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HOTARARE   Nr. 171 din 20 februarie 2002

pentru aprobarea detalierii listei-sinteza pe amplasamente si obiective de investitii din cadrul Programului de constructii de locuinte pentru tineret


ACT PUBLICAT IN: MONITORUL OFICIAL  NR. 165 din  7 martie 2002


    In temeiul prevederilor art. 107 din Constitutia Romaniei si ale anexei nr. 3/24/27 la Legea bugetului de stat pe anul 2002 nr. 743/2001,

    Guvernul Romaniei adopta prezenta hotarare.

    Art. 1
    Se aproba detalierea listei-sinteza pe amplasamente si obiective de investitii din cadrul Programului de constructii de locuinte pentru tineret, finantata de la capitolul "Servicii, dezvoltare publica si locuinte" din bugetul aprobat pentru anul 2002 Ministerului Lucrarilor Publice, Transporturilor si Locuintei, prevazuta in anexa care face parte integranta din prezenta hotarare.
    Art. 2
    Documentatiile tehnico-economice in vederea realizarii obiectivelor de investitii prevazute la art. 1 se aproba potrivit legii.

                  ADRIAN NASTASE

                         p. Ministrul lucrarilor publice,
                         transporturilor si locuintei,
                         Ion Selaru,
                         secretar de stat

                         Ministrul finantelor publice,
                         Mihai Nicolae Tanasescu

    ANEXA 1*)

    *) Anexa este reprodusa in facsimil.

listei-sinteza pe amplasamente si obiective de investitii din cadrul Programului de constructii de locuinte pentru tineret pe anul 2002

    Semnificatia coloanelor din tabelul de mai jos este urmatoarea:
    A - Regim de inaltime
    B - Nr. unit. locative
|   |                               Amplasamente                               |
|   |__________________________________________________________________________|
|Nr |         |           |               Obiectiv de investitii               |
|crt|  Judet  |Localitate |____________________________________________________|
|   |         |           |     Adresa    | Supr. |  A  |   B  |   Structuri   |
|   |         |           |               | teren |     |      |   existente   |
|   |         |           |               | (mp)  |     |      |_______________|
|   |         |           |               |       |     |      | u.l.| stadiu  |
|   |         |           |               |       |     |      |     | fizic   |
|  1|         |           |Str. Livezii   |    651| P+4E|   45 |  45 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 46 - 48    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|  2|         |           |Ampoi III -    |  1.200| P+3E|   22 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Zona II        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|  3|         |Alba Iulia |P-ta. C E bloc |       |S+P+M|    8 |   8 |structura|
|   |         |           |32 D           |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|  4|         |           |Str. Ardealului|    600|P+M+ |   32 |  32 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |8E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|  5|         |           |Str. Consiliul |    300|P+M+ |   15 |  15 |structura|
|   |         |           |Europei        |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|  6|         |           |Str. Tiglariei |  6.600|D+P+ |   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |1E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|  7|         |           |Str.           |       |S+P+ |   14 |  14 |structura|
|   |         |           |Transilvaniei  |       |M+3E |      |     |         |
|   |         |Aiud       |A12            |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|  8|ALBA     |           |Str.           |    475|P+4E |   12 |  12 |structura|
|   |         |           |Ecaterina Varga|       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |BL. P21        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|  9|         |Blaj       |Str.           |    411|P+3E |   23 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Gh. Baritiu    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 10|         |Ocna Mures |Str. Digului   |    600|S+P+ |   28 |  28 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 20A,       |       |4E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. 3A, B      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 11|         |           |Str. 21        |    387|S+P+ |   12 |  12 |structura|
|   |         |           |Dec. 1918,     |       |2E+M |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. HD6        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Cugir      |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 12|         |           |Str. Rozelor   |  1.200|P+3E+|   22 |     |         |
|   |         |           |MICRO VII      |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 13|         |           |Cart. Valea    |    500|P+3E |   22 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Frumoasa       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Sebes      |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 14|         |           |Cart. Lucian   |    500|P+3E |   22 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Blaga          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 15|         |Zlatna     |Bloc locuinte  |       |P+2E+|   15 |  15 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 16|         |Teius      |Str. Clujului  |       |P+3E |    9 |   9 |structura|
|   |         |           |bloc. B4       |       |     |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL                    |  321 | 190 |         |
| 17|         |           |Calea Aurel    |    330|S+P+ |   42 | 42  |structura|
|   |         |           |Vlaicu, bl. X42|       |8E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |- Sc. C        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 18|         |           |Cartier        |  5.200|S+P+ |   48 |     |         |
|   |ARAD     |Arad       |Micalaca - str.|       |3E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Ciuhandru      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 19|         |           |Cart. Micalaca |  5.200|S+P+ |   48 |     |         |
|   |         |           |II - III -     |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Centru cart.   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |N. Titulescu   |       |     |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL                    |  138 | 42  |         |
| 20|         |           |Aleea Negoiu   |    525|P+3E |   12 |     |         |
|___|         |Pitesti    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 21|         |           |Aleea Caminelor|  2.000|D+P+ |   39 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 25         |       |2E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 22|         |           |Zona Grui -    |    818|P+4E+|   28 | 28  |structura|
|   |         |           |Str. Carpati   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |Campulung  |Bl. D 22       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Muscel     |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 23|         |           |Ans. Central   |  3.000|D+P+ |   50 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |2E+M |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 24|         |           |Str. Unirii    |  4.200|P+2E+|   75 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 25|ARGES    |           |Str.           |    660|P+2E+|   15 |     |         |
|   |         |Curtea     |1 Decembrie    |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |de Arges   |1918           |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 26|         |           |Str. Nevers    |  2.625|P+2E+|   45 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 27|         |           |Str. Elena Cuza|    750|P+2E+|   15 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 28|         |Topoloveni |UTR - Bloc     |  1.800|P+4E |   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |tineret, bloc  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |14             |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  299 |  28 |         |
| 29|         |           |Str.           |  1.096|P+4E |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |Orizontului    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |Bacau      |nr. 44         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 30|         |           |Str. Bucegi    |  8.000|P+3E |  135 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 31|         |           |Str. Tudor     |    600|P+3E+|   23 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Vladimirescu   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 32|         |           |Str. Plopilor  |    600|P+3E+|   46 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |Moinesti   |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 33|         |           |Str. Luminii   |    600|P+3E+|   23 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 34|         |           |Str. Mihai     |  1.181|P+1E |   14 |  14 |structura|
|   |         |           |Eminescu       |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 150        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 35|BACAU    |           |Str. Victoria  |  6.640|P+3E+|   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 44 - 48,   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bloc F14       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 36|         |Targu Ocna |Str. 9 Mai,    |    942|P+3E+|   25 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 2, bloc A12|       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 37|         |           |Str. Capitan   |  1.043|P+3E+|   25 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Busila nr. 2   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bloc F17       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 38|         |           |Str. Eremia    |  2.031|P+3E+|   57 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Grigorescu,    |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bloc F15, F16  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 39|         |Darmanesti |Str. Energiei  |  1.750|P+2E+|   36 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 40|         |Onesti     |Zona Libertatii| 17.463|P+3E+|  200 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 41|         |Comanesti  |Str. Librariei |  2.600|P+3E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |(Garii)        |       |     |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL                    |  684 |  54 |         |
| 42|         |           |Stefan cel Mare|  5.200|P+3E+|  125 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |Oradea     |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 43|         |           |B-dul Decebal  |  5.253|P+4E |   78 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 44|         |Com.       |Zona Nord Vest |  6.850|P+2E+|  120 |     |         |
|   |         |Sanmartin  |- Str.         |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Principala     |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 45|BIHOR    |           |Str. Andrei    |  2.112|P+2E |   18 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Muresanu 4     |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Stei       |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 46|         |           |Aleea Miron    |  1.132|P+2E |   18 |  18 |structura|
|   |         |           |Pompiliu       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 47|         |           |Str. 1 Dec.    |  8.560|S+P+ |   36 |  36 |structura|
|   |         |Beius      |1918           |       |2E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. Z1 - Z2    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 48|         |           |Piata          |       |P+4E |   30 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Democratiei,   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. Z1 - Z2    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Salonta    |_______________| 10.000|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 49|         |           |Piata          |       |P+4E |   30 |  30 |structura|
|   |         |           |Democratiei,   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bloc Z3, Z4    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 50|         |           |Str.           |  2.005|P+3E+|   36 |  36 |structura|
|   |         |           |Progresului    |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |Marghita   |nr. 1          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 51|         |           |Str. Eroilor   |  1.435|P+3E+|   36 |  36 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 7          |       |M    |      |     |         |
                              TOTAL                     |  527 | 156 |         |
| 52|         |           |Str. T.        |  2.500|P+2  |   62 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Brediceanu     |       |(3)E+|      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 2          |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 53|         |           |Str. Subcetate |  7.700|S+P+ |  138 |     |         |
|   |         |           |1              |       |3E+M |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 54|         |           |Str. Subcetate |  7.700|S+P+ |  138 |     |         |
|   |         |           |2              |       |3E+M |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 55|         |           |Str. Subcetate |  7.700|S+P+ |  138 |     |         |
|   |         |           |3              |       |3E+M |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 56|         |           |Str. Subcetate |  5.010|P+3E+|   82 |     |         |
|   |         |           |4              |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 57|         |Bistrita   |Str. Salciilor |    400|P+3E+|   38 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 58|BISTRITA |           |Str. Tarpiului |  1.200|P+3E+|   76 |     |         |
|   |NASAUD   |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 59|         |           |B-dul Decebal  |    800|P+3E+|   38 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 60|         |           |Cartier        |  1.200|P+3E+|   75 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Viisoara I     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 61|         |           |Cartier        |  1.200|P+2  |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |Viisoara II    |       |(3)E |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 62|         |           |Str. Parcului  |    650|P+4E |   58 |  58 |structura|
|___|         |Beclean    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 63|         |           |Str. Sieului   |    300|P+3E+|   19 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 64|         |           |UTR - bloc D2  |    455|P+3E+|   18 |     |         |
|   |         |Nasaud     |sc. C          |       |M    |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  920 |  98 |         |
| 65|         |           |Ans. Piata II, |    336|P+7E |   30 |  30 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. H4 Sc. A   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 66|         |           |Calea Nationala|    661|P+4E |   36 |  36 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 218        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 67|         |           |Str.           |  1.695|P+4E |   30 |  30 |structura|
|   |         |           |Calugareni,    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. S1 - S2    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 68|         |           |Str. Vornic    |  2.147|P+4E |   35 |  35 |structura|
|   |         |           |Boldur,        |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. S3 - S4    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 69|         |Botosani   |Str. Alba      |  2.120|P+4E |   35 |  35 |structura|
|   |         |           |Iulia, bl. S5 -|       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |- S6           |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 70|         |           |Ans. Miorita   |    358|P+7E |   25 |  25 |structura|
|   |         |           |II, bl. O4     |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 71|BOTOSANI |           |Str. Cismea    | 28.693|P+3E |  210 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 72|         |           |Amplasament    | 32.280|P+3E |  204 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bucovina       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 73|         |           |Str. Col. D.   |    320|P+4E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|   |         |           |Gherea, bl. C1 |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Dorohoi    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 74|         |           |Str. Dimitrie  |  2.860|P+3E |   48 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Pompei         |       |     |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL                    |  673 | 211 |         |
| 75|         |           |Str.           |  3.000|D+P+ |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |Predeal    |Caprioarei nr. |       |3E+M |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |22             |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|BRASOV   |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 76|         |           |Cartier Stefan |  3.000|S+P+ |   96 |     |         |
|   |         |Salcele    |cel Mare       |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL                    |  136 |   0 |         |
| 77|         |           |Cart. Apollo,  |  6.676|P+3E |   56 |     |         |
|   |         |           |str. Siretului |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 78|         |           |Cart. Brailita,| 31.940|P+3E |  272 |     |         |
|   |         |           |str. Viilor -  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |str. Vadul     |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Caragatei      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 79|         |           |Cart. Lacu     | 15.775|P+3E |  248 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Dulce, str.    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Derului        |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Cazasului, CF  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Buc. - Braila  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 80|         |           |Ans. Buzaului, |       |P+4E |   28 |  28 |structura|
|   |         |           |Str. Negoiului |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 3, Bl. B 26|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 81|         |           |Calea          |    892|P+7,8|   30 |  30 |structura|
|   |         |           |Calarasilor nr.|       |E    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |309, bl. B1 -  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |BRAILA   |Braila     |B2 bis         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 82|         |           |Ans. Buzaului, |       |P+5, |   69 |  69 |structura|
|   |         |           |str. George    |       |6,7E |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Enescu nr. 5,  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. B24        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 83|         |           |Cartier        | 42.364|P+3E |  104 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Brailita       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 84|         |           |Soseaua        | 12.375|P+3E |   80 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Baldovinesti   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 85|         |           |Cartier Lacul  | 15.675|P+3E |  248 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Dulce          |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |(Hipodrom)     |       |     |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL                    |1.135 | 127 |         |
| 86|         |           |Cartier        |    315|P+2E+|   16 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Dorobanti 2 -  |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Zona Gruparii  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 87|         |Buzau      |Cartier        |    315|P+2E+|   16 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Dorobanti 2  - |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Str. Garlasi   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 88|         |           |B-dul 1        |    472|P+9E |   47 |  47 |structura|
|   |         |           |Decembrie 1918 |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|BUZAU    |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 89|         |Nehoiu     |Calea Mihai    |    400|P+3E+|   19 |  19 |structura|
|   |         |           |Viteazu, bl. A9|       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 90|         |           |B-dul Eroilor  |  2.200|S+P+ |   24 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 91|         |Ramnicu    |Str. Industriei|       |P+4E |   52 |  52 |structura|
|   |         |Sarat      |nr. 4, Camin   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nefamilisti    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 92|         |           |Str. Industriei|  1.179|P+4E |   49 |  49 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 2          |       |     |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL                    |  223 | 167 |         |
| 93|         |           |Str. Domanului |  2.350|P+2E+|   32 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 15         |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 94|         |           |Str.           |    725|P+3E |   19 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Calnicului,    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 1          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 95|         |Resita     |Str.           |    882|P+4E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|   |         |           |Calnicului,    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 2          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 96|         |           |Str. Pinilor,  |  1.282|P+4E |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 3          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 97|         |           |Zona Caminelor,|    639|P+4E |   55 |  55 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 11         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 98|         |Baile      |Str.           |    400|P+3E |   19 |     |         |
|   |         |Herculane  |Trandafirilor  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
| 99|CARAS    |           |Str. Libertatii|    284|P+4E |   14 |     |         |
|   |SEVERIN  |           |nr. 3 Bl. L3   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|100|         |Otelul Rosu|Str. Libertatii|    284|P+4E |   14 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 3 Bl. L4   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|101|         |           |Str. Libertatii|    284|P+4E |   14 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 3 Bl. L5   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|102|         |           |Orasul Nou     |    290|P+4E |   18 |  18 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. 35         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Moldova    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|103|         |Noua       |Str. N.        |    380|P+4E |   24 |  24 |structura|
|   |         |           |Titulescu      |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. 41         |       |     |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL                    |  269 | 157 |         |
|104|         |           |Prelungirea    | 16.115|P+1E |   86 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bucuresti      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|105|         |           |Bloc G3        |  1.200|P+4E |   32 |     |         |
|___|         |Calarasi   |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|106|         |           |Str. Cornisei  | 27.000|P+1E |  116 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|107|CALARASI |           |Bloc J21       |  4.000|P+4E |   80 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|108|         |           |Str. Grivitei  |  1.000|P+4E |   27 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|109|         |           |B-dul Sahia    |       |P+5, |   76 |  76 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 2, bl. II  |       |6,7E |      |     |         |
|___|         |Oltenita   |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|110|         |           |UTR - bloc  G40|  1.800|P+4E |   50 |  50 |structura|
|                              TOTAL                    |  467 | 126 |         |
|111|         |           |Str. Mehedinti |  4.000|P+3E+|  114 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|112|         |Cluj Napoca|Inst. Oncologic|    900|P+3E |   26 |     |         |
|   |         |           |- Str. Gh.     |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bilascu nr.    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |34 - 36        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|113|         |           |Aleea Amurg S2 |  1.055|P+4E |   20 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|114|         |           |Aleea Amurg S1 |  1.000|P+4E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|___|         |Dej        |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|115|         |           |Str. Crangului |       |P+4  |   50 |     |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 1 - 2      |       |(8)E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|116|         |           |Str. Libertatii|  1.000|P+2E+|    9 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Nr. 166        |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|117|         |           |Str. Gh.       |       |P+4E |   15 |  15 |structura|
|   |         |           |Baritiu nr.    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |Campia     |44A, Bl. L14   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Turzii     |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|118|         |           |Str. Gheorghe  |  2.400|P+3E+|   64 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Baritiu nr. 38 |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|119|         |           |Aleea 1 Mai    |  3.732|P+2E+|   45 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |Huedin     |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|120|CLUJ     |           |Str. Gheorghe  |    934|P+2E+|    9 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Doja           |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|121|         |           |Str. Pusta     |150.000|P+2E+|  500 |     |         |
|   |         |Floresti   |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|122|         |           |Str. Intre     |  2.000|P+2E+|   50 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Blocuri        |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|123|         |           |Str. Republicii|  1.000|P+2E+|   20 |     |         |
|   |         |Gilau      |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|124|         |           |Zona Castel    |  5.000|P+2E+|   50 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|125|         |           |Zona Gara      | 14.100|P+1E |  160 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Bontida    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|126|         |           |Zona S.C.      |  6.000|P+1E |   80 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Favorit        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|127|         |           |Str. Principala|  1.500|P+1E |   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |- I            |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Jucu       |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|128|         |           |Str. Principala|  1.600|P+1E |   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |- II           |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|129|         |           |Str.           |  2.447|P+3E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Tineretului    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Cartier        |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Oprisani       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|130|         |Turda      |Str. Zambilelor|  3.045|P+3E+|   48 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|131|         |           |P-ta Romana    |    700|P+6+M|   28 |  28 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 15 Bl. O1  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Sc. 2+3        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|132|         |           |Str. Parcului  |    609|P+3E+|   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 29 - 31    |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |Gherla     |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|133|         |           |Str. Apei fn   |  1.168|P+3E+|   30 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|134|         |Mintiu     |Str. Principala|  2.660|P+3E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |Gherlei    |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|135|         |Aghires    |Str. Fabricii  |  2.000|P+2E+|   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|                                TOTAL                  |1.538 |  63 |         |
|136|         |           |Faleza Nord +  |  2.684|S+P+ |  120 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Str. Traian    |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|137|         |           |Bloc CS1       |       |P+4E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|___|         |Constanta  |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|138|         |           |Cart. Faleza   |  8.000|P+3E+|  207 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Sud - str.     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Brizei I       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|139|         |           |Cart. Faleza   |  8.000|P+3E+|  207 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Sud - str.     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Brizei II      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|CONSTANTA|           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|140|         |           |Cart. Faleza   |  8.000|P+3E+|  184 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Sud - str.     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Brizei III     |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|141|         |           |Cart. Faleza   |  8.000|P+3E+|  207 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Sud - str.     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Brizei IV      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|142|         |           |Str. Industriei|  5.000|P+3E |   60 |     |         |
|___|         |Medgidia   |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|143|         |           |Str. Vanatori I|  1.475|D+P+ |   36 |  36 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |2E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|144|         |Basarabi   |Fantanitei     |  2.306|P+3E |   64 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 1A         |       |     |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL      |       |     |1.105 |  56 |         |
|145|         |           |Zona Simeria   |       |P+   |   28 |  28 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. 1S         |       |3,4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|146|         |           |Str. Grigore   |       |P+3E |   72 |     |         |
|   |         |Sf.        |Balan          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Gheorghe   |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|147|         |           |Cartierul      |  2.000|P+3E |   24 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Oltului        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|148|         |           |Zona Centrala, |  1.065|P+3E+|   15 |  15 |structura|
|   |         |           |Str. Mihai     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |Intorsura  |Viteazul       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Buzaului   |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|149|COVASNA  |           |Str. Libertatii|    500|P+3E |   15 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|150|         |           |UTR            |  3.400|P+3E |   60 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|151|         |           |Zona Centrala, |    626|P+4E |   12 |  12 |structura|
|   |         |           |str. Kosuth    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Lajos          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Baraolt    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|152|         |           |Str.           |    300|P+3E |   12 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Trandafirilor I|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|153|         |           |Str.           |    300|P+3E |   12 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Trandafirilor  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |II             |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|154|         |Cernat     |Bloc           |       |P+M  |    8 |   8 |structura|
|   |         |           |zona Centru    |       |     |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL                    |  258 |  63 |         |
|155|         |           |B.dul Unirii   |    635|P+7E |   64 |  64 |structura|
|   |         |           |bl. 39A        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|156|         |           |Str. Pacii -   |    325|P+4E |   64 |     |         |
|   |         |           |UTR 27         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|157|         |           |Lt.            |    425|P+4E+|   54 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Dragomirescu   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |UTR19          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|158|         |           |Calea Bucuresti|  4.900|P+8E |  120 |     |         |
|   |         |           |UTR15          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|159|         |           |Str. Vlad Tepes|  1.575|P+3E+|   38 |     |         |
|   |         |           |UTR16          |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |Targoviste |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|160|         |           |Str. Prutului  |  1.200|P+4E |   32 |     |         |
|   |         |           |UTR20          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|161|         |           |B.dul I.C.     |  4.500|P+4E |  100 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bratianu UTR26 |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|162|         |           |Str. Petru     |  4.300|P+3E+|  100 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Cercel UTR25   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|163|         |           |Camp.          |120.000|P+1E+|  220 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Universitar    |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |UTR21          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|164|         |           |Str. S.        |100.000|P+2E+|  400 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Stanculescu    |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |UTR24          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|165|         |           |Str.           |  1.045|P+   |   39 |  39 |structura|
|   |         |           |C. Brancoveanu |       |6,7E |      |     |         |
|___|DAMBOVITA|           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|166|         |           |Str. Craitelor |  4.100|P+   |  100 | 100 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |7,8E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|167|         |           |Micro II - UTR |  1.539|P+3E+|   38 |     |         |
|   |         |           |20 - Hotin     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|168|         |           |Micro II - UTR |  3.622|P+3E+|   57 |     |         |
|   |         |           |20 - Soroca    |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|169|         |           |Micro XI - Str.|  5.830|P+3E+|   76 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Dumitru Dragut |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|170|         |           |Str. Eroilor   |    830|P+   |   90 |  90 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |7(8)E|      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|171|         |           |UTR Bl. 11 A+B |    914|P+7+M|   90 |  90 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|172|         |           |Zona Bucegi,   |  2.760|P+3E |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |str.           |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Randunelelor   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Pucioasa   |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|173|         |           |B-dul          |    910|P+   |   24 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Republicii     |       |4,5E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|174|         |           |Zona Stadion   |  3.200|P+   |   26 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. A, B       |       |2,3E |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|175|         |           |Zona Visarion  |    960|P+4E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|176|         |Titu       |Zona Titu Nou  |  7.900|P+2E+|   91 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|177|         |           |Str. Visarion  |    400|P+4E |   19 |  19 |structura|
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|178|         |           |Str. Crangului |  3.340|P+2E+|   32 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. A1,2,3,4   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |Moreni     |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|179|         |           |Str. Victoriei |    735|P+   |   24 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. K1c        |       |3,4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|180|         |Fieni      |Zona Centrala  |  1.820|P+   |   57 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. A1,2,3     |       |3,4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|181|         |Gaiesti    |Str. 30 Dec.   | 12.000|P+2, |  200 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. A1 - A10   |       |3E+M |      |     |         |
|                              TOTAL                    |2.235 | 422 |         |
|182|         |           |Craiovita Noua | 12.500|P+   |  245 |     |         |
|   |         |           |- B-dul Oltenia|       |2(3)E|      |     |         |
|   |         |           |B-dul          |       |+M   |      |     |         |
|   |         |Craiova    |Tineretului    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|183|DOLJ     |           |B-dul          | 12.500|S+P+ |  252 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Tineretului -  |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Str. G. Enescu |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|184|         |Filiasi    |Str. Pietei    |       |P+4E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|   |         |           |bloc. G7       |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  517 |  20 |         |
|185|         |           |Str. Garii CFR | 16.700|P+   |  206 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |4(5)E|      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|186|         |           |Drum Centura,  | 14.000|P+3E |  127 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. M3B        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|187|         |Galati     |Drum Centura,  |  9.000|P+   |  152 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Micro 17       |       |1(2)E|      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|188|GALATI   |           |Traian Nord fn |  5.000|P+M  |    8 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|189|         |           |Badalani       | 30.000|P+2E+|  120 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|190|         |           |Turn T.V.      | 20.000|P+8E |  120 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|191|         |Tecuci     |Str. Capitan   |  3.000|P+2E |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Gh. Decuseara  |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  793 |   0 |         |
|192|         |           |Ansamblul      |  1.782|P+3E |   55 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Dudului        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|193|         |           |Ans. Steaua    |       |P+   |   64 |  64 |structura|
|   |         |           |Dunarii, B-dul |       |5-8E |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Mihai Viteazul |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|194|         |           |B-dul Mihai    | 11.565|P+3E |   44 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Viteazul       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|195|         |           |Str.           | 13.725|P+3E |   55 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Caramidarii    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Vechi          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|196|GIURGIU  |Giurgiu    |Zona Istru -   |  1.275|P+4E |   34 |  34 |structura|
|   |         |           |Camin Repchim  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|197|         |           |Str. Sloboziei |    597|P+4E |   34 |  34 |structura|
|   |         |           |- Camin A      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|198|         |           |Str. C.        |    756|P+4E |   34 |  34 |structura|
|   |         |           |Brancoveanu    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 3          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|199|         |           |Sos. Sloboziei |  1.240|P+4E |   34 |  34 |structura|
|   |         |           |- camin nr. 2  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|200|         |Mihailesti |Bloc 205       |       |P+2E |    9 |   9 |structura|
|                             TOTAL                     |  363 | 209 |         |
|201|         |           |Zona Dacia     |    500|P+3E+|   25 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|202|         |           |Zona Lotrului  |  4.000|P+3E+|   50 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|203|         |Targu Jiu  |Zona Savinesti |    400|P+3E+|   25 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|204|         |           |Zona Plopilor  |  6.000|P+3E+|   75 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|205|         |           |Zona Teilor-   |    500|P+3E+|   25 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Agriculturii   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|206|         |           |Zona Debarcader|    850|P+3E+|   75 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|207|GORJ     |           |Str.           |    710|S+P+ |   39 |  39 |structura|
|   |         |           |22 Decembrie   |       |4E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |1989 I         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|208|         |           |Str.           |    584|S+P+ |   38 |  38 |structura|
|   |         |           |22 Decembrie   |       |4E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |1989 II        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|209|         |Rovinari   |Str.           |    292|S+P+ |   19 |  19 |structura|
|   |         |           |22 Decembrie   |       |4E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |1989 III       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|210|         |           |Str.           |    584|S+P+ |   38 |  38 |structura|
|   |         |           |22 Decembrie   |       |4E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |1989 IV        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|211|         |           |B.dul Garii    |  1.500|P+3E+|   42 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 6          |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |Motru      |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|212|         |           |Aleea Tismanei |  1.300|P+3E+|   42 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|213|         |Targu      |Str. Padurea   |  1.200|P+3E |   32 |     |         |
|   |         |Carbunesti |Mamului        |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  525 | 134 |         |
|214|         |           |Aleea Copiilor,|       |P+4E |    8 |   8 |structura|
|   |         |           |bl. 9A         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|215|         |Miercurea  |B-dul          |       |P+4E+|    8 |   8 |structura|
|   |         |Ciuc       |Timisoara,     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. 58, tr. 3  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|216|         |           |Aleea          |  5.600|P+2E |   54 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Ciocarliei     |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|217|         |Cristuru   |Str. Harghitei,|       |P+3E+|   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |Secuiesc   |bl. P1-P0      |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|218|         |Odorheiul  |Cserehat       | 13.603|P+3E |  156 |     |         |
|   |         |Secuiesc   |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|219|         |           |Str. Izvoarelor|  1.561|P+4E |   70 |  70 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. B + C      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Toplita    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|220|HARGHITA |           |Str. Victor    |  1.600|P+3E |   32 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Babes          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|221|         |           |Str. Jozsef    |  2.000|P+2E+|   32 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Attila nr. 13/A|       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|222|         |Vlahita    |Str. Jozsef    | 11.200|P+2E+|   12 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Attila nr. 10/A|       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|223|         |           |Str. Aleea     |  2.000|P+3E+|   45 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Teilor         |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|224|         |Plaiesii   |Bloc locuinte  |       |P+1E |    6 |   6 |structura|
|   |         |de Jos     |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|225|         |           |Cartier        |  3.290|P+3E+|   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Florilor       |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|226|         |Gheorgheni |Str. Gabor     |  3.380|P+3E+|   30 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Aron           |       |M    |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  533 | 132 |         |
|227|         |           |Aleea Motilor, |       |D+P+ |   66 |  66 |structura|
|   |         |           |bl. 2A         |       |4E+M |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|228|         |Deva       |Str.           |  1.140|P+3E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Mihai Eminescu |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|229|         |           |Bl. B2         |  1.200|P+3E |   40 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|230|         |Brad       |Aleea Patriei  |  1.500|P+4E |   40 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|231|         |           |Micro 4 Bl. 6,7|  1.252|P+4E+|   96 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|232|         |Hunedoara  |Str. Muresului |  2.935|P+4E |   70 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 11         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|233|HUNEDOARA|Petrila    |Str. T.        |  1.520|P+2E |   32 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Vladimirescu   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 6          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|234|         |Lupeni     |Ans. Barbateni |       |P+M+ |   16 |  16 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bloc 56        |       |4E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|235|         |Vulcan     |Str. Mihai     |       |P+4E |   28 |  28 |structura|
|   |         |           |Viteazul,      |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bloc 93        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|236|         |Petrosani  |Str.           |    350|P+4E |   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Aviatorilor,   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bloc 15-L1A    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|237|         |           |Camin          |  3.000|P+4E |   44 |  44 |structura|
|   |         |           |nefamilisti-   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |REABILITARE    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Hateg      |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|238|         |           |Aleea          |    500|P+4E |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |Constructorilor|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|239|         |Orastie    |Str. Pricazului|  3.600|P+2E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. H+C        |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  572 | 194 |         |
|240|         |           |Str. Razoare   |    764|P+3E+|   46 |  46 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 10 Bl. 16  |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|241|         |Slobozia   |Str. Razoare   |       |P+   |   46 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 10 Bl. 18  |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|242|         |           |Str. Nisipuri  |    800|P+3E+|   46 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|243|IALOMITA |           |Ans. CD7       |  1.120|P+2E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|   |         |Urziceni   |scarile A+B    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|244|         |           |Str. Ion       | 11.550|P+2E |  100 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Creanga        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|245|         |           |Str. Grausor,  |  1.700|S+P+ |   60 |  60 |structura|
|   |         |           |bl. U4-U8      |       |2E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|246|         |Fetesti    |Str. Banateni, |  1.620|P+2E+|   34 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Var. Vest      |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|247|         |           |Str. Varianta  |  1.620|P+2E+|   34 |     |         |
|   |         |           |UM             |       |M    |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  386 | 126 |         |
|248|         |           |B.dul Alexandru|  5.400|S+P+ |  119 | 119 |structura|
|   |         |           |cel Bun, Bloc  |       |10E  |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |250, Zona A    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|249|         |           |Str. Rediu     |  8.000|S+P+ |  142 | 142 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |8E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|250|         |           |Str. Bucium nr.| 22.135|P+2E+|  165 |     |         |
|   |         |           |36             |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|251|         |Iasi       |Bl. 482 D Canta|       |S+P+ |   99 |  99 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |7,8E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|252|         |           |Bl. 250, B-dul.|  5.400|S+P+ |   77 |  77 |structura|
|   |         |           |Alexandru cel  |       |10E  |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bun, Zona B    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|253|         |           |B-dul. Dacia   |  3.000|P+3E |  112 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|254|         |           |Zona           |  6.300|P+3E |  128 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Metalurgiei -  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Gradinari      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|255|         |Targu      |Str. Maicuta   |    885|P+2E |   24 |  24 |structura|
|   |         |Frumos     |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|256|         |           |Zona Centrala -|  6.440|P+3E |   53 |  53 |structura|
|   |         |           |Cartier Civic, |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. 6          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Podu       |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|257|         |Iloaiei    |Zona Centrala -|  2.000|P+4E |   15 |  15 |structura|
|   |         |           |Cartier Civic, |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. 8C         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|258|         |           |Str. Stefan cel|    691|S+P+ |   38 |  38 |structura|
|   |         |           |Mare, Bl. G2A  |       |(5)6E|      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|259|IASI     |           |Str. Stefan cel|    691|S+P+ |   44 |  44 |structura|
|   |         |           |Mare, Bl. G2B  |       |(5)6E|      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|260|         |           |Str. 1         |    460|P+   |   18 |  18 |structura|
|   |         |           |Decembrie 1918,|       |(3)4E|      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. O3         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|261|         |           |Str. 1         |  1.000|P+3E |   16 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Decembrie 1918 |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|262|         |           |Aleea 1        |    550|P+3E |   16 |  16 |structura|
|   |         |           |Decembrie 1918,|       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. C37        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|263|         |Pascani    |Aleea 1        |    450|P+3E |   16 |  16 |structura|
|   |         |           |Decembrie 1918,|       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. C38        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|264|         |           |Str. Gradinitei|  1.200|P+   |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 20, bl.    |       |3(4)E|      |     |         |
|   |         |           |F1-3           |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|265|         |           |Str. Izvoarelor|    557|P+4E+|   16 |  16 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. B4         |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|266|         |           |Aleea          |  1.114|P+4E+|   16 |  16 |structura|
|   |         |           |Izvoarelor Bl. |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |B1             |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|267|         |           |Aleea          |  1.114|P+4E+|   16 |  16 |structura|
|   |         |           |Izvoarelor Bl. |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |A4             |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|268|         |           |Aleea 22       |  1.114|P+4E+|   16 |  16 |structura|
|   |         |           |Decembrie,     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. B3         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|269|         |Sat        |Sos. Iasi -    |  1.890|P+2E |   63 |     |         |
|   |         |Raducaneni |Albita         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|270|         |Harlau     |Str. V.        |  7.564|P+3E |   84 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Gheorghiu      |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |1.353 | 725 |         |
|271|         |           |Sos. Unirii    |    600|P+2E |   18 |  18 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bloc P 33      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|272|         |           |Sos. Unirii    |    600|P+2E |   18 |  18 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. P 34       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Balotesti  |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|273|         |           |Sos. Unirii,   |  1.000|P+2E |   36 |  36 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bloc D 1       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|274|         |           |Sos. Unirii    |    300|P+2E |    6 |   6 |structura|
|   |         |           |156 A, Bloc B 1|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|275|         |           |Sos.           |    500|P+3E |   12 |  12 |structura|
|   |         |           |Alexandriei,   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bloc P 34      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|276|         |           |Sos.           |  4.000|P+3E |   24 |  24 |structura|
|   |         |           |Alexandriei    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |239, Bl. D 5   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Bragadiru  |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|277|         |           |Sos.           |    800|P+3E |   24 |  24 |structura|
|   |         |           |Alexandriei,   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bloc D 7       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|278|         |           |Sos.           |    900|P+3E |   32 |  32 |structura|
|   |         |           |Alexandriei 245|       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. D 8        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|279|         |           |Str. Stirbei   |    394|P+3E |   32 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Voda           |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|280|         |           |Str.           |  2.100|P+3E |   32 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Constructorului|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|281|         |Buftea     |Str. Studioului|  4.237|P+3E |   64 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|282|ILFOV    |           |Str. Oltului   |  4.500|P+3E |   64 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|283|         |           |Str. Vlasiei   |  2.237|P+3E |   32 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|284|         |           |Sos. Giurgiului|  5.000|P+2E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 286        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Jilava     |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|285|         |           |Sos. Giurgiului| 10.000|P+2E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 44         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|286|         |Mogosoaia  |Sos. Buc. -    |  2.600|P+2E |   36 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Targoviste     |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 148        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|287|         |           |Str. Bujorilor |    975|S+P+ |   12 |  12 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. B 22, sc. 3|       |3E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |Magurele   |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|288|         |           |Str. Selimbar  |    145|S+P+ |    4 |   4 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. F          |       |1E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|289|         |           |Str. Leordeni  |    800|S+P+ |   24 |  24 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. M 4        |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |Popesti    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|290|         |Leordeni   |Str.           |    900|S+P+ |   36 |  36 |structura|
|   |         |           |Porumbacului,  |       |2E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. T3-T4      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|291|         |           |Sat            |    600|P+2E |   16 |  16 |structura|
|   |         |           |Ghermanesti,   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. D4         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|292|         |           |Sat            |    800|P+2E |   24 |  24 |structura|
|   |         |Snagov     |Ghermanesti,   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bloc D 1A      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|293|         |           |Sat            |    600|P+2E |   16 |  16 |structura|
|   |         |           |Ghermanesti,   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bloc D 5A      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|294|         |Chitila    |Str. Castanilor|  5.300|P+   |   60 |  60 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 4          |       |1-2E |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  702 | 362 |         |
|295|         |           |Aleea Marasti, |    800|P+4E |   36 |  36 |structura|
|   |         |           |bl. P8         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Baia Mare  |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|296|         |           |Str. Uranus    |    600|P+4E |   39 |  39 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 2 Sc. B    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|297|         |           |Zona Centrala -|  1.020|P+3E+|   35 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Str. 1 Mai     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |Targu      |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|298|         |Lapus      |Zona Centrala -|    380|P+2E |   17 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Str. Strandului|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|299|         |           |Cartier Unirii |    560|P+3E |   24 |     |         |
|   |         |           |U15            |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|300|MARAMURES|           |Cartier Unirii |    765|P+3E |   24 |     |         |
|   |         |           |U17            |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|301|         |           |Cartier Unirii |    765|P+3E |   24 |     |         |
|   |         |Sighetul   |U19            |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Marmatiei  |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|302|         |           |Piata 1        |    896|P+4E |   36 |  36 |structura|
|   |         |           |Decembrie 1918,|       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. B2-3       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|303|         |           |Piata 1        |  1.000|P+4E |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |Decembrie 1918,|       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. B4         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|304|         |           |Cartier        |    400|P+4E |   24 |  24 |structura|
|   |         |           |Alexandru      |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Ivasiuc nr. 5, |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. 2          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|305|         |Moisei     |Str. Principala|       |P+2E |    6 |   6 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 6          |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  305 | 181 |         |
|306|         |           |Str. Traian    |    607|P+2E |   12 |  12 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 203        |       |+M   |      |     |         |
|___|         |Drobeta    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|307|         |Turnu      |Zona Alunis -  |  7.101|P+   |  130 |     |         |
|   |         |Severin    |Policlinica    |       |2-3E+|      |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|308|         |           |Zona Magrini,  |  2.500|P+   |   20 |  20 |structura|
|   |         |           |str. Jupalnic, |       |2-3E |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 4          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|309|         |           |Str. Portile de|    459|P+4E |   46 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Fier           |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Orsova     |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|310|         |           |Centru Nord    |  1.742|P+4E |   21 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|311|MEHEDINTI|           |Zona Centru    |  1.440|P+4E |   24 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Evantai        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|312|         |Baia de    |Zona PECO I    |  2.600|P+2E |   23 |     |         |
|___|         |Arama      |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|313|         |           |Zona PECO II   |  3.400|P+2E |   24 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|314|         |           |Zona Big       |    500|P+4E |   15 |  15 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|315|         |Strehaia   |P-ta           |  1.000|P+4E |   45 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Agroalimentara |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|316|         |Vanju Mare |Calea          |  3.500|P+3E |   36 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Severinului    |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  396 |  47 |         |
|317|         |           |Str. Bazei -   |  6.800|P+3E+|   42 |     |         |
|   |         |Ungheni    |Nou            |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|318|         |           |Str. Bazei,    |  3.500|P+3E+|   42 |  42 |structura|
|   |         |           |bl. D101       |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|319|         |           |Str. Predeal-  |  1.800|D+P+ |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Pandurilor     |       |4E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|320|         |           |Cart. Rovinari |    300|P+4E |   20 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|321|         |           |Str. Suceava   |  1.500|P+4E |   25 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|322|         |           |B-dul.         |    900|P+4E |   25 |     |         |
|   |         |           |1 Decembrie    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|323|         |Targu Mures|Str. Gh.       |  1.500|P+4E |   25 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Marinescu      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|324|         |           |Str. Negoiului |  1.460|P+3E+|   28 |  28 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|325|         |           |B-dul.         |  2.805|P+10E|   66 |  66 |structura|
|   |         |           |Pandurilor,    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 48         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|326|MURES    |           |B-dul.         |    800|P+6E |   42 |  42 |structura|
|   |         |           |Pandurilor,    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 46         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|327|         |           |Cartier        |    300|P+4E |   42 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Rovinari       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|328|         |           |Str. Mihai     |  5.938|P+2E+|   64 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Viteazul       |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|329|         |Sighisoara |Str. Rozelor,  |  3.132|P+4E |   70 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Cartier,       |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Tarnava        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|330|         |           |Str.           |  7.980|P+4E |   70 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Panselutelor,  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Cartier        |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Tarnava        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|331|         |Reghin     |Str. Libertatii|  2.100|P+4E |   54 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|332|         |Iernut     |Cart. M.       | 25.000|P+3E+|   48 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Eminescu Nou   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|333|         |Santana de |Intr. Prunului,|  7.172|P+2E+|   54 |  54 |         |
|   |         |Mures      |Cartier        |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Tineretului    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|334|         |Sangeorgiu |Str. Narciselor| 28.000|P+2E+|   54 |     |         |
|   |         |de Mures   |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|335|         |Sovata     |Str.           |  6.000|P+4E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Independentei  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|336|         |Ludus      |Str. Viitorului| 45.000|P+3E |   24 |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  875 | 232 |         |
|337|         |           |Str. M.        |  5.260|P+2E |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Stamatin       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|338|         |           |Str. G.ral     |    450|P+M+ |   32 |  32 |structura|
|   |         |           |Dascalescu T1  |       |8E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|339|         |Piatra     |Calea Romanului|    601|P+9E |   74 |     |         |
|   |         |Neamt      |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|340|         |           |Str. Nufarului |  6.050|P+2E |   48 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|341|         |           |Cart. Izvoare  |       |P+1E |  155 | 155 |structura|
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|342|NEAMT    |Bicaz      |Str. Piatra    |       |S+P+ |   19 |  19 |structura|
|   |         |           |Corbului       |       |3,4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|343|         |           |Str. Tudor     |  1.076|P+3E+|   44 |  44 |structura|
|   |         |           |Vladimirescu   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 9          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|344|         |           |Ans. Stefan cel|    891|S+P+ |   21 |  21 |structura|
|   |         |           |Mare, bl. M"8, |       |6E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |sc. C          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|345|         |Roman      |Ans. Stefan cel|    681|S+P+ |   38 |  38 |structura|
|   |         |           |Mare, bl. M"8, |       |6E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |sc. D          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|346|         |           |Str. Vasile    | 13.559|P+3E |  100 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Lupu II        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|347|         |           |Str. Vasile    |  3.200|P+3E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Lupu I         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|348|         |Targu      |Bl. M 5, Str.  |  1.750|P+   |   25 |  25 |structura|
|   |         |Neamt      |22 Decembrie   |       |3,4E |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  656 | 334 |         |
|349|         |Bals       |Str.           |  3.190|P+3E |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |N. Balcescu    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 152A       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|350|         |           |B-dul Nicolae  |  3.590|P+3E |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Titulescu      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Caracal    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|351|         |           |Str. Parangului|    290|P+4E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. 10 C       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|352|         |Corabia    |Str.           |  5.250|P+3E |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bibescu Voda,  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Nr. 40 bis     |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|353|         |Draganesti |Str. Cpt.      |  4.540|S+P+ |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Draganescu     |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|354|OLT      |           |Str. Florilor  |  4.250|P+3E |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |Piatra Olt |II             |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|355|         |           |Str. Florilor I|  3.667|P+3E |   60 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|356|         |           |Str. A. I. Cuza|    386|P+3E |   26 |  26 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|357|         |           |Str. Ecaterina |  1.116|P+3E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|   |         |           |Teodoroiu 19 D |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|358|         |Slatina    |Str. Ecaterina |       |P+3E+|   12 |  12 |structura|
|   |         |           |Teodoroiu bloc |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |19 E           |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|359|         |           |Aleea Bradului,|       |P+4E |   50 |  50 |structura|
|   |         |           |bl. G2         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|360|         |Scornicesti|B-dul Muncii   |  5.250|S+P+ |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  548 | 128 |         |
|361|         |           |Cartier 9 Mai  | 10.118|P+2E+|  128 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|362|         |           |Str. Domnisori |    750|P+8E |   66 |  66 |structura|
|   |         |           |- Ans. 9 Mai,  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Gara de Vest,  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bloc 85 - 86   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|363|         |           |Str.           |    180|P+4E |   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Aviatorilor    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |Ploiesti   |Bl. 101        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|364|         |           |Str. Enachita  |    180|P+4E |   25 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Vacarescu      |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. 101 F      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|365|         |           |Cart. Malu Rosu|    915|P+4E |   20 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|366|         |           |Str. Biruintei |    720|P+4E |   15 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. 134 F      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|367|         |           |Str. Zimbrului |  1.130|P+4E |   30 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. 133 E1, E2 |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|368|         |           |Str. Valea     |    200|P+4E |   16 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Azugii nr. 1   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|369|PRAHOVA  |           |Str. Amurgului |    700|P+1E |    8 |   8 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 6          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|370|         |Azuga      |Str. Victoriei |    900|P+3E |    9 |   9 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 48, bl. A  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|371|         |           |Str. Prahovei  |    800|P+3E |   32 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|372|         |           |Str. Brindusei |  1.000|P+2E |   36 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|373|         |           |Str. Urlatoarei|  1.047|P+3E |    9 |   9 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 3, bl. A   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Busteni    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|374|         |           |Str. Ciocirliei|  2.000|P+3E+|   30 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|375|         |Sinaia     |Str.           |  8.500|P+3E+|   99 |  99 |structura|
|   |         |           |Brinduselor-   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Platoul Izvor  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|376|         |Valenii    |B-dul N. Iorga |  1.000|P+3E+|   28 |     |         |
|   |         |de Munte   |83, Bloc AC1,  |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |AC2            |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|377|         |Campina    |Str. Eruptiei, |  1.034|P+4E |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |bloc E11 - E13 |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|378|         |Plopeni    |UTR - Bl. 53 - |    500|P+2E |   24 |  24 |structura|
|   |         |           |reabilitare    |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  635 | 255 |         |
|379|         |           |Str. Paulesti  |  2.160|P+   |   96 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|380|         |           |B-dul Closca   |  1.000|P+3E |   43 |  43 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 76         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|381|         |           |Str. Ganea     |    750|P+   |   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 35         |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|382|         |Satu Mare  |Str. Ostrovului|    719|P+4E |   53 |  53 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. D          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|383|         |           |B-dul. Closca  |    683|P+3E |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 72 A       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|384|SATU MARE|           |B-dul. Closca, |    829|P+3E |   86 |  86 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 72 - 74    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|385|         |Carei      |Str. Uzinei    |  1.050|P    |   20 |  20 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 66         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|386|         |Negresti   |Str. Salcimilor|    700|P+4E |   39 |     |         |
|   |         |Oas        |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|387|         |           |Cart. Decebal, |       |P+3E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|   |         |           |bl. F1C1       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|388|         |Odoreu     |Str. Republicii|       |P+2E |   24 |  24 |structura|
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|389|         |Tasnad     |Cartierul      |    342|P+4E |   30 |  30 |structura|
|   |         |           |Victoriei,     |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. Nr. 2      |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  471 | 316 |         |
|390|         |           |Str. Olarilor  |    540|P+4E |   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 64 -       |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bloc O4        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Zalau      |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|391|         |           |Ans. Bradet VI |  5.400|P+4E |   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bloc O3        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|392|         |Bobota     |Bobota Bl. 1   |       |P+2E |    9 |   9 |structura|
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|393|SALAJ    |Criseni    |Criseni Bl. 1  |       |P+2E |   18 |  18 |structura|
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|394|         |Simleul    |Str. N.        |    987|P+2E |   29 |  29 |structura|
|   |         |Silvaniei  |Balcescu nr. 18|       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |   96 |  56 |         |
|395|         |           |Str. Dorului   |    419|P+3E |   56 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 13         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|396|         |           |Str. Dorului   |    240|P+3E |   35 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 16         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|397|         |Sibiu      |Zona Tilisca   |  3.000|P+3E |  183 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Etapa III      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|398|         |           |Sos. Alba Iulia|  6.180|P+3E+|   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|399|         |           |Strand II      |  6.180|P+2E+|  178 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|400|         |           |Zona Strand II |  2.603|P+6E |   59 |  59 |structura|
|   |         |           |- etapa 2      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|401|         |           |Str.           |       |P+   |   68 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Selimbarului   |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|402|         |           |Str. Tirgului  |       |P+   |  102 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|403|         |Cisnadie   |Str. Uzinei    |       |P+   |   68 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|404|         |           |Str. Bailor    |       |P+   |  122 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|405|         |           |Str. Magurii   |  3.200|P+2E |   60 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|406|         |           |UTR, Bloc MI   |  4.000|P+3E+|   59 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|407|SIBIU    |           |Cart. 1        | 10.000|P+4E |  120 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Decembrie      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|408|         |Copsa Mica |Cart.          |  6.000|P+4E |   80 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Tirnavioara    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|409|         |           |Str.           |    600|P+4E |   30 |  30 |structura|
|   |         |           |Laboratorului  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 37         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|410|         |           |Str.           |  2.600|P+4E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Stadionului    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 5          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|411|         |           |Str.           |  1.200|P+4E |   20 |     |         |
|   |         |Dumbraveni |Stadionului    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 16         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|412|         |           |Str.           |  5.000|P+4E |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |1 Decembrie    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 50         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|413|         |           |Str. Predeal   |  9.661|P+3E |  104 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|414|         |Medias     |Cart.          |    958|S+P+ |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |Gura Cimpului, |       |4E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Str. Sinaia,   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Etapa II       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|415|         |           |Str. Sinaia,   |  6.281|P+3E |   66 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Etapa I        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|416|         |           |Str. Spitalului|    700|P+4E |   33 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|417|         |Agnita     |Str. Avram     |    300|P+3E |   12 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Iancu          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|418|         |Avrig -    |Str. Carpati   |  1.000|P+4E |   30 |  30 |structura|
|   |         |Marsa      |nr. 2 Bl. T2   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|419|         |Ocna       |UTR            |  6.600|P+4E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |Sibiului   |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|420|         |Talmaciu   |Zona Stadion   |  6.870|P+   |   56 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |2-3E |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |1.741 | 159 |         |
|421|         |Siret      |Bloc 4, tronson|       |S+P+ |   12 |  12 |structura|
|   |         |           |A + B          |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|422|         |           |Str.           |  8.825|P+3E;|   96 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Privighetorii  |       |P+   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |1-2E+|      |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|423|         |           |Obcine bloc 20 |       |P+8E |   12 |  12 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|424|         |Suceava    |Obcine bloc 21 |       |P+7E |    9 |   9 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|425|         |           |Obcine bloc 22 |       |P+6E |    6 |   6 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|426|         |           |Obcine bloc 30 |       |P+8E |   26 |  26 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|427|         |           |Spital         |  1.500|P+3E |   24 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|428|         |           |UTR - DN 29    |    900|P+3E |   60 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|429|         |           |Bloc A         |       |P+2E |    6 |   6 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|430|SUCEAVA  |Galanesti  |Bloc B         |       |P+2E |    8 |   8 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|431|         |           |Bloc C         |       |P+2E |    6 |   6 |structura|
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|432|         |           |Str.           |  2.200|P+3E |   48 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Transilvaniei  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|433|         |Vatra      |Podu Verde,    |    415|P+4E |   24 |  24 |structura|
|   |         |Dornei     |bl. 1 tr. C + D|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|434|         |           |Ans. Chiliei,  |       |P+2E |   12 |  12 |structura|
|   |         |           |bl. 1          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|435|         |           |Str.           |    823|P+2E |   33 |  33 |structura|
|   |         |           |Topitoriei     |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Falticeni  |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|436|         |           |Str. 2         |    950|P+3E |   48 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Graniceri      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|437|         |Gura       |Str. Obor      |  1.512|P+2E |   36 |     |         |
|   |         |Humorului  |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|438|         |Radauti    |Str. Garii     |  1.875|S+P+ |   36 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |2E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|439|         |Campulung  |UTR            |  1.760|P+2E |   30 |     |         |
|   |         |Mold.      |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  532 | 142 |         |
|440|         |           |Zona Sere 2    |  5.181|P+   |   87 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. S1 - S4    |       |2-3E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|441|         |Alexandria |Zona Sere -    |  8.000|P+3E |   88 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Str. Dunarii   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|442|         |           |UTR -          |  1.150|P+3E |   32 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bloc G + D + E |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|443|         |           |Str.           |  1.207|P+4E |   28 |  28 |structura|
|   |         |           |Republicii,    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. C2         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|444|         |           |Str. Chimiei   | 11.185|S+P+ |  112 |     |         |
|   |         |Turnu      |nr. 21         |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |Magurele   |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|445|TELEORMAN|           |Str. Chimiei   |  3.974|S+P+ |   64 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|446|         |           |Str.           | 15.895|S+P+ |  128 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Abatorului     |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|447|         |           |Aleea Parc     |  2.580|P+4E |   30 |  30 |structura|
|   |         |           |Nord, bl. J 113|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Rosiori de |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|448|         |Vede       |Str. Oltului   |  3.593|P+3E |   32 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|449|         |           |Str.           |  2.293|P+3E |   32 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Republicii,    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bloc 414; 415  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|450|         |Zimnicea   |Str. M. Viteazu|    508|P+4E |   11 |  11 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. XXXA       |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  644 |  69 |         |
|451|         |           |Str. Miloia -  |  6.183|P+3E+|  168 |     |         |
|   |         |           |etapa II       |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|452|         |           |Str. Miloia    |  4.570|P+3E+|  120 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|453|         |Timisoara  |Camin 2        |       |P+4E |   60 |  60 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|454|         |           |Camin 3        |       |P+1E+|   21 |  21 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|455|         |           |Camin 4        |       |P+1E+|   21 |  21 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|456|         |           |Bl. G1B        |       |P+3E |   20 |  20 |structura|
|___|TIMIS    |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|457|         |Jimbolia   |Str. Marasesti | 12.603|P+4E |   40 |  40 |structura|
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|458|         |Faget      |Calea          |  9.785|S+P+ |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Lugojului,     |       |4E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 78         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|459|         |Lugoj      |Calea          |    823|P+3E |   38 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Caransebes     |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|460|         |           |Str.           |  6.500|P+3E |   15 |  15 |structura|
|   |         |           |Panselelor, P19|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|461|         |Sannicolau |Str.           |  6.500|P+3E |   15 |  15 |structura|
|   |         |Mare       |Panselelor, P21|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|462|         |           |Str. Sincai    |  1.500|P+4E |   20 |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  578 | 192 |         |
|463|         |           |Incinta Spital |    600|P+   |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Judetean I     |       |2-3E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|464|         |Tulcea     |Incinta Spital |  1.500|P+   |   50 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Judetean II    |       |2-3E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|465|         |           |Str.           | 32.200|P+2E;|  200 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Eternitatii -  |       |P+3E |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Str.           |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Viticultori    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|466|         |           |Str. Heracleea |  1.000|P+   |   30 |     |         |
|   |         |Babadag    |               |       |2-3E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|467|         |           |Str. Republicii|    776|P+   |    6 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 62         |       |2-3E |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|468|         |Isaccea    |Str.           |    728|P+2E |   20 |     |         |
|   |TULCEA   |           |N. Grigorescu  |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 5          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|469|         |Macin      |Str. Brailei   |  8.162|P+   |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |2-3E |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|470|         |Murighiol  |Centru         |  1.365|P+2E |   24 |  24 |structura|
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|471|         |Niculitel  |Parcela 2351   |    655|P+2E |   12 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|472|         |Sarighiol  |Centru         |  2.168|P+2E |   18 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|473|         |           |Zona Faleza -  |  1.300|P+3E |   56 |     |         |
|   |         |Sulina     |Strada 1,      |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 119        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|474|         |           |Str.           |    400|P+2E |    6 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Republicii,    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 2bis       |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  522 |  24 |         |
|475|         |           |Str. Traian    |    495|P+M+ |   42 |  42 |structura|
|   |         |           |287, bl. C2A   |       |7E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|476|         |Vaslui     |Str. Traian    |    675|P+3E+|   36 |  36 |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 2, Bl. I 2,|       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |tr. B + C      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|477|         |           |Cartier        |  8.577|P+2E+|   42 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Complex scolar |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|478|         |Vaslui     |Intre Str. St. |  3.000|P+   |   54 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Cel Mare si    |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |str. Ana       |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Ipatescu       |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|479|         |           |Cartier        |  1.700|P+2E+|   42 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Complex Scolar |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|480|         |           |Str. Lirei     |    750|P+   |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 35         |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|481|         |Barlad     |Sos. Puiesti   |  2.500|P+   |  120 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|482|VASLUI   |           |Zona F-ca de   |  3.522|S+P+ |   80 |  80 |structura|
|   |         |           |caramida,      |       |3E   |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. B2 + B3    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|483|         |           |Extindere      |215.000|P+   |  400 |     |         |
|   |         |           |cart. Deal     |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|484|         |           |Str. Vasile    |    700|P+4E |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |Parvan, nr. 4  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|485|         |           |Str. Stanilesti|  8.544|S+P+ |  132 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 9          |       |3E+M |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|486|         |Husi       |B.dul 1 Mai    |  4.300|P+   |   62 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|487|         |           |Bl. L1, sc. A, |  4.465|P+   |   94 |  94 |structura|
|   |         |           |B, C, D        |       |3,4E |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|488|         |           |Str.           |    950|P+3E+|   32 |  32 |structura|
|   |         |           |Kogalniceanu,  |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |bl. C1         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|489|         |Negresti   |Str. Unirii    |  2.524|P+3E+|   36 |     |structura|
|   |         |           |nr. 17         |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|490|         |           |Str. Abator    |    750|P+   |   18 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 2          |       |3-4E |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |1.270 | 324 |         |
|491|         |           |Str. N. Iorga  | 18.253|P+2E |  108 |     |         |
|___|         |Ramnicu    |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|492|         |Valcea     |Cart.          | 12.000|P+2E |  108 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Ostroveni, str.|       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Nicolae Iorga  |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|493|         |           |UTR            |       |P+2E+|    8 |   8 |structura|
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|494|         |Olanesti   |UTR - Bl. V2   |    500|P+2E+|    8 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|495|         |           |Str.           |    500|P+2E+|   10 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Trandafirilor  |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|496|VALCEA   |           |str. T.        |    700|P+2E+|   15 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Vladimirescu   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|497|         |Dragasani  |Str.           |       |P+4E |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |Melodiilor,    |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. L4         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|498|         |           |Eroilor        |    984|P+3E+|   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|499|         |Horezu     |Str. N. Iorga  |    800|P+3E+|   15 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|500|         |           |Str. T.        |  1.242|P+3E+|   20 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Vladimirescu   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|501|         |Calimanesti|Str. Calea lui |  1.000|P+3  |   16 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Traian nr.     |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 469 A      |       |     |      |     |         |
|                             TOTAL                     |  368 |  48 |         |
|502|         |           |Str. Cpt.      |  1.500|P+4E |   40 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Cretu Florin   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|503|         |           |Aleea Parc     |  3.130|P+4E |   43 |  43 |structura|
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|504|         |           |Str.           |  1.000|S+P+ |   20 |  20 |structura|
|   |         |Focsani    |Aviatorilor    |       |4E   |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|505|         |           |Cartierul      |  9.218|P+2E+|  176 | 176 |structura|
|   |         |           |Tineretului -  |       |M    |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |B-dul Bucuresti|       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 31         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|506|         |           |Aleea Caminului|    331|P+4E |  105 | 105 |structura|
|   |         |           |bloc G2        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|507|         |           |UTR - Bloc 9   |    300|P+3E |   10 |     |         |
|   |         |           |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|508|         |           |Str.           |  1.000|P+4E |   40 |  40 |structura|
|   |         |           |M. Kogalniceanu|       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |Gugesti    |Bl. 20         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|509|VRANCEA  |           |UTR - Bloc 2   |    250|P+1E |    4 |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|510|         |           |Ansamblu Sud   |    400|P+2E |    6 |   6 |structura|
|   |         |           |UTR            |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|511|         |           |Ans. Sud - Zona|    300|P+2E |    6 |     |         |
|   |         |Panciu     |B              |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|512|         |           |Ans. Sud - Zona|    300|P+2E |    6 |     |         |
|   |         |           |C              |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|513|         |           |Zona Garofitei,|       |P+2E |    8 |   8 |structura|
|   |         |           |Bl. 10C        |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|514|         |           |Zona Garofitei,|       |P+1E |    8 |     |         |
|   |         |Adjud      |- etapa II     |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|515|         |           |Zona Grup      |       |P+3E |   60 |     |         |
|   |         |           |scolar Agricol |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|516|         |           |Str. Pictor    |    300|P+2E |    6 |   6 |structura|
|   |         |Odobesti   |Grigorescu     |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Bl. F          |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|517|         |Golesti    |UTR - bloc F1  |    300|P+2E |    6 |   6 |structura|
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|518|         |           |UTR - bloc 1   |    300|P+2E |    6 |   6 |structura|
|   |         |Cotesti    |               |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |                          TOTAL                    |  550 | 416 |         |
|519|         |           |Str. Silistea  | 10.239|P+3E |  152 |     |         |
|   |         |           |- Rauseni 1    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |Sector 2   |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|520|         |           |Str. Silistea  |  8.154|P+3E |   116|     |         |
|   |         |           |- Rauseni 2    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|521|         |           |Aleea Cioplea  |  1.312|P+4E+|   90 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 3 - 5      |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|522|         |Sector 3   |Aleea Codrii   | 20.000|P+3E |  225 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Neamtului      |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|523|         |           |Str. Alexander |  1.480|P+4E |   62 |  62 |structura|
|   |         |           |Von Humbold    |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|524|         |           |Sos. Oltenitei |       |P+3E+|  112 |     |         |
|   |         |           |I, nr. 219     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|       |_____|______|_____|_________|
|525|         |           |Sos. Oltenitei |       |P+3E+|  116 |     |         |
|   |         |           |II, nr. 219    |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|       |_____|______|_____|_________|
|526|         |           |Sos. Oltenitei |       |P+3E+|  108 |     |         |
|   |         |           |III, nr. 219   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|       |_____|______|_____|_________|
|527|         |Sector 4   |Sos. Oltenitei |       |P+3E+|  116 |     |         |
|   |         |           |IV, nr. 219    |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________| 71.220|_____|______|_____|_________|
|528|         |           |Sos. Oltenitei |       |P+3E+|  115 |     |         |
|   |         |           |V, nr. 219     |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|       |_____|______|_____|_________|
|529|         |           |Sos. Oltenitei |       |P+3E+|   71 |     |         |
|   |         |           |VI, nr. 219    |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|       |_____|______|_____|_________|
|530|BUCURESTI|           |Sos. Oltenitei |       |P+3E+|   88 |     |         |
|   |         |           |VII, nr. 219   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|       |_____|______|_____|_________|
|531|         |           |Sos. Oltenitei |       |P+3E+|  102 |     |         |
|   |         |           |VII, nr. 219   |       |M    |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|532|         |           |Intr. Margineni|  7.500|P+2E |  140 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|533|         |           |Calea Rahovei -|  3.700|P+2E |  120 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Traf. Greu     |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|534|         |           |Str. Dorneasca |  4.500|P+2E |   84 |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|535|         |Sector 5   |Calea Rahovei  |  4.000|P+2E |  120 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 77         |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|536|         |           |Str. Dorneasca |  6.000|P+2E |   84 |     |         |
|   |         |           |- Str. Fosta   |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Baltaretului   |       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |           |_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|537|         |           |Str. Sinei -   |  8.000|P+2E |  140 |     |         |
|   |         |           |Str. Carutei - |       |     |      |     |         |
|   |         |           |Intr. Margineni|       |     |      |     |         |
|___|         |___________|_______________|_______|_____|______|_____|_________|
|538|         |Sector 6   |Drumul Taberei |  3.000|P+3E |   88 |     |         |
|   |         |           |nr. 132E       |       |     |      |     |         |
|                               TOTAL                   |2.249 |  62 |         |
|                           TOTAL GENERAL               |29.108|6.853|         |


COMENTARII la Hotărârea 171/2002

Momentan nu exista niciun comentariu la Hotărârea 171 din 2002
Comentarii la alte acte
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 770 1966
    Bună ziua, Știți că există o modalitate prin care puteți câștiga bani fără contact de stres (THOMAS FREDDIE) pentru un [CARD ATM] gol astăzi și să fiți printre norocoșii care beneficiază de aceste carduri. Acest card ATM gol PROGRAMAT este capabil să pirateze orice bancomat de oriunde în lume. Mi-am luat cardul de master de la un Hacker bun de pe internet, cu acest card ATM pot colecta 50.000,00 EUR în fiecare zi prin contacte: thomasunlimitedhackers@gmail.com
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 770 1966
    Bună ziua, Știți că există o modalitate prin care puteți câștiga bani fără contact de stres (THOMAS FREDDIE) pentru un [CARD ATM] gol astăzi și să fiți printre norocoșii care beneficiază de aceste carduri. Acest card ATM gol PROGRAMAT este capabil să pirateze orice bancomat de oriunde în lume. Mi-am luat cardul de master de la un Hacker bun de pe internet, cu acest card ATM pot colecta 50.000,00 EUR în fiecare zi prin contacte: thomasunlimitedhackers@gmail.com
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Bună ziua, Știți că există o modalitate prin care puteți câștiga bani fără contact de stres (THOMAS FREDDIE) pentru un [CARD ATM] gol astăzi și să fiți printre norocoșii care beneficiază de aceste carduri. Acest card ATM gol PROGRAMAT este capabil să pirateze orice bancomat de oriunde în lume. Mi-am luat cardul de master de la un Hacker bun de pe internet, cu acest card ATM pot colecta 50.000,00 EUR în fiecare zi prin contacte: thomasunlimitedhackers@gmail.com Am fost foarte sărac, dar acest card m-a făcut bogat și fericit. Dacă doriți să beneficiați de această oportunitate de a deveni bogat și de a vă stabili afacerea, atunci aplicați pentru acest card Master, sunt atât de fericit pentru că l-am primit săptămâna trecută și am l-au folosit pentru a obține 277.000,00 EURO de la THOMAS FREDDIE UNLIMITED Hackers oferă cardul doar pentru a-i ajuta pe cei săraci și nevoiași și OFERĂ ȘI ASISTENȚĂ FINANCIARĂ. obține-l pe al tău de la THOMAS FREDDIE UNLIMITED HACKERS astăzi. Vă rugăm să-i contactați prin e-mail thomasunlimitedhackers@gmail.com
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 441 2020
    Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for finance to enlarge your business? We help individuals and companies to obtain finance for business expanding and to setup a new business ranging any amount. Get finance at affordable interest rate of 3%, Do you need this finance for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now for more information contact us now via (financialserviceoffer876@gmail.com) whats-App +918929509036 Dr James Eric Finance Pvt Ltd Thanks
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 441 2020
    Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for finance to enlarge your business? We help individuals and companies to obtain finance for business expanding and to setup a new business ranging any amount. Get finance at affordable interest rate of 3%, Do you need this finance for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now for more information contact us now via (financialserviceoffer876@gmail.com) whats-App +918929509036 Dr James Eric Finance Pvt Ltd Thanks
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Aveți nevoie de un împrumut de urgență pentru a plăti datoria sau de un împrumut pentru locuință pentru a vă îmbunătăți afacerea? Ai fost refuzat de bănci și alte agenții financiare? Ai nevoie de împrumut sau consolidare ipotecară? Nu mai căuta, pentru că suntem aici pentru a pune în urmă toate problemele tale financiare. Contactați-ne prin e-mail: {novotnyradex@gmail.com Oferim împrumuturi părților interesate la o rată rezonabilă a dobânzii de 3%. Intervalul este de la 5.000,00 EUR la 100.000.000,00 EUR
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Un împrumut financiar rapid și convenabil pe care îl poți folosi pentru orice. Rata scăzută a dobânzii este stabilă pe toată perioada de rambursare a creditului. Datorită gamei largi de împrumuturi financiare oferite, oferim tuturor împrumuturi financiare favorabile de la 50.000 la 100.000.000 CZK, aproape fiecare solicitant din Republica Cehă putând obține acest împrumut. Contract clar și ușor de înțeles, termeni clari ai serviciilor. Puteți folosi banii pentru orice aveți nevoie. Această ofertă este valabilă pentru toată Republica Cehă. Nu ezitați să contactați. E-mail: novotnyradex@gmail.com
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Un împrumut financiar rapid și convenabil pe care îl poți folosi pentru orice. Rata scăzută a dobânzii este stabilă pe toată perioada de rambursare a creditului. Datorită gamei largi de împrumuturi financiare oferite, oferim tuturor împrumuturi financiare favorabile de la 50.000 la 100.000.000 CZK, aproape fiecare solicitant din Republica Cehă putând obține acest împrumut. Contract clar și ușor de înțeles, termeni clari ai serviciilor. Puteți folosi banii pentru orice aveți nevoie. Această ofertă este valabilă pentru toată Republica Cehă. Nu ezitați să contactați. E-mail: novotnyradex@gmail.com
ANONIM a comentat Hotărârea 1475 2004
    Hledali jste možnosti financování nákupu nového domu, výstavby, úvěru na nemovitost, refinancování, konsolidace dluhu, osobního nebo obchodního účelu? Vítejte v budoucnosti! Financování je s námi snadné. Kontaktujte nás, protože nabízíme naši finanční službu za nízkou a dostupnou úrokovou sazbu 3% na dlouhou a krátkou dobu úvěru, se 100% zárukou úvěru, zájemce by nás měl kontaktovat ohledně dalších postupů získávání úvěru prostřednictvím: joshuabenloancompany@aol.com
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    Ați căutat opțiuni de finanțare pentru achiziția unei noi case, construcție, împrumut imobiliar, refinanțare, consolidare a datoriilor, scop personal sau de afaceri? Bun venit în viitor! Finanțarea este ușoară cu noi. Contactați-ne, deoarece oferim serviciile noastre financiare la o rată a dobânzii scăzută și accesibilă de 3% pentru împrumuturi pe termen lung și scurt, cu împrumut garantat 100%. Solicitantul interesat ar trebui să ne contacteze pentru proceduri suplimentare de achiziție de împrumut prin: joshuabenloancompany@aol.com
Coduri postale Prefixe si Coduri postale din Romania Magazin si service calculatoare Sibiu