glucoza, grasime vegetala solida   |            |               |
|    |emulsionata, substante din lapte (lactoza)  |            |               |
|    |si mai multi aditivi.                       |            |               |
|  2.|Substituent de lapte pentru cafea continand |   2106.90  |RGI nr. 1 si 6 |
|    |55% sirop de glucoza, 22% grasime vegetala  |            |               |
|    |solida emulsionata, 18% lapte praf degresat,|            |               |
|    |3% apa si 2% stabilizator (E340).           |            |               |
|  3.|Produse cu o anumita denumire comuna        |Capitolul 29|               |
|    |internationala (DCI) (lista A de la         |            |               |
|    |sfarsitul anexei)                           |            |               |
|  4.|Produse cu o anumita denumire comuna        |Capitolul 29|               |
|    |internationala (DCI) (lista B de la         |            |               |
|    |sfarsitul anexei)                           |            |               |
|  5.|Produse cu o anumita denumire comuna        | Capitolele |               |
|    |internationala (DCI) (lista C de la         | 28, 29, 30 |               |
|    |sfarsitul anexei)                           |   si 35    |               |
|  6.|Produse chimice sub incidenta Conventiei    | Capitolele |               |
|    |Armelor Chimice (lista D de la sfarsitul    | 28, 29, 30 |               |
|    |anexei)                                     |   si 38    |               |
|  7.|Sucraloza (indulcitor de sinteza)           |   2932.19  |               |
|  8.|Prasteron si tibolon                        |   2937.29  |               |
|  9.|Tiamfenicol si florfenicol                  |   2941.40  |               |
| 10.|Timostimulin                                |   3001.20  |               |
| 11.|Substituent de grefa osoasa fabricat din    |   3004.20  |RGI nr. 1 si 6 |
|    |sulfat de calciu de calitate medicala care  |            |               |
|    |contine 4% sulfat de tobramicin. Produsul   |            |               |
|    |este prezentat sub forma de pastile de forma|            |               |
|    |cilindrica (4,8 mm diametru), cu geometrie  |            |               |
|    |regulata si este conditionat pentru vanzare |            |               |
|    |in flacoane sterile de capacitate 5 cm^3,   |            |               |
|    |10 cm^3 si 20 cm^3.                         |            |               |
| 12.|Produse pe baza de argila cu adaos de acid, |   3802.90  |RGI nr. 1 si 6 |
|    |obtinute prin adaugarea controlata de acid  |            |               |
|    |sulfuric unui amestec de argile naturale de |            |               |
|    |tipul paligorskit (atapulgit) si smectit.   |            |               |
|    |Dupa adaugarea acidului sulfuric, produsul  |            |               |
|    |argilos albit obtinut nu se spala cu apa ci |            |               |
|    |este uscat si pulverizat in particule de    |            |               |
|    |marimea dorita.                             |            |               |
| 13.|Pelicule din polipropilena orientate        |   3920.20  |               |
|    |bi-axial (BOPP) de tipul celor utilizate in |            |               |
|    |fabricarea bancnotelor. Pelicula este       |            |               |
|    |acoperita pe ambele parti printr-un procedeu|            |               |
|    |de imprimare. In cadrul acestui procedeu, pe|            |               |
|    |pelicula se aplica mai multe straturi       |            |               |
|    |speciale si elemente de securitate vizibile,|            |               |
|    |cum ar fi umbrele si firele magnetice,      |            |               |
|    |ferestrele transparente, hologramele si     |            |               |
|    |filtrele metamerice (colorate). Pelicula    |            |               |
|    |este prezentata sub forma de file.          |            |               |
|    |Dimensiunea si design-ul filelor se         |            |               |
|    |determina pe baza dimensiunii si a          |            |               |
|    |design-ului particulare ale bancnotelor care|            |               |
|    |vor fi imprimate pe film.                   |            |               |
| 14.|Cititor de DVD-ROM, cititor de DVD          |   8471.70  |RGI nr. 1      |
|    |inscriptibil si cititor de DVD              |            |(Nota 5B) de la|
|    |reinscriptibil (de exemplu, DVD-R, DVD-RAM, |            |Capitolul 84)  |
|    |DVD-RW SI DVD-RW). Acestea functioneaza     |            |si 6           |
|    |exact ca cititorul de CD-ROM inscriptibil si|            |               |
|    |reinscriptibil (de exemplu, CD-R si CD-RW). |            |               |
|    |Adica permit utilizatorilor sa acceseze (sa |            |               |
|    |citeasca si/sau sa scrie) mari cantitati de |            |               |
|    |date, de 7 - 28 de ori mai mari decat       |            |               |
|    |CD-urile conventionale (650 MB). Acestea nu |            |               |
|    |pot functiona ca aparate autonome si trebuie|            |               |
|    |conectate la o masina automata de prelucrare|            |               |
|    |a datelor care comanda toate functiunile    |            |               |
|    |(pornire, oprire, cautare, transfer de      |            |               |
|    |date).                                      |            |               |
|    |                                            |            |               |
|    |Masina automata de prelucrare a datelor     |            |               |
|    |precizeaza toate informatiile de care are   |            |               |
|    |nevoie de pe disc. Cititorul de DVD-ROM     |            |               |
|    |regaseste informatiile digitale (serie de 1 |            |               |
|    |si 0) pe disc din locatia specificata de    |            |               |
|    |masina automata de prelucrare a datelor si, |            |               |
|    |apoi, transfera informatiile masinii. In    |            |               |
|    |timpul acestui proces nu este necesar ca    |            |               |
|    |cititorul de DVD-ROM sa cunoasca continutul |            |               |
|    |informatiilor digitale pe care le transfera |            |               |
|    |alternativ. Cititorului de DVD-ROM ii       |            |               |
|    |lipsesc toate componentele (hardware si     |            |               |
|    |software) necesare pentru transformarea     |            |               |
|    |informatiilor pe disc in text sau imagini   |            |               |
|    |vizibile. Cititorului de DVD ii lipsesc, de |            |               |
|    |asemenea, toate componentele (hardware si   |            |               |
|    |software) necesare (inclusiv decriptare,    |            |               |
|    |decodare MPEG-2, crearea imaginilor video si|            |               |
|    |portile output necesare, cum ar fi          |            |               |
|    |componente video, S-video si/sau            |            |               |
|    |Componentele Video) care sunt incluse, in   |            |               |
|    |mod normal, intr-un cititor de DVD.         |            |               |
| 15.|Sistem compus dintr-un cititor de CD-ROM    |   8519.99  |               |
|    |utilizat pentru citirea fisierelor de format|            |               |
|    |MP3, constand din software-ul pentru citirea|            |               |
|    |fisierelor de format MP3, o telecomanda si  |            |               |
|    |cablurile de conectare, pentru instalarea   |            |               |
|    |intr-un autovehicul. Sistemul este conectat |            |               |
|    |la un radio de masina, care nu este inclus  |            |               |
|    |in acest sistem.                            |            |               |
| 16.|Aparat portabil alimentat cu baterii,       |   8520.90  |               |
|    |compus dintr-o carcasa care contine o       |            |               |
|    |memorie flash si un microprocesor sub forma |            |               |
|    |de circuite integrate (cipuri), un sistem   |            |               |
|    |electronic care contine un amplificator de  |            |               |
|    |frecvente audio, un dispozitiv de afisare cu|            |               |
|    |cristale lichide, un microfon si butoane de |            |               |
|    |comanda. Microprocesorul este programat     |            |               |
|    |pentru software MP3. Aparatul are elemente  |            |               |
|    |de conectare pentru casti stereofonice si   |            |               |
|    |poate fi conectat la o masina automata de   |            |               |
|    |prelucrare a datelor in vederea incarcarii  |            |               |
|    |sau descarcarii fisierelor de format MP3 sau|            |               |
|    |a altor fisiere (utilizand un port paralel  |            |               |
|    |sau USB). Poate avea si o fanta pentru card |            |               |
|    |flash. Capacitatea sa de stocare variaza de |            |               |
|    |la 32 la 64 MB.                             |            |               |
| 17.|Aparat portabil alimentat cu baterii, compus|   8520.90  |               |
|    |dintr-o carcasa care contine o memorie flash|            |               |
|    |si un microprocesor sub forma de circuite   |            |               |
|    |integrate (cipuri), un sistem electronic    |            |               |
|    |care contine un amplificator de frecvente   |            |               |
|    |audio, un dispozitiv de afisare cu cristale |            |               |
|    |lichide, un microfon si butoane de comanda. |            |               |
|    |Microprocesorul este programat pentru       |            |               |
|    |software MP3. Aparatul are elemente de      |            |               |
|    |conectare pentru casti stereofonice si poate|            |               |
|    |fi conectat la o masina automata de         |            |               |
|    |prelucrare a datelor in vederea incarcarii  |            |               |
|    |sau descarcarii fisierelor de format MP3 sau|            |               |
|    |a altor fisiere (utilizand un port paralel  |            |               |
|    |sau USB). Capacitatea sa de stocare variaza |            |               |
|    |de la 32 la 64 MB. Poate contine,           |            |               |
|    |suplimentar, software care permite          |            |               |
|    |utilizarea ca agenda electronica sau agenda |            |               |
|    |telefonica.                                 |            |               |
| 18.|Aparat portabil alimentat cu baterii, compus|   8520.90  |               |
|    |dintr-un mecanism care contine un hard disk |            |               |
|    |si un microprocesor sub forma de circuite   |            |               |
|    |integrate (cipuri), un sistem electronic    |            |               |
|    |care contine un amplificator de frecvente   |            |               |
|    |audio, un dispozitiv de afisare cu cristale |            |               |
|    |lichide, un microfon si butoane de comanda. |            |               |
|    |Microprocesorul este programat pentru       |            |               |
|    |software MP3. Aparatul are elemente de      |            |               |
|    |conectare pentru casti stereofonice si poate|            |               |
|    |fi conectat la o masina automata de         |            |               |
|    |prelucrare a datelor in vederea incarcarii  |            |               |
|    |sau descarcarii fisierelor de format MP3 sau|            |               |
|    |a altor fisiere (utilizand un port paralel  |            |               |
|    |sau USB). Capacitatea sa de stocare este de |            |               |
|    |40 MB. Aparatul poate contine, suplimentar, |            |               |
|    |software care permite utilizarea ca agenda  |            |               |
|    |electronica sau agenda telefonica.          |            |               |
| 19.|Aparat care incorporeaza un cititor de CD,  |   8520.90  |               |
|    |un microprocesor, o memorie flash sau un    |            |               |
|    |hard disk, un dispozitiv de afisare cu      |            |               |
|    |cristale lichide, butoane de comanda,       |            |               |
|    |conectori de intrare pentru semnale audio   |            |               |
|    |analogice si pentru un microfon si conectori|            |               |
|    |de iesire pentru semnale audio, S-video si  |            |               |
|    |video complete, conectori paraleli si USB   |            |               |
|    |pentru incarcarea sau descarcarea fisierelor|            |               |
|    |format MP3 catre sau de la o masina automata|            |               |
|    |de prelucrare a datelor sau catre sau de la |            |               |
|    |un cititor de fisiere format MP3 portabil si|            |               |
|    |un port ethernet pentru conectarea la o     |            |               |
|    |retea locala sau la Internet. Conectarea la |            |               |
|    |un receptor TV ofera utilizatorului o       |            |               |
|    |interfata grafica pentru editarea listelor  |            |               |
|    |de alegere si navigare, la fel ca si        |            |               |
|    |afisarea imaginilor animate. Aparatul este  |            |               |
|    |programat sa citeasca formatul MP3 ca si    |            |               |
|    |alte formate audio comprimate si poate      |            |               |
|    |inregistra semnale audio analogice sau voce.|            |               |
| 20.|Aparat care incorporeaza un cititor de CD,  |   8520.90  |               |
|    |un microprocesor, o memorie flash sau un    |            |               |
|    |hard disk, un dispozitiv de afisare cu      |            |               |
|    |cristale lichide, butoane de comanda si     |            |               |
|    |conectori de iesire pentru audio (casti,    |            |               |
|    |boxe sau la un sistem stereo). Aparatul     |            |               |
|    |accepta mai multe formate (CD-DA, MP3 etc.) |            |               |
|    |si citeste CD-uri standard, CD-R si CD-RW.  |            |               |
|    |Functiunile aparatului pot fi controlate cu |            |               |
|    |o telecomanda cu infrarosii.                |            |               |
| 21.|Cititor de DVD care incorporeaza un decodor |   8521.90  |               |
|    |pentru fisiere format MP3.                  |            |               |
| 22.|Cititoare de DVD reprezentand un dispozitiv |   8521.90  |RGI nr. 1 si 6 |
|    |de citire optica a discurilor special       |            |               |
|    |proiectat pentru a transforma informatiile  |            |               |
|    |digitale in semnale video si audio destinate|            |               |
|    |a fi utilizate de receptoarele TV sau       |            |               |
|    |sistemele audio. Cititoarele de DVD citesc  |            |               |
|    |discurile DVD care contin informatii video  |            |               |
|    |codate, utilizand sistemul de comprimare    |            |               |
|    |MPEG-2 la un raport de 40 la 1. Aceste      |            |               |
|    |discuri contin diferite piste audio si      |            |               |
|    |pentru sisteme cu canale multiple 5 + 1, la |            |               |
|    |fel ca si pentru sisteme stereo. Cititorul  |            |               |
|    |de DVD utilizeaza un fascicul laser pentru  |            |               |
|    |a citi pistele cu densitate foarte mare     |            |               |
|    |care sunt gravate pe discurile optice.      |            |               |
|    |Semnalul citit de fasciculul laser parcurge |            |               |
|    |mai multe etape de corectare a erorilor, de |            |               |
|    |decodare si de decomprimare inainte de a fi |            |               |
|    |transformat dintr-un semnal digital intr-un |            |               |
|    |semnal analogic care poate fi transmis la un|            |               |
|    |receptor TV.                                |            |               |
|    |                                            |            |               |
|    |Cititorul de DVD functioneaza in intregime  |            |               |
|    |autonom (nu este necesara o masina automata |            |               |
|    |de prelucrare a datelor). Acesta citeste    |            |               |
|    |sistemul de fisiere in vederea determinarii |            |               |
|    |amplasarii fisierelor video, preia fisierele|            |               |
|    |de pe disc si prelucreaza informatiile in   |            |               |
|    |vederea redarii (decripteaza informatiile,  |            |               |
|    |separa informatiile de navigare de cele     |            |               |
|    |video/audio, transforma in imagini video/   |            |               |
|    |audio informatiile care sunt comprimate in  |            |               |
|    |format MPEG-2). Include hardware in vederea |            |               |
|    |crearii de semnale compatibile pentru       |            |               |
|    |receptor TV sau pentru sistem audio stereo  |            |               |
|    |(convertoare pentru transformarea datelor   |            |               |
|    |numerice in date analogice) si hardware     |            |               |
|    |pentru controlul navigatiei (rapid inainte, |            |               |
|    |inversare, pauza, zoom etc.).               |            |               |
| 23.|Dispozitiv de stocare a datelor in stare    |   8523.90  |               |
|    |remanenta, pe baza de semiconductori        |            |               |
|    |(cunoscut sub denumirea de "placa de        |            |               |
|    |memorie" sau "placa de memorie electronica  |            |               |
|    |flash"), avand o capacitate de stocare de   |            |               |
|    |192 MB, constand dintr-o placa cu circuite  |            |               |
|    |imprimate pe care sunt montate (i) una sau  |            |               |
|    |mai multe memorii flash, prezentate sub     |            |               |
|    |forma unor circuite integrate ("FLASH       |            |               |
|    |E2PROM"), (ii) un microdispozitiv de control|            |               |
|    |prezentat sub forma unui circuit integrat,  |            |               |
|    |(iii) un anumit numar de condensatori si    |            |               |
|    |rezistente, si (iv) o fisa de conectare.    |            |               |
|    |Dimensiunile dispozitivului sunt de         |            |               |
|    |aproximativ 85 mm x 54 mm x 4 mm.           |            |               |
|    |                                            |            |               |
|    |Datele provenite din surse externe (cum ar  |            |               |
|    |fi sisteme de navigare si pozitionare       |            |               |
|    |globala prin satelit, terminale de          |            |               |
|    |colectare a datelor, scanere portabile,     |            |               |
|    |materiale de monitorizare medicala, aparate |            |               |
|    |de inregistrare audio, receptoare personale |            |               |
|    |de mesaje ("pagere"), telefoane mobile si   |            |               |
|    |aparate foto digitale) pot fi stocate si    |            |               |
|    |citite de pe placa odata ce aceasta a fost  |            |               |
|    |conectata la aparatul respectiv. Datele pot |            |               |
|    |fi incarcate si intr-o masina automata de   |            |               |
|    |prelucrare a datelor utilizand un adaptor   |            |               |
|    |special. Capacitatile de stocare ale        |            |               |
|    |placilor variaza de la 2 MB pana la 500 MB. |            |               |
|    |Placa nu utilizeaza alimentarea decat de la |            |               |
|    |aparatele la care este conectata.           |            |               |
| 24.|Dispozitiv de stocare a datelor in stare    |   8523.90  |               |
|    |remanenta, pe baza de semiconductori        |            |               |
|    |(cunoscut sub denumirea de "placa de        |            |               |
|    |memorie" sau "placa de memorie electronica  |            |               |
|    |flash"), avand o capacitate de stocare de   |            |               |
|    |192 MB, constand dintr-o placa cu circuite  |            |               |
|    |imprimate pe care sunt montate una sau mai  |            |               |
|    |multe memorii flash ("FLASH E2PROM") si un  |            |               |
|    |dispozitiv de control prezentate sub forma  |            |               |
|    |unor circuite integrate si elemente pasive, |            |               |
|    |cum ar fi condensatori si rezistente, ale   |            |               |
|    |caror piste si gauri de conectare sunt din  |            |               |
|    |cupru, precum si o fisa de conectare.       |            |               |
|    |Dimensiunile dispozitivului sunt de         |            |               |
|    |aproximativ 43 mm x 36 mm x 4 mm. Diversele |            |               |
|    |componente sunt montate, utilizand          |            |               |
|    |tehnologia de montaj pe suprafata, pe o     |            |               |
|    |placa cu circuite imprimate, care ulterior  |            |               |
|    |este incapsulata sau incorporata intr-un    |            |               |
|    |card de plastic. Placa cu circuite imprimate|            |               |
|    |nu este obtinuta prin tehnologia circuitelor|            |               |
|    |cu straturi subtiri sau groase.             |            |               |
|    |                                            |            |               |
|    |Datele provenite din surse externe (cum ar  |            |               |
|    |fi sisteme de navigare si pozitionare       |            |               |
|    |globala prin satelit, terminale de colectare|            |               |
|    |a datelor, scanere portabile, materiale de  |            |               |
|    |monitorizare medicala, aparate de           |            |               |
|    |inregistrare audio, receptoare personale de |            |               |
|    |mesaje ("pagere"), telefoane mobile si      |            |               |
|    |aparate foto digitale) pot fi stocate si    |            |               |
|    |citite de pe placa odata ce aceasta a fost  |            |               |
|    |conectata la aparatul respectiv. Datele pot |            |               |
|    |fi incarcate si intr-o masina automata de   |            |               |
|    |prelucrare a datelor, utilizand un adaptor  |            |               |
|    |special. Capacitatile de stocare ale        |            |               |
|    |placilor variaza de la 2 MB pana la 500 MB. |            |               |
|    |Placa nu utilizeaza alimentarea decat de la |            |               |
|    |aparatele la care este conectata.           |            |               |
| 25.|Dispozitiv de stocare a datelor in stare    |   8523.90  |               |
|    |remanenta, pe baza de semiconductori        |            |               |
|    |(cunoscut sub denumirea de "placa de        |            |               |
|    |memorie" sau "placa de memorie electronica  |            |               |
|    |flash"), avand o capacitate de stocare de   |            |               |
|    |64 MB, constand dintr-o placa cu circuite   |            |               |
|    |imprimate pe care sunt montate doua memorii |            |               |
|    |flash ("FLASH E2PROM") prezentate sub forma |            |               |
|    |unor circuite integrate, echipate cu puncte |            |               |
|    |de contact electric plate. Circuitele       |            |               |
|    |integrate sunt montate pe placa cu circuite |            |               |
|    |imprimate cu rasina epoxidica, placa fiind  |            |               |
|    |ulterior fixata prin lipire de un cadru din |            |               |
|    |material plastic. Placa cu circuit imprimat |            |               |
|    |nu este obtinuta prin tehnologia circuitelor|            |               |
|    |cu straturi subtiri sau groase. Dimensiunile|            |               |
|    |dispozitivului sunt de aproximativ 45 mm x  |            |               |
|    |37 mm x 2 mm.                               |            |               |
|    |                                            |            |               |
|    |Datele provenite din surse externe (cum ar  |            |               |
|    |fi sisteme de navigare si pozitionare       |            |               |
|    |globala prin satelit, terminale de colectare|            |               |
|    |a datelor, scanere portabile, materiale de  |            |               |
|    |monitorizare medicala, aparate de           |            |               |
|    |inregistrare audio, receptoare personale de |            |               |
|    |mesaje ("pagere"), telefoane mobile si      |            |               |
|    |aparate foto digitale) pot fi stocate si    |            |               |
|    |citite de pe placa odata ce aceasta a fost  |            |               |
|    |conectata la aparatul respectiv. Datele pot |            |               |
|    |fi incarcate si intr-o masina automata de   |            |               |
|    |prelucrare a datelor utilizand un adaptor   |            |               |
|    |special. Capacitatile de stocare ale        |            |               |
|    |placilor variaza de la 2 MB pana la 500 MB. |            |               |
|    |Placa nu utilizeaza alimentarea decat de la |            |               |
|    |aparatele la care este conectata.           |            |               |
| 26.|Aparat portabil care functioneaza cu        |   8527.13  |               |
|    |baterii, constand dintr-o carcasa care are  |            |               |
|    |incorporata o memorie flash si un           |            |               |
|    |microprocesor sub forma unor circuite       |            |               |
|    |integrate (cipuri), un sistem electronic    |            |               |
|    |care include un amplificator de frecvente   |            |               |
|    |audio, un dispozitiv de afisare cu cristale |            |               |
|    |lichide, un microfon, un tuner radio si     |            |               |
|    |butoane de control. Microprocesorul este    |            |               |
|    |programat pentru software MP3. Aparatul     |            |               |
|    |are elemente de conectare pentru casti      |            |               |
|    |stereofonice si pentru telecomanda si poate |            |               |
|    |fi conectat la o masina automata de         |            |               |
|    |prelucrare a datelor in vederea incarcarii  |            |               |
|    |sau descarcarii fisierelor de format MP3    |            |               |
|    |sau a altor fisiere (utilizand un port      |            |               |
|    |paralel sau USB). Capacitatea sa de stocare |            |               |
|    |variaza in mod obisnuit de la 32 MB pana    |            |               |
|    |la 64 MB.                                   |            |               |


|      DCI                       | Clasificare |
| Alemcinal                      |   2932.29   |
| (Lista 82)                     |             |
| Evernimicin                    |   2941.90   |
| (Lista 82)                     |             |
| Metreleptin                    |   2937.19   |
| (Lista 82)                     |             |
| Onercept                       |   2934.99   |
| (Lista 82)                     |             |
| Pegvisomant                    |   2937.19   |
| (Lista 82)                     |             |
| Doripenem                      |   2941.90   |
| (Lista 83)                     |             |
| Fondaparinux sodium (Lista 83),|   2932.99   |
| (Lista 83), inlocuieste        |             |
| Fondaparin sodium (Lista 79)   |             |
| Leridistim                     |   2934.99   |
| (Lista 80)                     |             |



|      DCI                       | Clasificare |
| Adrogolide                     |   2934.99   |
| Altinicline                    |   2933.99   |
| Ataquimast                     |   2933.99   |
| Bilastine                      |   2933.39   |
| Bulaquine                      |   2934.99   |
| Cangrelor                      |   2934.99   |
| Conivaptan                     |   2933.99   |
| Darusentan                     |   2933.59   |
| Emfilermin                     |   2933.29   |
| Eptapirone                     |   2933.69   |
| Everolimus                     |   2934.99   |
| Ezlopitant                     |   2933.39   |
| Fiduxosin                      |   2934.99   |
| Figopitant                     |   2933.59   |
| Implitapide                    |   2933.99   |
| Irampanel                      |   2934.99   |
| Lanicemine                     |   2933.39   |
| Lusaperidone                   |   2934.99   |
| Motexafin                      |   2933.99   |
| Nebostinel                     |   2924.29   |
| Pinokalant                     |   2933.49   |
| Posaconazole                   |   2934.99   |
| Pumafentrine                   |   2933.99   |
| Radolmidine                    |   2933.29   |
| Relcovaptan                    |   2935.00   |
| Repifermin                     |   2933.29   |
| Resiquimod                     |   2933.99   |
| Rubitecan                      |   2939.99   |
| Sulamserod                     |   2935.00   |
| Valrocemide                    |   2924.19   |
| Vofopitant                     |   2933.39   |


|   DCI                          | Clasificare |
| Atrasentan                     |   2934.99   |
| Capromorelin                   |   2933.99   |
| Cridanimod                     |   2933.99   |
| Ecraprost                      |   2937.50   |
| Ensulizole                     |   2933.99   |
| Fosfluconazole                 |   2933.99   |
| Isatoribine                    |   2934.99   |
| Lixivaptan                     |   2933.99   |
| Melevodopa                     |   2922.50   |
| Norelgestromin                 |   2937.29   |
| Opaviraline                    |   2933.99   |
| Opebacan                       |   2934.99   |
| Paliperidone                   |   2934.99   |
| Rostaporfin                    |   2933.99   |
| Rotigotine                     |   2934.99   |
| Sitaxentan                     |   2935.00   |
| Talaporfin                     |   2933.99   |
| Tolvaptan                      |   2933.99   |


|   DCI                          | Clasificare |
| Anecortave                     |   2937.29   |
| (Lista 80 a Organizatiei       |             |
| Mondiale a Sanatatii)          |             |
| Exatecan                       |   2939.99   |
| (Lista 81 a Organizatiei       |             |
| Mondiale a Sanatatii)          |             |


|   DCI                          | Clasificare |
| Midaxifylline                  |   2939.59   |
| (Lista 79 a Organizatiei       |             |
| Mondiale a Sanatatii)          |             |
| Corifollitropin alfa           |   2934.99   |
| (Lista 80 a Organizatiei       |             |
| Mondiale a Sanatatii)          |             |



|   DCI                          | Clasificare |
| Acid carglumic                 |   2924.19   |
| Acid lidadronic                |   2931.00   |
| Agalsidase alfa                |   3507.90   |
| Agalsidase beta                |   3507.90   |
| Aprepitant                     |   2934.99   |
| Balaglitazone                  |   2934.10   |
| Bimosiamose                    |   2940.00   |
| Brostallicin                   |   2933.99   |
| Edotreotide                    |   2934.99   |
| Edronocaine                    |   2922.19   |
| Eflucimibe                     |   2930.90   |
| Eganoprost                     |   2937.50   |
| Emodepside                     |   2934.99   |
| Erlizumab                      |   3002.10   |
| Ertapenem                      |   2941.90   |
| Etoricoxib                     |   2933.39   |
| Eufauserase                    |   3507.90   |
| Farglitazar                    |   2934.99   |
| Gavilimomab                    |   3002.10   |
| Gemopatrilat                   |   2933.79   |
| Imatinib                       |   2933.59   |
| Lemalesomab                    |   3002.10   |
| Litomeglovir                   |   2935.00   |
| Mozenavir                      |   2933.99   |
| Navuridine                     |   2934.99   |
| Neramexane                     |   2921.30   |
| Nolomirole                     |   2922.29   |
| Omaciclovir                    |   2933.59   |
| Omalizumab                     |   3002.10   |
| Pipendoxifene                  |   2933.39   |
| Pradofloxacin                  |   2933.49   |
| Reglitazar                     |   2934.99   |
| Rivoglitazone                  |   2934.10   |
| Sabiporide                     |   2933.59   |
| Safinamide                     |   2924.29   |
| Soneclosan                     |   2909.50   |
| Taplitumomab paptox            |   3002.10   |
| Tezacitabine                   |   2934.99   |
| Tidembersat                    |   2932.99   |
| Tilmacoxib                     |   2935.00   |
| Tomeglovir                     |   2935.00   |
| Tridolgosir                    |   2933.99   |
| Valomaciclovir                 |   2933.59   |
| Vatalanib                      |   2933.39   |
| Visilizumab                    |   3002.10   |
| Ximelagatran                   |   2933.99   |
| Zelandopam                     |   2933.49   |
| Ziralimumab                    |   3002.10   |


|   DCI                          | Clasificare |
| Acid gadocoletic               |   2846.90   |
| Afeletecan                     |   2939.99   |
| Alfimeprase                    |   3507.90   |
| Alilusem                       |   2933.49   |
| Ambrisentan                    |   2933.59   |
| Amdoxovir                      |   2934.99   |
| Amotosalen                     |   2932.29   |
| Caldaret                       |   2933.59   |
| Cipralisant                    |   2933.29   |
| Dalbavancin                    |   2941.90   |
| Ecalcidene                     |   2933.39   |
| Efalizumab                     |   3002.10   |
| Erlosamide                     |   2924.29   |
| Erlotinib                      |   2933.59   |
| Febuxostat                     |   2934.10   |
| Feloprentan                    |   2933.59   |
| Finafloxacin                   |   2934.99   |
| Gadomelitol                    |   2846.90   |
| Gefitinib                      |   2934.99   |
| Ingliforib                     |   2933.99   |
| Ipravacaine                    |   2933.39   |
| Iseganan                       |   2934.99   |
| Labetuzumab                    |   3002.10   |
| Laniquidar                     |   2933.49   |
| Laquinimod                     |   2933.79   |
| Laronidase                     |   3507.90   |
| Lirimilast                     |   2932.99   |
| Manifaxine                     |   2934.99   |
| Miglustat                      |   2933.39   |
| Miriplatin                     |   2843.90   |
| Nasaruplase beta               |   3507.90   |
| Netoglitazone                  |   2934.10   |
| Ospemifene                     |   2909.49   |
| Pexelizumab                    |   3002.10   |
| Ragaglitazar                   |   2934.99   |
| Reslizumab                     |   3002.10   |
| Ruboxistaurin                  |   2934.99   |
| Semaxanib                      |   2933.79   |
| Senazodan                      |   2933.39   |
| Silodosin                      |   2933.99   |
| Solifenacin                    |   2933.49   |
| Tadalafil                      |   2934.99   |
| Tafluposide                    |   2940.00   |
| Tesaglitazar                   |   2918.90   |
| Tofimilast                     |   2934.99   |
| Xidecaflur                     |   2922.19   |
| Zanapezil                      |   2933.39   |
| Zoniporide                     |   2933.49   |


Tabel  Denumire conform                 Numar CAS   Formula              Sub-
       registru CAS*                              moleculara           pozitia
Tabelul 1

A. Produse chimice toxice:

(1) O- Alkyl (<C10, incl. cycloalkyl) alkyl (Me, Et, n- Pr or i- Pr)-

1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 2-ethylhexyl ester      458-71-9    C9H20FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, methyl ester   648-59-9    C4H10FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, decyl ester             193090-25-4 C11H24FO2P           2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1,4-dimethylpentyl
       ester                            199850-62-9 C8H18FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1,3-dimethylbutyl ester 352-53-4    C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 2,3-dimethylbutyl ester 83563-66-0  C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 2-methylcyclohexyl
       ester                            85473-32-1  C8H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 4-methylcyclohexyl
       ester                            113548-87-1 C8H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       cyclohexyl ester                 7284-84-6   C8H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, 1-methylethyl
       ester                            665-33-8    C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       methyl ester                     665-03-2    C3H8FO2P             2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1,3,3-trimethylbutyl
       ester                            30593-65-8  C8H18FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1-ethylpropyl ester     66348-71-8  C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       1,2,2-trimethylpropyl ester      104801-09-4 C7H13D3FO2P          2845.90
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1-methyl-2-propynyl
       ester                            30593-71-6  C5H8FO2P             2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       propyl ester                     2992-95-2   C5H12FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       propyl-, cyclohexyl ester        28364-21-8  C9H18FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1-methylheptyl ester,
       [S-(R*,R*)]-                     24753-12-6  C9H20FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1-methylheptyl ester    22925-97-9  C9H20FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1-methylheptyl ester,
       [R-(R*,R*)]-                     22925-96-8  C9H20FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       2-methylpropyl ester             2261-83-8   C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       propyl-, 1-methylethyl ester     18358-37-7  C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       propyl-, propyl ester            18358-36-6  C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       butyl ester                      18358-34-4  C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       ethyl ester                      650-20-4    C4H10FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       pentyl ester                     162085-84-9 C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1,2,2-trimethylpropyl
       ester, (1S)-                     89254-45-5  C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1,2,2-trimethylpropyl
       ester, (1R)-                     89254-46-6  C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 3,3-dimethylbutyl ester 660-21-9    C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 3-methylbutyl ester     22107-46-6  C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, cyclohexyl ester        329-99-7    C7H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-d3, 1-methylethyl ester   104801-08-3 C4H7D3FO2P           2845.90
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1,2,2-trimethylpropyl
       ester, labelled with tritium     104801-10-7 C7H16FO2P            2844.40
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1-methylethyl ester     107-44-8    C4H10FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1,2,2-trimethylpropyl
       ester                            96-64-0     C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       1-methylethyl ester              1189-87-3   C5H12FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, nonyl ester             211192-74-4 C10H22FO2P           2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, cyclopentyl ester       7284-82-4   C6H12FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1-methylethyl ester,
       labelled with tritium            104801-07-2 C4H10FO2P            2844.40
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       1-methylpropyl ester             162085-83-8 C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, heptyl ester            162085-82-7 C8H18FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, cyclooctyl ester        14719-38-1  C9H18FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, octyl ester             144313-52-0 C9H20FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       isopropyl-, ethyl ester          1426-08-0   C5H12FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       ethyl-, hexyl ester              135445-19-1 C8H18FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, pentyl ester            13454-59-6  C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, phenyl ester            133826-40-1 C7H8FO2P             2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1-methylpentyl ester    13172-12-8  C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, hexyl ester             113548-89-3 C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 2-ethylbutyl ester      126204-48-6 C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 2-butenyl ester, (E)-   138780-00-4 C5H10FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, methyl ester            353-88-8    C2H6FO2P             2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, propyl ester            763-14-4    C4H10FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, (1S)-1,2,2-
       trimethylpropyl ester, [P(S)]-   24753-16-0  C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, (1S)-1,2,2-
       trimethylpropyl ester, [P(R)]-   24753-15-9  C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, (1R)-1,2,2-
       trimethylpropyl ester, [P(R)]-   22956-47-4  C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1-methylpropyl ester    352-52-3    C5H12FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 2-methylpropyl ester    2053-81-8   C5H12FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, butyl ester             352-63-6    C5H12FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       heptyl ester                     162085-85-0 C9H20FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 2,2-dimethylpropyl
       ester                            372-62-3    C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, (1R)-1,2,2-
       trimethylpropyl ester, [P(S)]-   22956-48-5  C7H16FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 1,2-dimethylpropyl
       ester                            6154-51-4   C6H14FO2P            2931.00
1A01   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, ethyl ester             673-97-2    C3H8FO2P             2931.00

(2) O- Alkyl (<C10, incl. cycloalkyl) N,N- dialkyl (Me, Et, n- Pr or i- Pr) phosphoramidocyanidates:

1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       dimethyl-, 1-methylethyl ester   63815-55-4  C6H13N2O2P           2931.00
1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       dimethyl-, methyl ester          63815-56-5  C4H9N2O2P            2931.00
1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       diethyl-, ethyl ester            63815-60-1  C7H15N2O2P           2931.00
1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       dimethyl-, propyl ester          162085-86-1 C6H13N2O2P           2931.00
1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       dimethyl-, pentyl ester          148461-87-4 C8H17N2O2P           2931.00
1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       dimethyl-, butyl ester           162085-87-2 C7H15N2O2P           2931.00
1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       dimethyl-, 2-methylpropyl ester  162085-88-3 C7H15N2O2P           2931.00
1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       dimethyl-, 1-methylpropyl ester  162085-89-4 C7H15N2O2P           2931.00
1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       dimethyl-, hexyl ester           162085-90-7 C9H19N2O2P           2931.00
1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       dimethyl-, heptyl ester          162085-91-8 C10H21N2O2P          2931.00
1A02   Phosphoramidocyanidic acid,
       dimethyl-, ethyl ester           77-81-6     C5H11N2O2P           2931.00

(3) O- Alkyl (H or <C10, incl. cycloalkyl) S- 2- dialkyl (Me, Et, n- Pr or i- Pr)- aminoethyl alkyl (Me, Et, n- Pr or i- Pr) phosphonothiolates and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts:

1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   108490-92-2 C6H16NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-ethyl ester, (R)- 65167-63-7  C11H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] ester               73207-98-4  C9H22NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    62512-68-9  C11H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl] ester 22925-98-0  C10H22NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[(ethylthio)methyl]
       ester                            33910-75-7  C6H15O2PS2           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid,
       isopropyl-, S-
       (2-diethylaminoethyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            99991-06-7  C11H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-ethyl ester, (S)- 65167-64-8  C11H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    20820-80-8  C7H18NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) ester          91134-95-1  C10H24NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       ethyl]thio]ethyl] ester          170082-85-6 C7H18NO2PS2          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(2-diethylaminoethyl) O-ethyl
       ester, oxalate                   108302-04-1 C10H24NO2PS.C2H2O4   2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2-methylpropyl) ester         56217-65-3  C9H22NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Benzenaminium,
       methyl sulfate                   41294-07-9  C13H23NO2PS.CH3O4S   2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[2-[(4-methoxyphenyl)
       methylamino]ethyl] ester         41294-05-7  C13H22NO3PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-cyclopentyl
       ester, (S)-                      102490-59-5 C14H30NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, propyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    218964-59-1 C9H22NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] ester               41294-04-6  C13H22NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(2-diethylaminoethyl) O-ethyl
       ester, p-toluenesulfonate        107059-49-4 C9H22NO2PS.C7H8O3S   2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[2-[(3-methoxyphenyl)
       methylamino]ethyl] ester         41294-02-4  C13H22NO3PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, propyl-,
       S-(2-diethylaminoethyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            99991-07-8  C11H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] ester               41294-01-3  C13H22NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Benzenaminium,
       dimethyl, methyl sulfate         41294-12-6  C14H25NO3PS.CH3O4S   2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, propyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-ethyl ester       218964-60-4 C13H30NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-cyclopentyl ester 85473-33-2  C14H30NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2-methylpropyl) ester         159939-87-4 C11H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Benzenaminium,
       methyl sulfate                   41294-08-0  C14H25NO2PS.CH3O4S   2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl ester, ethanedioate
       (1:1)                            2641-09-0   C7H18NO2PS.C2H2O4    2930.90
1A03   Benzenaminium,
       dimethyl-, methyl sulfate        41294-09-1  C14H25NO3PS.CH3O4S   2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    21770-86-5  C9H22NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-ethyl ester,
       (,+-,)-                          65167-64-8  C11H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Benzenaminium,
       methyl sulfate                   41294-11-5  C14H25NO2PS.CH3O4S   2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    98543-25-0  C8H20NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(2-diethylaminoethyl) O-ethyl
       ester, oxalate                   108776-13-2 C9H22NO2PS.C2H2O4    2930.90
1A03   Ethanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-2-
       phosphinyl]thio]-, iodide        1866-98-4   C9H23NO2PS.I         2930.90
1A03   Ethanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-2-
       [[methyl(1,2,2-trimethylpropoxy) 38770-03-5  C12H29NO2PS          2930.90
       phosphinyl)]thio]-                                                     *)
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-butyl ester       52364-46-2  C13H30NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Ethanaminium, 2-
       [(ethoxymethylphosphinyl)thio]-  56217-67-5  C8H21NO2PS           2930.90
       N,N,N-trimethyl-                                                       *)
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl
       O-methyl ester                   170800-77-8 C9H22NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(1-methylpropyl) ester,
       ethanedioate (1:1)               50929-97-0  C10H24NO2PS.C2H2O4   2930.90
1A03   Ethanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-2-
       [[methyl(1-methylethoxy)         56217-69-7  C9H23NO2PS           2930.90
       phosphinyl]thio]-                                                      *)
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-cyclohexyl S-[2-(diethylamino)
       ethyl] ester                     71293-89-5  C13H28NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-(1-methylethyl)
       ester                            162085-95-2 C13H30NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    21738-25-0  C10H24NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Ethanaminium,
       -N,N,N-trimethyl-, iodide        2478-92-4   C8H21NO2PS.I         2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) ester          21068-52-0  C8H20NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl] ester  21068-51-9  C7H18NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-butyl S-[2-(ethylthio)ethyl]
       ester                            21055-68-5  C9H21O2PS2           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       (1-methylethyl) ester,
       ethanedioate (1:1)               2478-93-5   C8H20NO2PS.C2H2O4    2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-propyl ester      52364-45-1  C12H28NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-ethyl ester       50782-69-9  C11H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-cyclopentyl S-[2-
       (dimethylamino)ethyl] ester,
       (S)-                             22925-95-7  C10H22NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]ester  34256-71-8  C5H14NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) ester          162085-92-9 C9H22NO2PS           2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl
       O-(1-methylethyl) ester          162085-93-0 C11H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-(1-methylethyl)
       ester                            51446-23-2  C12H28NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-cyclopentyl S-[2-
       (diethylamino)ethyl] ester       93240-66-5  C12H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-methyl ester      162085-94-1 C11H26NO2PS          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(1-methylpropyl) ester         50824-96-9  C10H23O2PS2          2930.90
1A03   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       amino]ethyl] O-ethyl ester       73835-17-3  C12H28NO2PS          2930.90

(4) Sulfur mustards:

1A04   Ethane,
       1,1'-(thio-35S)bis[2-chloro-     6755-76-6   C4H8Cl2S             2844.40
1A04   Ethane,
       1,2-bis[(2-chloroethyl)thio]-    3563-36-8   C6H12Cl2S2           2930.90
1A04   Ethane, 1,1'-[methylenebis
       (thio)]bis[2-chloro-             63869-13-6  C5H10Cl2S2           2930.90
1A04   Ethane-1,1,2,2-d4,
       1,1'-thiobis[2-chloro-           176327-97-2 C4Cl2D8S             2845.90
1A04   Pentane,
       1,5-bis[(2-chloroethyl)thio]-    142868-94-8 C9H18Cl2S2           2930.90
1A04   Butane,
       1,4-bis[(2-chloroethyl)thio]-    142868-93-7 C8H16Cl2S2           2930.90
1A04   Ethane, 1-chloro-2-
       [(chloromethyl)thio]-            2625-76-5   C3H6Cl2S             2930.90
1A04   Propane, 1,3-bis[(2-chloroethyl)
       thio]-                           63905-10-2  C7H14Cl2S2           2930.90
1A04   Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis[2-
       [(2-chloroethyl)thio]-           63918-89-8  C8H16Cl2OS2          2930.90
1A04   Ethane, 1,1'-thiobis[2-chloro-   505-60-2    C4H8Cl2S             2930.90
1A04   Ethane, 1,1'-[oxybis
       (methylenethio)]bis[2-chloro-    63918-90-1  C6H12Cl2OS2          2930.90

(5) Lewisites:

1A05   Arsonous dichloride,
       [(1Z)-2-chloroethenyl]           34461-56-8  C2H2AsCl3            2931.00
1A05   Arsine, tris(2-chloroethenyl)    40334-70-1  C6H6AsCl3            2931.00
1A05   Arsinous chloride,
       bis(2-chloroethenyl)             40334-69-8  C4H4AsCl3            2931.00
1A05   Arsonous dichloride,
       (2-chloroethenyl)                541-25-3    C2H2AsCl3            2931.00

(6) Nitrogen mustards:

1A06   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N-
       hydrochloride                    55-86-7     C5H11Cl2N.ClH        2921.19
1A06   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N-
       (2-chloroethyl)-N-methyl-        51-75-2     C5H11Cl2N            2921.19
1A06   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N,N-bis
       (2-chloroethyl)-                 555-77-1    C6H12Cl3N            2921.19
1A06   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N-
       (2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-, compd.
       with 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (1:1)  63915-56-0  C6H13Cl2N.C6H3N307   2921.19
1A06   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N-
       hydrochloride                    3590-07-6   C6H13Cl2N.ClH        2921.19
1A06   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N-
       (2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-         538-07-8    C6H13Cl2N            2921.19
1A06   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N,N-bis
       (2-chloroethyl)-, hydrochloride  817-09-4    C6H12Cl3N.ClH        2921.19
1A06   Diethylamine,
       monopicrate                      2475-58-3   C6H3N3O7.C5H11Cl2N   2921.19
1A06   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N,N-bis
       (2-chloroethyl)-, compd. with
       2,4,6-trinitrophenol (1:1)       6138-32-5   C6H12Cl3N.C6H3N3O7   2921.19

(7) Saxitoxins:

1A07   1H,10H-Pyrrolo[1,2-c]purine-
       10,10-diol, 2,6-diamino-4-
       4,8,9-tetrahydro-,(3aS,4R,10aS)- 35523-89-8  C10H17N7O4           3002.90
1A07   1H,10H-Pyrrolo[1,2-c]purine-
       10,10-diol, 2,6-diamino-4-
       (3a,alpha.,4,alpha.,10aR*))]-    35554-08-6  C10H17N7O4.2ClH      3002.90

(8) Ricins:

1A08   Ricins:           9009-86-3                        3002.90

B. Precursori:

(9) Alkyl (Me, Et, n- Pr or i- Pr) phosphonyldifluorides:

1B09   Phosphonic difluoride, methyl-,
       mixt, with methylphosphonic
       dichloride                       97505-35-6  CH3Cl2OP.CH3F2OP     3824.90
1B09   Phosphonic difluoride, ethyl-    753-98-0    C2H5F2OP             2931.00
1B09   Phosphonic difluoride,
       (1-methylethyl)-                 677-42-9    C3H7F2OP             2931.00
1B09   Phosphonic difluoride, propyl-   690-14-2    C3H7F2OP             2931.00
1B09   Phosphonic difluoride, methyl-   676-99-3    CH3F2OP              2931.00

(10) O- Alkyl (H or <C10, incl, cycloalkyl) O- 2- dialkyl (Me, Et, n- Pr or i- Pr)- aminoethyl alkyl (Me, Et, n- Pr or i- Pr) phosphonites and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts:

1B10   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       ethyl ester                      71840-26-1  C11H26NO3P           2931.00
1B10   Phosphonous acid, ethyl-, 2-[bis
       (1-methylethyl)amino]ethyl ethyl
       ester                            159574-69-3 C12H28NO2P           2931.00
1B10   Phosphonous acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, 2-[bis
       (1-methylethyl(amino]ethyl ethyl
       ester                            169739-33-7 C13H30NO2P           2931.00
1B10   Phosphonous acid, propyl-,
       ethyl ester                      169739-24-6 C13H30NO2P           2931.00
1B10   Phosphonous acid, methyl-,
       ethyl ester                      57856-11-8  C11H26NO2P           2931.00

(11) Chlorosarin: O- Isopropyl methylphosphonochloridate:

1B11   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       methyl-, 1-methylethyl ester     1445-76-7   C4H10ClO2P           2931.00

(12) Chlorosoman: O- Pinacolyl methylphosphonochloridate:

1B12   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       methyl-, 1,2,2-trimethylpropyl
       ester                            7040-57-5   C7H16ClO2P           2931.00

Tabelul 2

A. Produse chimice toxice:

2A01   Ethanaminium,
       thio]-N,N,N-triethyl-            20194-81-4  C12H29NO3PS          2930.90
2A01   Phosphorothioic acid,
       O,O-diethyl ester,
       ethanedioate (1:1)               3734-97-2   C10H24NO3PS.C2H2O4   2930.90
2A01   Phosphorothioic acid,
       O,O-diethyl ester                78-53-5     C10H24NO3PS          2930.90
2A02   1-Propene, 1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoro
       -2-(trifluoromethyl)-            382-21-8    C4F8                 2903.30
2A03   Benzeneacetic acid,
       ester                            6581-06-2   C21H23NO3            2933.39
2A03   Benzeneacetic acid,
       ester, hydrochloride             13004-56-3  C21H23NO3.ClH        2933.39

B. Precursori:

2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl S-[(2-oxooxazolo[4,5-b]
       oyridin-3(2H)yl)methyl] ester    54253-87-1  C10H13N2O3PS2        2934.99
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-ethyl O-propyl ester           54565-49-0  C7H17OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S-ethyl O-propyl ester           54565-46-7  C6H15OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-ethyl O-methyl ester           57093-53-5  C5H13OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-(1-methylethyl ester   57207-30-4  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,S-dimethyl ester               58259-60-2  C3H9O2PS             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       N-acetyl-P-ethyl-, S-ethyl ester 67242-40-4  C6H14NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O,S-dimethyl ester               54565-44-5  C3H9OPS2             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       S-methyl ester                   67242-41-5  C6H14NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, dimethyl ester 54552-77-1  C5H13O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S-ethyl O-methyl ester           54565-45-6  C4H11OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-cyclopentyl S-propyl ester,
       (R)-                             65167-61-5  C9H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       S-ethyl ester                    65331-56-8  C7H16NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       P-propyl-, S-methyl ester        65331-54-6  C4H12NOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       pyridin-3(2H)-yl)methyl] O-ethyl
       ester                            35575-81-6  C10H12ClN2O3PS2      2934.99
2B04   1,3,5,2,4,6-Triphosphatriborin,
       1,2,3,4,5,6-hexamethyl-          63917-40-8  C6H18B3P3            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, O-(1-methylethyl) ester  64581-67-5  C5H12ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-cyclopentyl S-propyl ester     65143-04-6  C9H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-propyl ester, (R)-     65167-51-3  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, O-ethyl ester  66089-80-3  C5H12ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-cyclopentyl S-propyl ester,
       (S)-                             65167-62-6  C9H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2,4-dichlorophenyl) S-propyl
       ester                            63869-33-0  C10H13Cl2OPS2        2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-cyclopentyl S-methyl ester,
       (S)-                             65167-60-4  C7H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-(1-methylethyl) ester,
       (R)-                             65167-53-5  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-(1-methylethyl) ester,
       (S)-                             65167-54-3  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-butyl O-ethyl ester, (R)-      65167-55-7  C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-butyl O-ethyl ester, (S)-      65167-56-8  C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-cyclopentyl S-methyl ester,
       (R)-                             65167-59-1  C7H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-pentyl ester, (R)-     65167-57-9  C8H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-pentyl ester, (S)-     65167-58-0  C8H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-propyl ester, (S)-     65167-52-4  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       O-ethyl ester                    63815-53-2  C13H16NO2PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-methyl O-propyl ester          58259-61-3  C5H13O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphorane, methyltriphenoxy
       [[trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]oxy]- 58373-29-8  C20H18F3O6PS         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid, P-
       (1-methylethyl)-, S-methyl ester 67242-37-9  C4H12NOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-6-quinolinyl ester     58995-43-0  C12H14NO2PS          2933.49
2B04   Aziridine, 1,1'-
       [2-methyl-                       60671-03-6  C7H15N2OP            2933.99
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(diphenylmethyl) O-ethyl ester 62246-71-3  C16H19O2PS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(4-chlorophenyl) O-ethyl ester 62421-46-9  C10H14ClO2PS         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-phenyl ester, (R)-     62697-92-1  C10H15O2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-methyl ester           65397-31-1  C4H11OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Thioisohypophosphoric acid
       ((HO)2P(S)OP(S)H(OH)), ethyl-,
       triethyl ester                   63815-52-1  C8H20O4P2S2          2931.00
2B04   Acetic acid, methyl
       thio]-, ethyl ester              63906-39-8  C8H17O2PS3           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       pyrimidinyl] O-methyl ester      63815-54-3  C9H15N2O2PS2         2933.59
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       trimethyl-, S-methyl ester       67242-36-8  C4H12NOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 4-(1-pyrenyl)butyl
       ester                            67000-88-8  C21H20FO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,O-bis(1-methylethyl ester      66295-45-2  C7H17O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonous acid, methyl-,
       bis(1-methylethyl) ester         66295-44-1  C7H17O2P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-propyl ester           66022-44-4  C6H15O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    63869-31-8  C11H16ClOPS3         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       N-acetyl-P-ethyl-, S-methyl
       ester                            67242-39-1  C5H12NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-phenyl ester, (S)-     62742-85-2  C10H15O2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic dibromide,
       (1-methylethyl)-                 27509-13-3  C3H7Br2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-, ethyl
       pyrimidinyl ester                25537-46-6  C11H19N2O3PS         2933.59
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) ester  25918-54-1  C9H10Cl3O2PS         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       P-ethyl-, S-ethyl ester          26350-28-7  C4H12NOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       P-ethyl-, S-methyl ester         26350-29-8  C3H10NOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidodithioic acid,
       P-ethyl-, methyl ester           26350-31-2  C3H10NPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidic acid, P-ethyl-N-
       amino]carbonyl]-, ethyl ester    26594-06-9  C10H17N4O4P          2933.59
2B04   Phosphonobromidodithioic acid,
       ethyl-, ethyl ester              27127-16-8  C4H10BrPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl S-[(2-oxooxazolo
       ester                            35614-25-6  C9H11N2O3PS2         2934.99
2B04   Phosphonothioic chloride
       fluoride, isopropyl-             27127-28-2  C3H7ClFPS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(2-methylpropyl) ester         24838-84-4  C12H18ClOPS2         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       ethyl-, propyl ester             28829-94-9  C5H12ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid, ethyl-,
       1-methylethyl ester              28829-95-0  C5H12ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       propyl-, methyl ester            28829-99-4  C4H10ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       propyl-, ethyl ester             28830-00-4  C5H12ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       (1-methylethyl-, methyl ester    28830-02-6  C4H10ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, ethyl ester    28830-03-7  C5H12ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   2-Oxa-4-thia-7-aza-3-
       phosphaoctan-8-oic acid,
       3,7-dimethyl-6-oxo-, methyl
       ester, 3-sulfide                 29173-31-7  C7H14NO4PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic chloride
       fluoride, methyl-                27127-27-1  CH3ClFPS             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       isoindol-2-yl)methyl] O-methyl
       ester                            22243-91-0  C11H12NO3PS2         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, O-ethyl
       O-(4-nitrophenyl) ester          20978-45-4  C11H16NO4PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       4-nitrophenyl ester              21070-22-4  C16H16NO7P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       4-nitrophenyl ester              21070-23-5  C15H13ClNO6P         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       4-nitrophenyl 2-(4-nitrophenyl)-
       2-oxoethyl ester                 21161-62-6  C15H13N2O8P          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid, ethyl-,
       methyl ester                     21502-57-8  C3H8ClO2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(2-aminoethyl) ester           21852-16-4  C3H10NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       monoethyl ester                  21921-96-0  C5H13O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,O-dipropyl ester               25371-75-9  C7H17O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphinothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl] ester  22068-06-0  C7H18NOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphinic acid, methyl-,
       2-methylpropyl ester             25296-66-6  C5H13O2P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid,
       isopropyl-, O-(isopropyl
       O-(p-nitrophenyl) ester          22371-94-4  C12H18NO4PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, ethyl
       1-methylethyl ester              22583-43-3  C6H15O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic bromide fluoride,
       methyl-                          23721-97-3  CH3BrFOP             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-propyl ester, S-ester with
       N-(mercaptomethyl)phthalimide    24017-17-2  C14H18NO3PS2         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-isobutyl ester, S-ester with
       N-(mercaptomethyl)phthalimide    24017-18-3  C14H18NO3PS2         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl ester, S-ester with
       N-(mercaptomethyl)phthalimide    24017-20-7  C12H14NO3PS2         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester, S-ester with
       N-(mercaptomethyl)phthalimide    24017-24-1  C13H16N03PS2         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-ethyl O-(1-methylethyl) ester  32317-03-6  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphoramidic acid,
       thio]ethyl]-, bis(1-methylethyl)
       ester                            21988-53-4  C10H25NO5P2S         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       ester                            50335-09-6  C13H20Cl2NO2PS       2931.00
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid,
       methyl-, diethyl ester           31650-57-4  C5H13PS3             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       methyl ester                     41203-81-0  C9H20O6P2            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       methylamino]ethyl] O-ethyl ester 41294-03-5  C12H19ClNO2PS        2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       methylamino]ethyl] O-ethyl ester 41294-06-8  C12H19ClNO2PS        2930.90
2B04   Benzenaminium, 4-chloro-N-[2-
       methyl sulfate                   41294-13-7  C13H22ClNO2PS,CH3O4S 2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid, ethyl-,
       ethyl (methylthio)methyl ester   41391-36-0  C6H15PS4             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid, ethyl-,
       (ethylthio)methyl methyl ester   41391-37-1  C6H15PS4             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-butyl O-methyl ester           40618-52-8  C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Ethanaminium,
       2-[(fluoromethylphosphinyl)oxy]-                                  2931.00
       N,N,N-trimethyl-                 44991-89-1  C6H16FNO2P                *)
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S,S-dimethyl ester               40145-83-3  C3H9OPS2             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, O-methyl ester 50636-74-3  C4H10ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(2-ethoxyethyl) ester          50869-34-6  C11H15Cl2O2PS2       2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-methyl ester           51865-09-9  C4H11O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(tetrabromopropyl) ester      51868-11-2  C7H9Br8O3P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, O,O-diethyl
       ester                            52038-87-6  C7H17O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-methyl ester           53156-14-2  C4H11O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       monophenyl ester                 53621-79-7  C9H13O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       propyl-, O-ethyl ester           53621-83-3  C5H12ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       methyl] ester                    42595-45-9  C15H31O9P3           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,S-dimethyl ester, (S)-         79236-72-9  C3H9O2PS             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       monomethyl ester                 53621-95-7  C4H11O3P             2931.00
2B04   1,3,5,2,4,6-
       hexahydro-2,4,6-trimethyl-       32997-23-2  C3H9Cl3N3P3          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-, methyl
       p-tolyl ester                    33232-85-8  C10H15O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       p-chlorophenyl methyl ester      33232-87-0  C9H12ClO3P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-, methyl
       ester, ester with
       p-hydroxybenzonitrile            33232-88-1  C10H12NO3P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-, methyl
       p-(methylsulfonyl)phenyl ester   33267-37-7  C10H15O5PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[2-(methylphenylamino)
       ethyl] ester                     34256-72-9  C12H20NO2PS          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic bromide
       chloride, methyl-                40931-89-3  CH3BrClPS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridodithioic acid,
       methyl-, propyl ester            35506-30-0  C4H10ClPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-ethyl O-methyl ester           32317-02-5  C4H11O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   35575-92-9  C10H12ClN2O3PS2      2934.99
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       P-ethyl-N-(1-oxobutyl)-, S-ethyl
       ester                            67242-42-6  C8H18NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   37419-16-2  C9H10ClN2O3PS2       2934.99
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       pyridin-3(2H)-yl)methyl] O-ethyl
       ester                            37429-95-1  C11H14ClN2O3PS2      2934.99
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-, O-
       6-oxo-4-pyridazinyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            37840-66-7  C10H17N2O4PS         2933.99
2B04   Phosphonic bromide chloride,
       methyl-                          38143-90-7  CH3BrClOP            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, ethyl
       5,5,5-trichloropentyl ester      38672-36-5  C8H16Cl3O3P          2931.00
2B04   Benzenaminium,3-chloro-N-[2-
       methyl sulfate                   39928-05-7  C13H22ClNO2PS.CH3O4S 2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       P-ethyl-, O-[3-methyl-4-
       (methylthio)phenyl] ester        35335-60-5  C10H16NOPS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) ester, sodium
       salt                             92475-33-7  C4H11O2PS.Na         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridodithioic acid,
       methyl-, 1,1-dimethylethyl ester 79220-12-5  C5H12ClPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic diiodide,
       methyl-                          29725-95-9  CH3I2PS              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) S-propyl ester 10552-86-0  C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(1,2,2-trimethylpropyl) ester 7040-58-6   C13H29O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-cyclohexyl ester      4241-34-3   C7H14FOPS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonous dichloride,
       (1-methylethyl)-                 25235-15-8  C3H7Cl2P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl ester, sodium salt       22307-81-9  C3H9O2PS.Na          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       anhydride with ethyl phosphonic
       acid, dipentyl ester             109438-26-8 C14H32O4P2S          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-propyl ester, (,+-,)-  65142-99-6  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-propyl ester, sodium salt      51825-84-4  C4H11O2PS.Na         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[[(1-methylethyl)
       thio]methyl] ester               104685-24-7 C7H17O2PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl ester, sodium salt      74789-31-4  C2H7O2PS.Na          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-(1-methylethyl) ester  113411-07-7 C6H15O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphoranetriamine, 1-ethyl-1-
       iodo-N,N,N',N',N",N"-hexamethyl- 113687-04-0 C8H23IN3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonobromidodithioic acid,
       ethyl-, propyl ester             114809-63-1 C5H12BrPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonofluoridic acid, ethyl-,
       1,2,2-trimethylpropyl ester      97931-20-9  C8H18FO2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       aluminum salt (3:1)              114109-72-7 CH5O3P.1/3Al         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonamidic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, disodium salt  3520-76-1   C8H22N2O4P2.Na2      2931.00
2B04   Phosphonous acid, methyl-,
       monoethyl ester                  89034-24-2  C3H9O2P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, O,S-diethyl
       ester                            110543-75-4 C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   2-Oxa-4,6-dithia-3-phosphaoctan-
       8-oic acid, 3-methyl-, butyl
       ester, 3-oxide                   102585-58-0 C9H19O4PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid, ethyl-,
       ethyl methyl ester               93075-69-5  C5H13PS3             2930.90
2B04   Quinolinium,
       1-methyl-, iodide                95230-44-7  C13H17NO3P.I         2933.49
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, propyl-,
       O,O-diethyl ester                98425-05-9  C7H17O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,O-diisopropyl ester            98545-29-0  C8H19O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, isopropyl-,
       ethyl isopropyl ester            98545-34-7  C8H19O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid,
       isopropyl-, O,O-diisopropyl
       ester                            98958-62-4  C9H21O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2-methylpropyl) ester         172825-49-9 C11H26NO2PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-d3-,
       ester                            172023-63-1 C7H14D3O3P           2845.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-phenyl ester, (,+-,)-  62680-05-1  C10H15O2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) S-propyl ester 102388-59-0 C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-, zinc
       salt (1:1), monohydrate          115320-63-3 C2H5O3P.H2O.Zn       2931.00
2B04   Glycine,
       thio]acetyl]-, ethyl ester,
       (,+-,)-                          79494-63-6  C9H18NO5PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid, ethyl-,
       ethyl ester, (,+-,)-             7331-88-6   C4H10ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-pentyl ester, (,+-,)-  65143-02-4  C8H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-butyl O-ethyl ester, (,+-,)    65143-01-3  C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl S-[(methylthio)methyl]
       ester                            104685-21-4 C4H11O2PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl S-[[(1-methylethyl)
       hio]methyl] ester                104685-22-5 C6H15O2PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       thio]methyl] O-methyl ester      104685-23-6 C7H17O2PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, propyl-,
       O,O-dipropyl ester               100860-56-8 C9H21O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       ester, monosodium salt           84962-98-1  C4H13O6PSi.Na        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       dipotassium salt                 77354-28-0  CH5O3P.2K            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl ester, compd, with N-
       cyclohexylcyclohexanamine (1:1)  73790-51-9  C12H23N.C3H9O2PS     2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl ester   171841-16-0 C7H18NO2PS           2931.00
2B04   Ammonium, (2-hydroxypropyl)
       trimethyl-, iodide,
       methylphosphonofluoridate        3873-20-9   C7H18FNO2P.I         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonous acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, diethyl ester  61820-31-3  C7H17O2P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphorus(+1),
       iodide, (T-4)-                   139194-04-0 C15H35N3O4P.I        2934.99
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S,S-dipropyl ester               150096-94-9 C8H19OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       monomethyl ester, aluminum salt  35851-62-8  C2H7O3P.1/3Al        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       ester, monosodium salt, reaction
       products with sodium silicate    125229-70-1 C4H13O6PSi.Na        3824.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl] ester 172201-98-8 C5H14NO2PS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, disodium salt  77354-29-1  C3H9O3P.2Na          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       disodium salt                    53622-06-3  C3H9O3P.2Na          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       monosodium salt                  52583-30-9  C2H7O3P.N3           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       iron(3+) salt (4:1)              132333-14-3 CH5O3P.1/4Fe         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic dichloride, butyl-    2302-80-9   C4H9Cl2OP            2931.00
2B04   Phosphorus(1+),
       methyltriohenoxy-, iodide,
       (T-4)-                           17579-99-6  C19H18O3P.I          2931.00
2B04   Phosphinic acid, methyl-,
       2-methylbutyl ester              130713-83-6 C6H15O2P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonobromidothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-isopropyl ester       90586-58-6  C4H10BrOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       monomethyl ester, monosodium
       salt                             73750-69-3  C2H7O3P.Na           2931.00
2B04   Uridine, 5-bromo-2'-deoxy-,
       5'-(hydrogen methylphosphonate),
       monoammonium salt                37571-18-9  C10H14BrN2O7P.H3N    2934.99
2B04   Phosphorus(1+),
       methyl-, bromide, (T-4)-         73790-46-2  C25H57N3P.Br         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       zinc salt (2:1)                  4906-99-4   CH5O3P.1/2Zn         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       magnesium salt (2:1)             4906-98-3   CH5O3P.1/2Mg         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       calcium salt (2:1)               4906-78-9   CH5O3P.1/2Ca         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, compd,
       with (aminoiminomethyl)urea
       (1:1)                            84402-58-4  C2H6N4O.CH5O3P       2931.00
2B04   Benzenaminium, 4-chloro-N-[2-
       methyl sulfate                   41294-13-7  C13H22ClNO2PS.CH3O4S 2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       mono(1-methylethyl) ester,
       sodium salt                      6838-93-3   C4H11O3P.Na          2931.00
2B04   Benzenaminium, 3-chloro-N-[2-
       methyl sulfate                   39928-05-7  C13H22ClNO2PS.CH3O4S 2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       monosodium salt                  2914-38-7   CH5O3P.Na            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       monoammonium salt                34255-87-3  CH5O3P.H3N           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S-ethyl S-propyl ester           131453-92-4 C8H15OPS2            2930.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic difluoride,
       (1-methylethyl)-                 135445-16-8 C3H7F2PS             2931.00
2B04   Phosphorus(1+), .mu.-1,4,10,13-
       diiodide                         139194-01-7 C22H54N6O4P2.2I      2934.99
2B04   Phosphorus(1+), .mu.-1,4,10,13-
       diiodide                         139194-05-1 C18H42F2N4O4P2.2I    2934.99
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       methyl 1-methylethyl ester       141968-53-8 C6H15O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-methyl S-propyl ester          150096-92-7 C6H15OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       disodium salt                    20677-21-8  CH5O3P.2Na           2931.00
2B04   Phosphinic acid,
       (ethylsulfinyl)methyl-, ethyl
       ester                            128869-79-4 C5H13O3PS            2930.90
2B04   3-Oxa-5,7-dithia-4-phosphanonan-
       9-oic acid, 4-methyl-,
       2-methylpropyl ester, 4-oxide    74789-26-7  C10H21O4PS2          2930.90
2B04   7-Oxa-3,5-dithia-6-
       phosphatetradecanoic acid,
       6-methyl-, methyl ester, 6-oxide 72720-11-7  C12H25O4PS2          2930.90
2B04   7-Oxa-3,5-dithia-6-
       phosphadodecanoic acid,
       6-methyl-, methyl ester, 6-oxide 72720-12-8  C10H21O4PS2          2930.90
2B04   7-Oxa-3,5-dithia-6-
       phosphatridecanoic acid,
       6-methyl-, methyl ester, 6-oxide 72720-13-9  C11H23O4PS2          2930.90
2B04   7-Oxa-3,5-dithia-6-
       phosphapentadecanoic acid,
       6-methyl-, methyl ester, 6-oxide 72720-14-0  C13H27O4PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       di-2-propenyl ester              73790-31-5  C9H17O3P             2931.00
2B04   1H-1,3,2-Benzodiazaphosphole,
       2-oxide                          73790-34-8  C8H10ClN2OP          2934.99
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       4-(aminocarbonyl)phenyl ethyl
       ester                            74038-41-8  C11H16NO4P           2931.00
2B04   2-Oxa-4,6-dithia-3-phosphaoctan-
       8-oic acid, 3-methyl-, methyl
       ester, 3-oxide                   74789-22-3  C6H13O4PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridodithioic acid,
       ethyl-, 1,1-dimethylethyl ester  78570-13-5  C6H14ClPS2           2930.90
2B04   3-Oxa-5,7-dithia-4-phosphanonan-
       9-oic acid, 4-methyl-, ethyl
       ester, 4-oxide                   74789-25-6  C8H17O4PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphinothioic acid,
       S-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl] ester  71293-92-0  C11H25N2O2PS         2934.99
2B04   7-Oxa-3,5-dithia-6-
       phosphadecanoic acid, 6-methyl-,
       methyl ester, 6-oxide            74789-27-8  C8H17O4PS2           2930.90
2B04   7-Oxa-3,5-dithia-6-
       phosphaundecanoic acid,
       6-methyl-, methyl ester, 6-oxide 74789-28-9  C9H19O4PS2           2930.90
2B04   7-Oxa-3,5-dithia-6-
       phosphadecanoic acid, 6,9-
       dimethyl methyl ester, 6-oxide   74789-29-0  C9H19O4PS2           2930.90
2B04   7-Oxa-3,5-dithia-6-
       phosphadecanoic acid,
       6,9-dimethyl-, 2-methylpropyl
       ester, 6-oxide                   74789-30-3  C12H25O4PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-(2,4,6-
       trichlorophenyl) ester           76203-96-8  C9H10Cl3O2PS         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid,
       methyl-, di-2-propenyl ester     76538-18-6  C7H13PS3             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       propyl-, O-(1-methylethyl) ester 77529-46-5  C6H14ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid,
       oxy]methyl]-, O,O-dimethyl ester 91772-41-7  C7H18O4P2S2          2931.00
2B04   3-Oxa-5,7-dithia-4-phosphanonan-
       9-oic acid, 4-methyl-, methyl
       ester, 4-oxide                   74789-24-5  C7H15O4PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(diphenylmethyl) O-octyl ester 68640-55-1  C22H31OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       S-methyl ester                   67242-45-9  C8H18NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       butenyl)-, S-methyl ester        67242-47-1  C8H16NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       furanyl)-, S-methyl ester        67242-48-2  C6H14NO2PS           2932.19
2B04   Phosphonamidodithioic acid,
       P-ethyl-N-methyl-, methyl ester  67242-50-6  C4H12NPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidodithioic acid,
       P-ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-, methyl
       ester                            67242-51-7  C5H14NPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       P-methyl-, S-methyl ester        67242-52-8  C2H8NOPS             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-phenyl ester                   67293-69-0  C8H11OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonous acid, methyl-,
       mono(1-methylethyl) ester        67538-57-2  C4H11O2P             2931.00
2B04   Diphosphonic acid, dipropyl-     71760-04-8  C6H16O5P2            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis[3-
       (trimethoxysilyl)propyl] ester   67812-18-4  C13H33O9PSi2         2931.00
2B04   Phosphinic acid, methyl-4-
       morpholinyl-, 2-(diethylamino)
       ethyl ester                      71410-68-9  C11H25N2O3P          2934.99
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(diphenylmethyl) O-ethyl ester 68640-57-3  C16H19OPS2           2930.90
2B04   1,3,5,2,4,6-
       2,4,6-tripropyl-, 2,4,6-trioxide 68957-94-8  C9H21O6P3            2931.00
2B04   1-Propanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl
       amino]-, (Z)-, methyl
       methylphosphonate                70055-71-9  C24H49N2O.C2H6O3P    2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,O-dipropyl ester               70677-22-4  C8H19O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-, butyl
       4-nitrophenyl ester              71002-67-0  C12H18NO5P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       1-methylethyl 2-(1-piperidinyl)
       ethyl ester                      71293-83-9  C11H24NO3P           2933.39
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       cyclohexyl 2-(diethylamino)ethyl
       ester                            71293-85-1  C13H28NO3P           2931.00
2804   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       cyclohexyl 2-(dipropylamino)
       ethyl ester                      71293-86-2  C15H32NO3P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(1,1-dimethylethyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            78570-14-6  C8H19OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, methyl
       3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl ester  67812-17-3  C8H21O6PSi           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,S-diisopropyl ester            89980-23-4  C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl O-(3-methylphenyl)
       ester                            82980-43-6  C9H13O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, O-methyl
       phenyl] ester                    82980-44-7  C12H19O3PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,S-dimethyl ester               84044-17-7  C4H11O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphinic acid, methyl-,
       hexyl ester                      85187-13-9  C7H17O2P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphinic acid, methyl-,
       pentyl ester                     87025-52-3  C6H15O2P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonobromidothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-ethyl ester           88892-99-3  C3H8BrOPS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonous acid, methyl-,
       2-aminoethyl ester               89166-63-2  C3H10NO2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-methyl ester                   89280-63-7  C6H16NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Glycine,
       thio]acetyl]-, ethyl ester       77890-13-2    C9H18NO5PS         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-ethyl ester                    89893-76-5  C7H18NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   1-Propanaminium,
       2-[(fluoromethylphosphinyl)      79351-08-9  C7H18FNO2P           2931.00
       oxy]-N,N,N-trimethyl-                                                  *)
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,S-dipropyl ester               90220-14-7  C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,S-dipropyl ester               90220-15-8  C8H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl S-propyl ester          90220-16-9  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-methyl O-propyl ester          90220-17-0  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl,
       O-butyl S-methyl ester           90220-18-1  C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, propyl-,
       O,S-dimethyl ester               90220-19-2  C5H13O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-ethyl O-methyl ester           90245-33-3  C5H13O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidothioic acid,
       oxopropyl)-, S-methyl ester      67242-43-7  C7H16NO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-methyl O-(1-methylethyl) ester 89282-92-8  C5H13O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(1-methylpropyl) O-propyl
       ester                            78570-26-0  C9H21OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(1,1-dimethylethyl) O-methyl
       ester                            78570-15-7  C7H17OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(1,1-dimethylethyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            78570-17-9  C7H17OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(1,1-dimethylethyl) O-propyl
       ester                            78570-18-0  C8H19OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(1,1-dimethylethyl) O-propyl
       ester                            78570-19-1  C9H21OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) ester          78570-20-4  C8H19OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) ester          78570-21-5  C9H21OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl S-(1-methylpropyl)
       ester                            78570-22-6  C7H17OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl S-(2-methylpropyl)
       ester                            78570-23-7  C7H17OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Glycine,
       thio]acetyl]-, ethyl ester, (R)- 79548-51-9  C9H18NO5PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-(1-methylpropyl) ester 78570-25-9  C8H19OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Glycine,
       thio]acetyl]-, ethyl ester, (S)- 79548-50-8  C9H18NO5PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,S-bis(1-methylpropyl) ester    78570-27-1  C10H23OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid, ethyl-,
       1-methylethyl propyl ester       79100-73-5  C8H19PS3             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid, ethyl-,
       methyl propyl ester              79106-86-8  C6H15PS3             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid, ethyl-,
       ethyl propyl ester               79106-87-9  C7H17PS3             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid, ethyl-,
       ethyl 1-methylethyl ester        79106-88-0  C7H17PS3             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,S-dimethyl ester, (R)-         79236-71-8  C3H9O2PS             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, ethyl
       methyl, ester                    18755-36-7  C4H11O3P             2931.00
2B04   1-Propanaminium,
       N,N,N-trimethyl-                 79351-07-8  C7H18FNO2P         2931.00*)
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       isopropyl-, O-propyl ester       91725-42-7  C6H14ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-(1-methylethyl) ester  78570-24-8  C7H17OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Imidocarbonyl chloride,
       hydroxy-, propyl
       methylphosphonate                18796-79-7  C5H10Cl2NO3P         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridodithioic acid,
       methyl-, 1-methylethyl ester     659-94-9    C4H10FPS2            2930.90
2B04   Adenosine, cyclic
       3',5'-(methylphosphonate)        117571-83-2 C11H14N5O5P          2934.99
2B04   Guanosine, P, 2'-dideoxy-P-
       (3',fwdarw,5')-,(R)-             128312-31-2 C20H27N8O9P          2934.99
2B04   Adenosine, cyclic
       3',5'-(methylphosphonothioate)   130320-50-2 C11H14N5O4PS         2934.99
2B04   Thymidine, P-deoxy-P-
       -(3',fwd                         131900-31-7 C87H119N16O47P7      2934.99
2B04   Thymidine, 5'-(hydrogen
       monoanhydride with diphosphoric
       acid                             138989-23-8 C11H19N2O13P3        2934.99
2B04   Thymidine, 3'-deoxy-3'-fluoro-,
       monoanhydride with diphosphoric
       acid                             139459-42-0 C11H18FN2O12P3       2934.99
2B04   Thymidine, P-deoxy-P-
       4-thio-,(S)-                     151165-76-3 C21H29N4O10PS        2934.99
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       mono(1,2-dimethylpropyl) ester   151299-67-1 C6H15O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphinic acid, ethyl-,
       alpha,-methylbenzyl ester        5074-90-8   C10H15O2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 3-(1-pyrenyl)propyl
       ester                            114942-11-9 C20H18FO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   18596-64-0  C9H11Cl2O2PS2        2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   112905-16-5 C8H9Cl2O2PS          2931.00
2B04   Imidocarbonyl chloride,
       hydroxv-, ethyl
       methylphosphonate                18796-80-0  C4H8Cl2NO3P          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) ester  327-98-0    C10H12Cl3O2PS        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) ester          328-04-1    C11H15ClNO4PS        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    329-21-5    C14H23OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-(4-methylphenyl) ester 333-43-7    C11H17OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonous difluoride, ethyl-   430-78-4    C2H5F2P              2931.00
2B04   Aziridine, 1,1'-
       (methylohosphinylidene)bis-      465-60-1    C5H11N2OP            2933.99
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-[2-(5-methyl-1,3,4-
       (trifluoromethyl)ethenyl] ester  84505-60-2  C9H12F3N2O3PS        2934.99
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       ethyl 4-nitrophenyl ester        546-71-4    C10H14NO5P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(2,4-dimethylphenyl) ester    88847-64-7  C17H21O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       diethyl ester                    78-38-6     C6H15O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 5-(7-nitro-2,1,3-
       benzoxadiazol-4-yl)pentyl ester  92457-51-7  C12H15FN3O5P         2934.99
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,O-bis(2-fluoroethyl) ester     1598-82-9   C5H11F2O2PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(3,5-dimethylphenyl) ester    88847-66-9  C17H21O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) ester 88847-67-0  C13H7Cl6O3P          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(pentachlorophenyl) ester     88847-68-1  C13H3Cl10O3P         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S-propyl O-(2,2,2-
       trifluoroethil) ester            91168-87-5  C6H12F3OPS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) ester   91168-88-6  C8H16F3OPS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) ester   91168-89-7  C7H14F3OPS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) ester   91168-91-1  C7H14F3OPS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) ester   91168-94-4  C6H12F3O2PS          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) ester   91168-95-5  C7H14F3O2PS          2930.90
2B04   Thymidine, 3'-(hydrogen
       methylphosphonothioate)          117020-20-9 C11H17N2O6PS         2934.99
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) ester   91168-98-8  C7H14F3O2PS          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       methyl-, S-ethyl ester           673-98-3    C3H8FOPS             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 2-[(7-nitro-2,1,3-
       ester                            96304-84-6  C9H10FN4O5P          2934.99
2B04   Phosphonofluoridic acid,
       methyl-, 5-[(7-nitro-2,1,3-
       ester                            96304-85-7  C12H16FN4O5P         2934.99
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       O-(1,2,2-trimethylpropyl) ester  97931-17-4  C7H16FOPS            2931.00
2B04   1H-Benzotriazole, 1,1'-
       bis(oxy)]bis-                    103215-29-8 C13H11N6O3P          2933.99
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,S-dimethyl ester, (R)-         108711-95-1 C4H11O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,S-dimethyl ester, (S)-         108711-96-2 C4H11O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,S-diethyl ester, (S)-          108711-97-3 C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl ester, (R)-             108813-12-3 C3H9O2PS             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2,5-dichlorophenyl) O-methyl
       ester                            112905-14-3 C8H9Cl2O2PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2,5-dichlorophenyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            112905-15-4 C9H11Cl2O2PS         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(1-methylpropyl) O-(2,2,2-
       trifluoroethyl) ester            91168-96-6  C8H16F3O2PS          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, O-ethyl ester            1497-68-3   C4H10ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[2-(ethylthio)ethyl]
       ester                            556-75-2    C7H17O2PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       methyl-, methyl ester            1066-52-0   C2H6ClO2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       monomethyl ester                 1066-53-1   C2H7O3P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       bis(1-methylethyl) ester         1067-69-2   C8H19O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(2,2-dimethylprophyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            1068-26-4   C8H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S,S-bis(1-methylethyl) ester     1071-07-4   C7H17OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-(2-methylprophyl)
       ester                            1071-14-3   C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(4-nitrophenyl) O-propyl ester 1085-34-3   C10H14NO4PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(1-methylethyl) ester         1445-75-6   C7H17O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, S,S-diethyl
       ester                            1496-90-8   C7H17OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithious acid, methyl-,
       dipropyl ester                   999-34-8    C7H17PS2             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, O-propyl ester           1497-67-2   C5H12ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       dimethyl ester                   18755-43-6  C5H13O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, O-methyl ester           1497-69-4   C3H8ClOPS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonous dichloride, ethyl-   1498-40-4   C2H5Cl2P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic dichloride,
       (1-methylethyl)-                 1498-46-0   C3H7Cl2OP            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic dichloride,
       (1-methylethyl)-                 1498-60-8   C3H7Cl2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridodithioic acid,
       methyl-, butyl ester             1510-34-5   C5H12FPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonofluoridic acid, methyl- 1511-67-7   CH4FO2P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-2-fluoroethyl ester    1512-59-0   C5H12FOPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, diethyl ester  1538-69-8   C7H17O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(2-fluoroethyl) O-methyl ester 1550-62-5   C4H10FO2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-, O-
       (2,4-dichlorophenyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            1593-27-7   C10H13Cl2O2PS        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-, O-
       (4-chlorophenyl) O-ethyl ester   1497-39-8   C10H14ClO2PS         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic chloride fluoride,
       methyl-                          753-71-9    CH3ClFOP             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridodithioic acid,
       methyl-, ethyl ester             673-99-4    C3H8FPS2             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonous dichloride, methyl-  676-83-5    CH3Cl2P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic dichloride, methyl-   676-97-1    CH3Cl2OP             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic dichloride,
       methyl-                          676-98-2    CH3Cl2PS             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,O-dimethyl ester               681-06-1    C3H9O2PS             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, O-ethyl ester            682-89-3    C4H10FOPS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       diethyl ester                    683-08-9    C5H13O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       methyl-, propyl ester            683-25-0    C5H13O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       methyl 1-methylethyl ester       690-64-2    C5H13O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       (5,5,5-trichloropentyl) ester    690-88-0    C11H19Cl6O3P         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-ethyl O-propyl ester           20687-07-4  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonous difluoride, methyl-  753-59-3    CH3F2P               2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       (2,3-dimethylphenyl) ester       88847-63-6  C17H21O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic difluoride,
       methyl-                          753-72-0    CH3F2PS              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic difluoride,
       ethyl-                           753-99-1    C2H5F2PS             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       dimethyl ester                   756-79-6    C3H9O3P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid,
       isopropyl-, O-ethyl ester,
       S-ester with, alpha,
       -mercapto-p-tolunitrile          786-15-2    C13H18NOPS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic chloride fluoride,
       ethyl-                           865-61-2    C2H5ClFOP            2931.00
2B04   1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinane,
       2,5,5-trimethyl-, 2-oxide        873-97-2    C6H13O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-         993-13-5    CH5O3P               2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic dichloride,
       ethyl-                           993-43-1    C2H5Cl2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S,S-diethyl ester                995-88-0    C5H13OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S,S-dipropyl ester               996-04-3    C7H17OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2-chloroallyl) O-(alpha ...
       alpha ... alpha,-trifluoro-4-
       nitro-m-tolyl) ester             740-20-5    C11H10ClF3NO4PS      2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl O-(2,4,5-
       trichlorophenyl) ester           25918-55-2  C8H8Cl3O2PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[2-(ethylsulfinyl)
       ethyl] ester                     53151-68-1  C7H17O3PS2           2930.90
2B04   Aziridine, 1,1'-
       (methylphosphinothioylidene)bis- 19782-04-8  C5H11N2PS            2933.99
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,S-dihexyl ester                20626-89-5  C13H29O2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-hexyl O-methyl ester           20626-93-1  C8H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Aziridine, 1,1'-
       (ethylphosphinothioylidene)bis-  20825-63-2  C6H13N2PS            2933.99
2B04   8-Oxa-6-thia-3-thionia-7-
       phosphaundecane, 3,7-dimethyl-,
       methyl sulfate, 7-oxide          21085-51-8  C9H22O2PS2.CH3O4S    2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       (2-chlorophenyl) ester           21100-82-3  C13H11Cl2O3P         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-butyl O-(1-methylethyl) ester  22522-32-3  C8H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       4-nitrophenyl ester              22739-60-2  C16H16NO6P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    25177-27-9  C10H12Cl2IO2PS       2931.00
2B04   Phosphinic acid, methyl-, ethyl
       ester                            16391-07-4  C3H9O2P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-propyl ester                   25918-48-3  C10H12Cl2IO2PS       2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl,-
       O,S-dibutyl ester                15536-25-1  C9H21O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    26084-76-4  C9H10Cl2IO2PS        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonamidic chloride,
       N,N-diethyl-P-methyl-            27930-69-4  C5H13ClNOP           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid,
       (trichloropropyl)-               28351-15-7  C3H6Cl3O3P           2931.00
2B04   3-Oxa-5-thia-8-aza-4-
       phosphadecan-10-oic acid,
       4-methyl-7-oxo-, 4-sulfide       33932-97-7  C7H14NO4PS2          2930.90
2B04   Glycine, N-
       thio]acetyl]-, ethyl ester       34595-57-8  C9H18NO4PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       monomethyl ester                 34637-92-8  C3H9O3P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl ester, (S)-             38344-09-1  C3H9O2PS             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   41491-52-5  C11H12Cl3O2PS        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       1,2,2-trimethylpropyl ester      52134-57-3  C13H22NO3P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       (3,4-dimethylphenyl) ester       88847-65-8  C17H21O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   25918-47-2  C9H10Cl2IO2PS        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester, (R)-              4789-36-0   C4H11O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphine, methyl-               593-54-4    CH5P                 2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       ester                            616-52-4    C7H17O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(7,7-dimethyloctyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            1068-39-9   C13H29O2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl O-phenyl ester           1497-41-2   C10H15O2PS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       monoethyl ester                  1832-53-7   C3H9O3P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       monocyclohexyl ester             1932-60-1   C7H15O3P             2931.00
2B04   3-Oxa-5-thia-8-thionia-4-
       phosphadecane, 4,8-dimethyl-,
       methyl sulfate, 4-oxide          2562-54-1   C8H20O2PS2.CH3O4S    2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   2720-20-9   C8H8BrCl2O2PS        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) ester  3070-10-8   C9H10Cl3O2PS         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-hexyl ester            3675-87-4   C9H21O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    18005-40-8  C3H9O2PS             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       monopropyl ester                 4546-11-6   C4H11O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[2-(propylsulfinyl)
       ethyl] ester                     53151-69-2  C8H19O3PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester, (S)-              5152-74-9   C4H11O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(4-nitrophenyl) ester         6395-57-9   C13H11N2O7P          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(4-chlorophenyl) ester        6395-59-1   C13H11Cl2O3P         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-, ethyl
       2,4,5-trichlorophenyl ester      6492-18-8   C10H12Cl3O3P         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, ethyl
       1,2,2-trimethylpropyl ester      7040-56-4   C9H21O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-, ethyl
       phenyl ester                     7526-28-5   C10H15O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   7533-75-7   C8H8Cl2IO2PS         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       2,2-dichloroethenyl ester        10368-23-7  C6H10Cl3O3P          2931.00
2B04   Ethanone, 1-(2-pyridinyl)-,
       phosphinyl]oxime                 15132-05-5  C12H19N2O3P          2933.39
2B04   Pyridinium, 2-(4-ethyl-1,6-
       methyl-, iodide                  15191-33-0  C13H22N2O3P.I        2933.39
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, ethyl
       4-nitrophenyl ester              3735-98-6   C9H12NO5P            2931.00
2B04   Estra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-one,
       oxy]-                            71142-69-3  C19H25O3PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[2-(methylsulfinyl)
       ethyl] ester                     53151-67-0  C6H15O3PS2           2930.90
2B04   beta,-Alanine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]-L-alanyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-50-2  C13H25N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   Glycine, N-[N-
       ethyl ester                      68030-51-3  C12H23N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   L-Alanine, N-[N-
       ethyl ester                      68030-52-4  C13H25N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   L-Valine, N-[N-
       ethyl ester                      68030-53-5  C15H29N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   beta,-Alanine, N-[N-
       ethyl ester                      68030-54-6  C13H25N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   Glycine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]-L-valyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-55-7  C14H27N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   L-Alanine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]-L-valyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-56-8  C15H29N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   L-Valine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]-L-valyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-57-9  C17H33N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   beta,-Alanine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]-L-valyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-58-0  C15H29N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   L-Alanine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]-L-alanyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-48-8  C13H25N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   3-Oxa-5,7-dithia-4-phosphanonan-
       9-oic acid, 4-methyl-, methyl
       ester, 4-sulfide                 70519-66-3  C7H15O3PS3           2930.90
2B04   Glycine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]-L-alanyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-47-7  C12H23N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       oxybis (2,1-ethanedyloxy-2,1-
       phenylene) ester                 71787-59-2  C18H24O9P2           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(1,1-dimethylethyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            83318-76-7  C8H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidodithioic acid,
       1,1-dimethylethyl ester          87361-61-3  C9H22NPS2            2930.90
2B04   3-Oxa-5,7-dithia-4-
       phosphanonan-9-oic acid,
       4-methyl-, methyl ester,
       7-oxide 4-sulfide                87579-55-3  C7H15O4PS3           2930.90
2B04   3 Oxa-5,7-dithia-4-phosphanonan-
       9-oic acid, 4-methyl-, methyl
       ester, 4,7-dioxide               87579-56-4  C7H15O5PS2           2930.90
2B04   3-Oxa-5,7-dithia-4-phosphanonan-
       9-oic acid, 4-methyl-, 4-sulfide 87579-57-5  C6H13O3PS3           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       (2-methoxyphenyl) ester          88847-59-0  C15H17O5P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       [4-(methylthio) phenyl ester     88847-60-3  C15H17O3PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(2,4-dichlorophenyl) ester    88847-61-4  C13H9C14O3P          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       (4-chloro-3-methylphenyl) ester  88847-62-5  C15H15Cl2O3P         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-phenyl ester, (R)-     62705-71-9  C10H15OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    53151-70-5  C9H21O3PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[2-
       (pentylsulfinyl)ethyl] ester     53151-71-6  C10H23O3PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[2-(hexylsulfinyl)
       ethyl] ester                     53151-72-7  C11H25O3PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, heptyl
       2-nitrophenyl ester              56402-39-2  C14H22NO5P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, 1-
       1-methylethyl ester              58264-04-3  C8H16NO3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, 2-
       nitrophenyl pentyl ester         59223-32-4  C12H18NO5P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       (2,6-dimethylphenyl) ester       60092-37-7  C17H21O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       (2-methylphenyl) ester           60146-72-7  C15H17O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       (3-methylphenyl) ester           60146-73-8  C15H17O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, bis
       (4-methylphenyl) ester           60146-74-9  C15H17O3P            2931.00
2B04   L-Valine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]-L-alanyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-49-9  C15H29N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-phenyl ester, (S)-     62680-03-9  C10H15OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic dichloride, ethyl-    1066-50-8   C2H5Cl2OP            2931.00
2B04   Aziridine, 1,1'-[(1-methylethyl)
       phosphinylidene]bis-             64283-09-6  C7H15N2OP            2933.99
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-(diphenylmethyl) O-ethyl ester 65190-54-7  C16H19O2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-[2-(acetyloxy)ethyl] S-butyl
       ester                            66957-41-3  C9H19O4PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-butyl O-[2-(1-oxopropoxy)
       ethyl] ester                     66957-42-4  C10H21O4PS           2930.90
2B04   Butanoic acid, 2-[[(butylthio)
       methylphosphinyl]oxy]ethyl ester 66957-43-5  C11H23O4PS           2930.90
2B04   Pentanoic acid, 2-[[(butylthio)
       methylphosphinyl]oxy]ethyl ester 66957-44-6  C12H25O4PS           2930.90
2B04   Glycine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]glycyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-43-3  C11H21N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   L-Alanine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]glycyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-44-4  C12H23N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   L-Valine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]glycyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-45-5  C14H27N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   beta, -Alanine, N-[N-
       thio]acetyl]glycyl]-, ethyl
       ester                            68030-46-6  C12H23N2O5PS2        2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       bis(4-methoxyphenyl) ester       60705-73-9  C15H17O5P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       methyl-, S-methyl ester          13113-89-8  C2H6ClOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       diphenyl ester                   7526-26-3   C13H13O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonobromidothioic acid,
       ethyl-, O-ethyl ester            7608-38-0   C4H10BrOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    7776-66-1   C4H11O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonoselenoic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    10161-84-9  C10H24NO2PSe         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl ester, S-ester with N-
       methanesulfonamide               10177-86-3  C7H18NO3PS3          2935.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl S-propyl ester          10552-88-2  C5H13O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-propyl ester           10552-90-6  C6H15OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2-chloroethyl) S-propyl ester 10552-93-9  C6H14ClOPS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl O-(4-nitrophenyl) ester 13074-12-9  C8H10NO4PS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl O-(3-methyl-4-
       nitrophenyl) ester               13074-13-0  C9H12NO4PS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic dichloride, propyl-   4708-04-7   C3H7Cl2OP            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       S-butyl O-ethyl ester            13088-84-1  C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       monoethyl ester                  7305-61-5   C4H11O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       methyl-, S-ethyl ester           13113-90-1  C3H8ClOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       methyl-, S-propyl ester          13113-91-2  C4H10ClOPS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, S-methyl ester           13113-92-3  C3H8ClOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, S-ethyl ester            13113-93-4  C4H10ClOPS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, S-propyl ester           13113-94-5  C5H12ClOPS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       methyl-, S-isopropyl ester       13113-98-9  C4H10ClOPS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, S-(1-methylethyl) ester  13113-99-0  C5H12ClOPS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl S-propyl ester          13126-64-2  C5H13OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, 1-methylethyl
       ester                            13201-91-7  C6H14ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       propyl-, propyl ester            13213-44-0  C6H14ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       propyl-, 1-methylethyl ester     13213-45-1  C6H14ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-propyl ester           13088-83-0  C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid,
       methyl-, dipropyl ester          996-05-4    C7H17PS3             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-                 4721-37-3   C3H9O3P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl O-methyl ester, (S)-     5152-73-8   C5H13O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       methyl-, ethyl ester             5284-09-3   C3H8ClO2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid, ethyl-,
       ethyl ester                      5284-10-6   C4H10ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-, ethyl
       methyl ester                     5301-65-5   C5H13O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonamidic acid, P-ethyl-N,
       N-dimethyl-, ethyl ester, (+)-   5559-42-2   C6H16NO2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic dibromide,
       methyl-                          5827-24-7   CH3Br2PS             2931.00
2B04   4H-1,3,2-Benzodioxaphosphorin,
       2-ethyl-, 2-oxide                5853-68-9   C9H11O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl, O-[4-(methylsulfonyl)
       phenyl] ester                    5902-78-3   C9H13O4PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(4-cyanophenyl) O-phenyl ester 5954-90-5   C14H12NO2PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-    5994-73-0   CH5O2PS              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonamidic acid, trimethyl-,
       methyl ester                     7351-34-0   C4H12NO2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-propyl ester                   6173-20-2   C10H12BrCl2O2PS      2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,S-diethyl ester, (R)-          7348-85-8   C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       dipropyl ester                   6410-56-6   C7H17O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl O-[3-methyl-4-
       (methylsulfinyl]phenyl] ester    6552-19-8   C10H15O3PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl O-[4-(methylsulfinyl)
       phenyl] ester                    6587-45-7   C11H17O3PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid, ethyl-,
       dipropyl ester                   6587-94-6   C8H19PS3             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid, ethyl-,
       diisopropyl ester                6588-40-5   C8H19PS3             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-          6779-09-5   C2H7O3P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,O-diethyl ester                6996-81-2   C5H13O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(2,5-dichlorophenyl) O-ethyl
       ester                            7260-35-7   C10H13Cl2O2PS        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       isopropyl p-nitrophenyl ester    7284-58-4   C11H16NO5P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, isopropyl-,
       isopropyl p-nitrophenyl ester    7284-60-8   C12H18NO5P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-isopropyl O-(p-nitrophenyl)
       ester                            13361-94-9  C11H16NO4PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       dimethyl ester                   6163-75-3   C4H11O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       methyl propyl ester              18755-44-7  C7H17O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       isopropyl-, propyl ester         13242-70-1  C6H14ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       propyl-, S-propyl ester          18350-61-3  C6H14FOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       isopropyl-, S-ethyl ester        18350-62-4  C5H12FOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic chloride fluoride,
       isopropyl-                       18350-81-7  C3H7ClFOP            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, S-isopropyl ester        18356-48-4  C5H12FOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, S-methyl ester           18356-49-5  C3H8FOPS             2930.90
2B04   Glyoxylonitrile, phenyl-, oxime,
       O-ethyl ethylphosphonothioate    18425-48-4  C12H15N2O2PS         2931.00
2B04   Glyoxylonitrile, phenyl-, oxime,
       ethyl ethylphosphonate           18425-49-5  C12H15N2O3P          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       methyl] O-methyl ester           18466-11-0  C9H12ClOPS3          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    18596-51-5  C11H15Cl2O2PS2       2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-propyl ester                   18596-67-3  C12H17Cl2O2PS2       2930.90
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       methyl-, S-(2-chloroethyl) ester 18350-57-7  C3H7ClFOPS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-, ethyl
       propyl ester                     18755-38-9  C6H15O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl O-(3-methyl-
       4-nitrophenyl) ester             18313-91-2  C11H16NO4PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       diethyl ester                    18812-51-6  C7H17O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       bis(1-methylethyl) ester         18812-55-0  C9H21O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       propyl-, S-methyl ester          19057-03-5  C4H10ClOPS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       propyl-, S-propyl ester          19057-04-6  C6H14ClOPS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       propyl-, S-isopropyl ester       19057-05-7  C6H14ClOPS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       isopropyl-, S-ethyl ester        19057-06-8  C5H12ClOPS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(4-cyanophenyl) ester          19133-28-9  C11H13ClNO2PS        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic dibromide, methyl-    19430-64-9  CH3Br2OP             2931.00
2B04   Ammonium, (2-hydroxyethyl)
       dimethylphenyl-, methyl sulfate,
       methylphosphonofluoridate        19447-71-3  C11H18FNO2P.CH3O4S   2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,O'-diethyl ester               20395-17-9  C10H24O4P2S3         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-methyl ester          20518-03-0  C2H6FOPS             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       S-propyl ester                   18729-79-8  C12H15OPS3           2934.99
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) ester          16537-51-2  C14H18NO3PS2         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       dipropyl ester                   6163-76-4   C8H19O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       bimol, monoanhydride,
       S,S-dipropyl ester               13413-40-6  C8H20OP2S4           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid,
       (1-methylethyl)-, ethyl
       4-nitrophenyl ester              13538-10-8  C11H16NO5P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridodithioic acid,
       methyl-, ethyl ester             14283-39-7  C3H8ClPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic diamide, P-ethyl-
       N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-           14655-69-7  C6H17N2OP            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(4-nitrophenyl) ester          14667-53-9  C10H11ClNO4PS        2931.00
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid,
       methyl-, dimethyl ester          14806-66-7  C3H9PS3              2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,O-dimethyl ester               14806-67-8  C4H11O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridic acid,
       methyl-, propyl ester            15110-09-5  C4H10ClO2P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, ethyl-,
       methyl 4-nitrophenyl ester       15536-01-3  C9H12NO5P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonous acid, methyl-,
       diethyl ester                    15715-41-0  C5H13O2P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       ethyl-, S-propyl ester           18350-59-9  C5H12FOPS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridodithioic acid,
       methyl-, methyl ester            16284-71-2  C2H6ClPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonotrithioic acid, ethyl-,
       diethyl ester                    13297-95-5  C6H15PS3             2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-(2-methylpropyl) ester         16537-52-3  C15H20NO3PS2         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridodithioic acid,
       ethyl-, ethyl ester              17162-55-9  C4H10ClPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridodithioic acid,
       ethyl-, propyl ester             17162-56-0  C5H12ClPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridodithioic acid,
       ethyl-, 1-methylethyl ester      17162-57-1  C5H12ClPS2           2930.90
2B04   Butanedioic acid, [[methyl
       thio]-, diethyl ester            17581-48-5  C12H23O4PS3          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-propyl ester          18005-37-3  C4H10ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-butyl ester           18005-38-4  C5H12ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S,S-diethyl ester                18032-95-6  C6H15OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl S-[2-(methylamino)-2-
       oxoethyl] ester                  18278-44-9  C5H12NO2PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,O'-dimethyl ester              18300-07-7  C8H20O2P2S5          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,O'-diethyl ester               18300-10-2  C10H24O2P2S5         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl O-methyl ester           15720-03-3  C5H13O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(p-tert-butylphenyl) O-methyl
       ester                            2984-66-9   C13H21OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(4-nitrophenyl) O-phenyl ester 2665-30-7   C13H12NO4PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(2,4-dichlorophenyl) O-methyl
       ester                            2667-49-4   C8H9Cl2O2PS          2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-[4-(methylthio)phenyl]
       ester                            2703-13-1   C10H15O2PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    2720-17-4   C10H12BrCl2O2PS      2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(1-methylethyl) ester          2720-18-5   C10H12BrCl2O2PS      2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   2720-19-6   C9H10BrCl2O2PS       2931.00
2B04   Phosphorane, tetrachloromethyl-  2725-68-0   CH3Cl4P              2931.00
2B04   Ethanaminium,
       N,N,N-trimethyl-, iodide         2797-10-6   C6H16FNO2P.I         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl ester                   2917-21-7   C9H11ClNO4PS         2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-[4-(ethylsulfonyl)
       phenyl] ester                    3309-71-5   C11H17O4PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl S-(4-methylphenyl)
       ester                            2984-65-8   C10H15OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-ethyl ester           2524-16-5   C3H8ClOPS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       4-nitrophenyl 2-oxo-2-
       phenylethyl ester                6203-26-5   C15H14NO6P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl S-phenyl ester          2984-68-1   C8H11OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-         4672-38-2   C3H9O3P              2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, propyl-,
       O-ethyl S-phenyl ester           2984-71-6   C11H17OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-isopropyl S-p-tolyl ester      2984-73-8   C12H19OPS2           2930.90
2B04   2,4,8,10-Tetraoxa-3,9-
       3,9-dimethyl-, 3,9-dioxide       3001-98-7   C7H14O6P2            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-o-tolyl ester          3099-88-5   C11H17OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-[4-(ethylthio)phenyl]
       ester                            3186-12-7   C11H17O2PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-methyl O-[4-(methylthio)
       phenyl] ester                    3186-14-9   C9H13O2PS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O-phenyl S-propyl ester          3239-63-2   C10H15OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(4-chlorophenyl) O-ethyl ester 2984-64-7   C10H14ClOPS2         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonamidic acid, trimethyl-,
       isopropyl ester                  2511-07-1   C6H16NO2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-[(2-pyridylthio)
       methyl] ester                    1748-47-6   C10H16NOPS3          2933.39
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-(2-fluoroethyl) ester  1763-36-6   C5H12FO2PS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       dipropyl ester                   1789-95-3   C9H21O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       mono(1-methylethyl) ester        1832-54-8   C4H11O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl ester                    1942-78-5   C11H16ClOPS2         2930.90
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       S-(4-chloro-m-tolyl) O-methyl
       ester                            1942-80-9   C10H14ClOPS2         2930.90
2B04   Ammonium, (3-hydroxypropyl)
       trimethyl-, iodide,
       methylphosphonofluoridate        1978-17-2   C7H18FNO2P.I         2931.00
2B04   Aziridine,
       1,1'-(ethylphosphinylidene)bis-  2275-83-4   C6H13N2OP            2933.99
2B04   Aziridine,
       1,1'-(propylphosphinylidene)bis- 2275-86-7   C7H15N2OP            2933.99
2B04   Phosphonamidic acid, trimethyl-,
       ethyl ester                      2404-80-0   C5H14NO2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl O-[4-(ethylsulfinyl)
       phenyl] ester                    2636-23-9   C11H17O3PS2          2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       1-methylethyl ester,
       ethanedioate (1:1)               2478-96-8   C8H20NO3P.C2H2O4     2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-(1-methylethyl) ester 2524-17-6   C4H10ClOPS           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O,S-diethyl ester                2511-10-6   C5H13O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,S-diethyl ester                2511-11-7   C6H15O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-ethyl S-methyl ester           2511-12-8   C5H13O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, propyl-,
       O,S-diethyl ester                2511-13-9   C7H17O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,S-dibutyl ester                2511-15-1   C10H23O2PS           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic diamide, pentamethyl- 2511-17-3   C5H15N2OP            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonamidic acid, trimethyl-,
       propyl ester                     2511-27-5   C6H16NO2P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonothioic dichloride,
       propyl-                          2524-01-8   C3H7Cl2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonochloridothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-methyl ester          2524-15-4   C2H6ClOPS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O-methyl S-phenyl ester          2984-70-5   C9H13OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,O-diethyl ester                2455-45-0   C6H15O2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphinic acid, methyl-         4206-94-4   CH5O2P               2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-(1-methylethyl) ester 4241-37-6   C4H10FOPS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-propyl ester          4241-38-7   C4H10FOPS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, propyl-,
       O-ethyl S-p-tolyl ester          2984-67-0   C12H19OPS2           2930.90
2B04   Phosphonic acid, propyl-,
       dibutyl ester                    4628-12-0   C11H25O3P            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonofluoridothioic acid,
       methyl-, O-ethyl ester           4241-39-8   C3H8FOPS             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, methyl-,
       O,S-diethyl ester                3347-31-7   C5H13OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic dibromide,
       ethyl-                           3931-88-2   C2H5Br2PS            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid,
       isopropyl-, O-ethyl ester,
       S-ester with dihydro-3-
       furanone                         4633-34-5   C10H19O3PS2          2932.29
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-(4-chlorobutyl) O-[4-nitro-3-
       (trifluoromethyl)phenyl] ester   3954-73-2   C12H14ClF3NO4PS      2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid,
       bis(1-methylethyl) ester         3759-39-5   C9H21O3P             2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       1-methylethyl 4-nitrophenyl
       ester                            3735-97-5   C10H14NO5P           2931.00
2B04   Phosphonic acid, methyl-,
       monomethyl ester, anhydride with
       dimethyl phosphate               3348-63-8   C4H12O6P2            2931.00
2B04   Phosphonodithioic acid, ethyl-,
       O,S-diethyl ester                3347-32-8   C6H15OPS2            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-,
       O-ethyl S-pentyl ester           3675-88-5   C8H19O2PS            2930.90
2B04   Phosphonothioic acid, ethyl
       O-ethyl ester                    3563-52-8   C10H13ClNO4PS        2931.00
2B05   Phosphoramidic chloride
       fluoride, dimethyl-              36598-84-2  C2H6ClFNOP           2929.90
2B05   Phosphoramidic difluoride,
       dimethyl-                        354-43-8    C2H6F2NOP            2929.90
2B05   Phosphoramidic difluoride,
       dipropyl-                        40882-01-7  C6H14F2NOP           2929.90
2B05   Phosphoramidic bromide fluoride,
       diethyl-                         758-71-4    C4H10BrFNOP          2929.90
2B05   Phosphoramidic dichloride,
       dimethyl-                        677-43-0    C2H6Cl2NOP           2929.90
2B05   Phosphoramidic dichloride,
       diethyl-                         1498-54-0   C4H10Cl2NOP          2929.90
2B05   Phosphoramidic chloride
       fluoride, diethyl-               650-72-6    C4H10ClFNOP          2929.90
2B05   Phosphoramidic difluoride,
       diethyl-                         359-94-4    C4H10F2NOP           2929.90
2B05   Phosphoramidic dichloride,
       dipropyl-                        40881-98-9  C6H14Cl2NOP          2929.90
2B06   Phosphoramidic acid, dimethyl-,
       methyl propyl ester              170082-64-1 C6H16NO3P            2929.90
2B06   Phosphoramidic acid,
       ethylmethyl-, diethyl ester      53279-98-4  C7H18NO3P            2929.90
2B06   Phosphoramidic acid, diethyl-,
       dimethyl ester                   65659-19-0  C6H16NO3P            2929.90
2B06   Phosphoramidic acid, dimethyl-,
       ethyl methyl ester, (S)-         71877-78-6  C5H14NO3P            2929.90
2B06   Phosphoramidic acid, dimethyl-,
       ethyl methyl ester, (R)-         71877-79-7  C5H14NO3P            2929.90
2B06   Phosphoramidic acid, diethyl-,
       ethyl methyl ester               89893-77-6  C7H18NO3P            2929.90
2B06   Phosphoramidic acid, dimethyl-,
       ethyl 1-metylethyl ester         99520-56-6  C7H18NO3P            2929.90
2B06   Phosphoramidic acid, dimethyl-,
       methyl 1-methylethyl ester       141968-54-9 C6H16NO3P            2929.90
2B06   Phosphoramidic acid, dimethyl-,
       dimethyl ester                   597-07-9    C4H12NO3P            2929.90
2B07   Arsenic trichloride              7784-34-1   AsCl3                2812.10
2B08   Benzeneacetic acid, .alpha.-
       hydroxy-.alpha.-phenyl-          76-93-7     C14H12O3             2918.19
2B09   1-Azabicyclo[2,2,2]octan-3-ol    1619-34-7   C7H13NO              2933.39
2B10   2-Propanamine,
       methylethyl)-                    96-79-7     C8H18ClN             2921.19
2B10   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N,N-
       diethyl-                         100-35-6    C6H14ClN             2921.19
2B10   2-Propanamine,
       methylethyl)-, hydrochloride     4261-68-1   C8H18ClN.ClH         2921.19
2B10   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N,N-
       diethyl-, sulfate (1:1)          67845-39-0  C6H14ClN.H2O4S       2921.19
2B10   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N,N-
       diethyl-, hydrochloride          869-24-9    C6H14ClN.ClH         2921.19
2B10   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N,N-
       diethyl-, sulfate (2:1)          68391-41-3  C6H14ClN.1/2H2O4S    2921.19
2B10   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N,N-
       dimethyl-                        107-99-3    C4H10ClN             2921.19
2B10   1-Propanamine, N-(2-
       hydrochloride                    4535-86-8   C8H18ClN.ClH         2921.19
2B10   Propylamine, N-(2-chloroethyl)-
       N-ethyl-, hydrochloride          13105-93-6  C7H16ClN.ClH         2921.19
2B10   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N-ethyl-N-
       methyl-, hydrochloride           4535-88-0   C5H12ClN.ClH         2921.19
2B10   Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N,N-
       dimethyl-, hydrochloride         4584-46-7   C4H10ClN.ClH         2921.19
2B10   Ethanamine, 1-chloro-N,N,-
       diethyl                          77200-17-0  C6H14ClN             2921.19
2B10   1-Propanamine, N-(2-
       chloroethyl)-N-propyl-           36716-60-6  C8H18ClN             2921.19
2B11   Ethanol,
       picrate                          2893-62-1   C7H17NO.C6H3N3O7     2922.19
2B11   Ethanol, 2-[bis(1-
       methylethyl)amino]-              96-80-0     C8H19NO              2922.19
2B11   Ethanol, 2-(dipropylamino)-,
       hydrochloride                    4535-76-6   C8H19NO.ClH          2922.19
2B11   (2-Hydroxyethyl)
       tripropylammonium chloride       96311-53-4  C11H26NO.Cl          2923.90
2B11   Ethanol, 2-(ethylmethylamino)-   2893-43-8   C5H13NO              2922.19
2B11   Ethanol, 2-[ethyl(1-methylethyl)
       amino]-                          2893-61-0   C7H17NO              2922.19
2B11   Ethanol, 2-(ethylpropylamino)-,
       picrate                          2893-64-3   C7H17NO.C6H3N3O7     2922.19
2B11   Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-
       chloride                         63982-26-3  C7H18NO2.Cl          2922.19
2B11   Ethanol, 2-(dipropylamino)-      3238-75-3   C8H19NO              2922.19
2B11   Ethanol, 2-(ethylpropylamino)-   2893-56-3   C7H17NO              2922.19
2B12   Ethanethiol, 2-[bis(1-
       methylethyl)amino]-              5842-07-9   C8H19NS              2930.90
2B12   Ethanethiol, 2-(dipropylamino)-  5842-06-8   C8H19NS              2930.90
2B12   Ethanethiol, 2-(diethylamino)-   100-38-9    C6H15NS              2930.90
2B12   Ethanethiol, 2-(dimethylamino)-,
       hydrochloride                    13242-44-9  C4H11NS.ClH          2930.90
2B12   Ethanethiol, 2-(dimethylamino)-  108-02-1    C4H11NS              2930.90
2B12   Ethanaminium, 2-mercapto-N,N,N-
       trimethyl-, salt with
       4-methylbenzenesulfonic acid
       (1:1)                            79321-32-7  C7H7O3S.C5H14NS      2930.90
2B12   [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-
       diethanaminium, N,N'-bis(2-
       tetramethyl-.beta ...
       beta.'-dioxo-, dibromide         60872-42-6  C24H34N2O2S2.2Br     2930.90
2B12   Ethanaminium,
       iodide                           7161-73-1   C5H14NS.I            2930.90
2B12   Ethanethiol, 2-(diethylamino)-,
       hydrochloride                    1942-52-5   C6H15NS.ClH          2930.90
2B12   Ethanaminium, 2-mercapto-N,N,N-
       trimethyl-, chloride             37880-96-9  C5H14NS.Cl           2930.90
2B12   Ethanethiol, 2-[bis(1-
       hydrochloride                    41480-75-5  C8H19NS.ClH          2930.90
2B12   Ethanethiol, 2-(dimethylamino)-,
       sodium salt                      55931-94-7  C4H11NS.Na           2930.90
2B12   Ethanaminium, N,N-diethyl-2-
       mercapto-N-methyl-, iodide       66753-00-2  C7H18NS.I            2930.90
2B12   Ethanaminium, 2-mercapto-N,N,N-
       trimethyl-                       625-00-3    C5H14NS              2930.90
2B12   [1,1':4',1"-Terphenyl]-4,4"-
(?)*) -diethanaminium, N,N'-
       dioxo-, dibromide                73206-33-4  C30H38N2O2S2.2Br     2930.90
2B13   Ethanol, 2,2'-thiobis-           111-48-8    C4H10O2S             2930.90
2B14   2-Butanol, 3,3-dimethyl-         464-07-3    C6H14O               2905.19

Tabelul 3

A. Produse chimice toxice:

3A01   Carbonic dichloride              75-44-5     CCl2O                2812.10
3A02   Cyanogen chloride ((CN)Cl)       506-77-4    CClN                 2851.00
3A03   Hydrocyanic acid                 74-90-8     CHN                  2811.19
3A04   Methane, trichloronitro-         76-06-2     CCl3NO2              2904.90

B. Precursori:

3B05   Phosphoric trichloride           10025-87-3  Cl3OP                2812.10
3B06   Phosphorous trichloride          7719-12-2   Cl3P                 2812.10
3B07   Phosphorane, pentachloro-        10026-13-8  Cl5P                 2812.10
3B08   Phosphorous acid, trimethyl
       ester                            121-45-9    C3H9O3P              2920.90
3B09   Phosphorous acid, triethyl ester 122-52-1    C6H15O3P             2920.90
3B10   Phosphonic acid, dimethyl ester  868-85-9    C2H7O3P              2920.90
3B11   Phosphonic acid, diethyl ester   762-04-9    C4H11O3P             2920.90
3B12   Sulfur chloride (S2Cl2)          10025-67-9  Cl2S2                2812.10
3B13   Sulfur chloride (SCl2)           10545-99-0  Cl2S                 2812.10
3B14   Thionyl chloride                 7719-09-7   Cl2OS                2812.10
3B15   Ethanol, 2,2'-(ethylimino)bis-   139-87-7    C6H15NO2             2922.19
3B16   Ethanol, 2,2'-(methylimino)bis-  105-59-9    C5H13NO2             2922.19
3B17   Ethanol, 2,2',2"-nitrilotris-    102-71-6    C6H15NO3             2922.13
    *) Aceste clasificari au fost determinate pentru situatiile in care anionul este iodura; anionii de alta natura determina clasificari diferite.
    *) Semnul de intrebare este mentinut asa cum apare in Manualul Organizatiei pentru Interzicerea Armelor Chimice.
    *) Denumirile substantelor sunt consemnate in limba engleza, conform documentului oficial emis de Comitetul Sistemului armonizat.


COMENTARII la Decizia 1417/2002

Momentan nu exista niciun comentariu la Decizia 1417 din 2002
Comentarii la alte acte
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení vašeho osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení vašeho osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení vašeho osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení vašeho osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení vašeho osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení vašeho osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení vašeho osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení vašeho osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení vašeho osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení vašeho osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu:
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