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LEGE   Nr. 36 din 12 aprilie 2000

pentru aprobarea contului general anual de executie a bugetului de stat, a conturilor anuale de executie a bugetelor fondurilor speciale si a contului general anual al datoriei publice, aferente anului 1996


ACT PUBLICAT IN: MONITORUL OFICIAL  NR. 164 din 18 aprilie 2000


    Parlamentul Romaniei adopta prezenta lege.

    Art. 1
    (1) Se aproba contul general anual de executie a bugetului de stat aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 18.372.803.218 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 23.731.997.610 mii lei si un deficit in suma de 5.359.194.392 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului general anual de executie a bugetului de stat este prevazuta in anexele nr. 1 - 5.
    Art. 2
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru sanatate aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 553.817.280 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 529.897.566 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 23.919.714 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru sanatate este prevazuta in anexa nr. 6.
    Art. 3
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului de risc si accident pentru protectia speciala a persoanelor handicapate aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 363.972.438 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 363.476.347 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 496.091 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului de risc si accident pentru protectia speciala a persoanelor handicapate este prevazuta in anexa nr. 7.
    Art. 4
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea si modernizarea punctelor de control pentru trecerea frontierei, precum si a celorlalte unitati vamale aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 225.217.600 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 96.456.631 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 128.760.969 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea si modernizarea punctelor de control pentru trecerea frontierei, precum si a celorlalte unitati vamale este prevazuta in anexa nr. 8.
    Art. 5
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea sistemului energetic aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 362.939.768 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 378.388.372 mii lei si un deficit in suma de 15.448.604 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea sistemului energetic este prevazuta in anexa nr. 9.
    Art. 6
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea si modernizarea drumurilor publice aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 129.773.850 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 122.094.342 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 7.679.508 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea si modernizarea drumurilor publice este prevazuta in anexa nr. 10.
    Art. 7
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru protejarea asiguratilor aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 3.310.339 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 3.310.339 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru protejarea asiguratilor este prevazuta in anexa nr. 11.
    Art. 8
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru pensia suplimentara a pensionarilor militari aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 31.191.567 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 40.065.912 mii lei si un deficit in suma de 8.874.345 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru pensia suplimentara a pensionarilor militari este prevazuta in anexa nr. 12.
    Art. 9
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru plata pensiilor si altor drepturi de asigurari sociale ale agricultorilor aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 543.111.855 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 543.103.879 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 7.976 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru plata pensiilor si altor drepturi de asigurari sociale ale agricultorilor este prevazuta in anexa nr. 13.
    Art. 10
    (1) Se aproba contul general anual al datoriei publice a statului aferent anului 1996, care cuprinde:
    a) datoria publica interna, reprezentand imprumuturi de stat in suma de 6.688.019.699 mii lei, potrivit anexei nr. 14A, si garantiile emise in numele si in contul statului pentru credite interne in suma de 2.863.999.969 mii lei, potrivit anexei nr. 15A;
    b) datoria publica externa in valoare de 6.156,6 milioane USD (24.841.638.900 mii lei), din care: datoria publica externa contractata direct de stat in valoare de 4.324,5 milioane USD (17.449.559.250 mii lei), potrivit anexei nr. 14B, si garantiile emise in numele si in contul statului pentru imprumuturi externe in suma de 1.832,0 milioane USD (7.392.079.650 mii lei), potrivit anexei nr. 15B.
    (2) Structura contului general anual al datoriei publice aferent anului 1996 este prevazuta in anexele nr. 14 si 15.
    Art. 11
    Anexele nr. 1 - 15*) fac parte integranta din prezenta lege.
    *) Anexele nr. 3 - 15 se publica ulterior si se difuzeaza celor interesati.

    Aceasta lege a fost adoptata de Camera Deputatilor si de Senat in sedinta comuna din 9 martie 2000, cu respectarea prevederilor art. 74 alin. (2) din Constitutia Romaniei.

                                VASILE LUPU

                           PRESEDINTELE SENATUI
                           MIRCEA IONESCU-QUINTUS

    ANEXA 1

                                  - Sinteza -

                                                                 - mii lei -
|                        |   PREVEDERI  |  PREVEDERI   |   INCASARI   |        |
|                        |   BUGETARE   |  BUGETARE    |   REALIZATE  |   3/2  |
|   DENUMIRE INDICATORI  |   APROBATE   |  DEFINITIVE  |              |    %   |
|                        |   INITIAL    |              |              |        |
|           A            |       1      |       2      |     3        |    4   |
| I. VENITURI - TOTAL    |16.981.570.000|18.395.090.095|18.372.803.218|   99,88|
| I. VENITURI CURENTE    |16.973.070.000|18.287.525.526|18.267.548.241|   99,89|
|  A. VENITURI FISCALE   |16.568.100.000|17.593.895.800|17.522.972.561|   99,60|
|   A1. IMPOZITE DIRECTE | 8.405.400.000| 8.310.681.800| 8.532.625.909|  102,67|
|    IMPOZITUL PE PROFIT || 3.482.600.000| 3.517.257.277|  101,00|
|    IMPOZITUL PE SALARII| 4.152.600.000| 4.585.811.800| 4.683.678.354|  102,13|
| Impozitul pe salarii   |              |              |              |        |
| - total -              | 5.753.200.000| 6.575.000.000| 6.656.287.420|  101,24|
| Sume defalcate din     |              |              |              |        |
| impozitul pe salarii   |              |              |              |        |
| pentru bugetele locale |              |              |              |        |
| (se scad)              |-1.600.600.000|-1.989.188.200|-1.972.609.066|   99,17|
|    ALTE IMPOZITE       |              |              |              |        |
|    DIRECTE             |   152.800.000|   242.270.000|   331.690.278|  136,91|
| Impozitul pe profit    |              |              |              |        |
| obtinut din activitati |              |              |              |        |
| comerciale ilicite sau |              |              |              |        |
| din nerespectarea Legii|              |              |              |        |
| privind protectia      |              |              |              |        |
| consumatorilor         |     1.300.000|     1.400.000|       912.852|   65,20|
| Impozitul pe dividende |              |              |              |        |
| de la societatile      |              |              |              |        |
| comerciale             |   150.000.000|   240.000.000|   329.822.357|  137,43|
| Alte incasari din      |              |              |              |        |
| impozite directe       |     1.500.000|       870.000|       955.069|  109,78|
|   A2. IMPOZITE         |              |              |              |        |
|       INDIRECTE        | 8.162.700.000|| 8.990.346.652|   96,85|
|    TAXA PE VALOAREA    |              |              |              |        |
|    ADAUGATA            | 5.296.900.000| 5.430.000.000| 5.359.350.034|   98,70|
|    ACCIZE SI IMPOZIT   |              |              |              |        |
|    PE CIRCULATIE       | 1.513.000.000| 1.511.100.000| 1.485.343.117|   98,30|
| Accize                 |   989.300.000|| 1.091.784.343|   98,26|
| Impozitul pe titeiul   |              |              |              |        |
| din productia interna  |              |              |              |        |
| si gazele naturale     |   523.700.000|   400.000.000|   393.558.774|   98,39|
|    TAXE VAMALE         | 1.230.800.000| 1.880.000.000| 1.673.682.939|   89,03|
| Taxe vamale de la      |              |              |              |        |
| persoane juridice      | 1.185.800.000| 1.810.000.000| 1.596.973.775|   88,23|
| Taxe vamale si alte    |              |              |              |        |
| venituri incasate de   |              |              |              |        |
| la persoane fizice prin|              |              |              |        |
| unitatile vamale       |    45.000.000|    70.000.000|    76.709.164|  109,58|
|    ALTE IMPOZITE       |              |              |              |        |
|    INDIRECTE           |   122.000.000|   462.114.000|   471.970.562|  102,13|
| Majorari si penalitati |              |              |              |        |
| de intarziere pentru   |              |              |              |        |
| venituri nevarsate la  |              |              |              |        |
| termen                 |   100.000.000|    65.000.000|    73.755.765|  113,47|
| Taxe pentru eliberarea |              |              |              |        |
| de licente si          |              |              |              |        |
| autorizatii de         |              |              |              |        |
| functionare            |    16.000.000|   391.100.000|   391.921.405|  100,21|
| Taxe de compensatie    |              |        14.000|        41.376|  295,54|
| Alte incasari din      |              |              |              |        |
| impozite indirecte     |     6.000.000|     6.000.000|     6.252.016|  104,20|
|  B. VENITURI NEFISCALE |   404.970.000|   693.629.726|   744.575.680|  107,84|
| VARSAMINTE DIN PROFITUL|              |              |              |        |
| NET AL BANCII NATIONALE|              |    71.166.726|    71.166.726|  100,00|
|    VARSAMINTE DIN      |              |              |              |        |
|    PROFITUL NET AL     |              |              |              |        |
|    REGIILOR AUTONOME   |    86.000.000|   200.000.000|   185.377.058|   92,69|
|    VARSAMINTE DE LA    |              |              |              |        |
|    INSTITUTIILE PUBLICE|   133.850.000|   168.223.000|   179.929.883|  106,96|
| Taxe de metrologie     |       600.000|       140.000|        77.463|   55,33|
| Taxe pentru brevete de |              |              |              |        |
| inventii si            |              |              |              |        |
| inregistrarea marcilor |              |              |              |        |
| de fabrica             |     3.000.000|     8.000.000|     7.693.577|   96,17|
| Taxe pentru prestatiile|              |              |              |        |
| si serviciile efectuate|              |              |              |        |
| de capitaniile de port |              |              |              |        |
| si pentru eliberarea   |              |              |              |        |
| autorizatiilor de      |              |              |              |        |
| transport cu           |              |              |              |        |
| autovehiculele in      |              |              |              |        |
| trafic international   |              |              |              |        |
| de marfuri             |     5.100.000|     8.100.000|     9.700.761|  119.76|
| Taxe consulare         |    80.000.000|    80.000.000|    71.415.775|   89,27|
| Taxe pentru analize    |              |              |              |        |
| efectuate de           |              |              |              |        |
| laboratoare, altele    |              |              |              |        |
| decat cele sanitare,   |              |              |              |        |
| de pe langa institutii |     2.000.000|     1.100.000|     1.066.858|   96,99|
| Venituri din incasarea |              |              |              |        |
| contravalorii          |              |              |              |        |
| lucrarilor de combatere|              |              |              |        |
| a daunatorilor si      |              |              |              |        |
| bolilor in sectorul    |              |              |              |        |
| vegetal                |     4.000.000|     2.200.000|     2.092.827|   95,13|
| Veniturile unitatilor  |              |              |              |        |
| de reproductie si      |              |              |              |        |
| selectie a animalelor  |     1.000.000|     1.500.000|     1.557.643|  103,84|
| Veniturile             |              |              |              |        |
| circumscriptiilor,     |              |              |              |        |
| laboratoarelor si      |              |              |              |        |
| dispensarelor          |              |              |              |        |
| veterinare             |    15.000.000|    16.000.000|    19.246.220|  120,29|
| Taxe si alte venituri  |              |              |              |        |
| din protectia mediului |       300.000|       125.000|       145.003|  116,00|
| Venituri din operatiuni|              |              |              |        |
| de mentinerea pacii    |              |     2.574.856|     5.762.594|  223,80|
| Varsaminte din         |              |              |              |        |
| disponibilitatile      |              |              |              |        |
| institutiilor publice  |              |              |              |        |
| si activitatilor       |              |              |              |        |
| autofinantate          |     1.500.000|       523.000|       597.001|  114,15|
| Varsaminte din         |              |              |              |        |
| veniturile             |              |              |              |        |
| institutiilor publice  |              |              |              |        |
| si activitatilor       |              |              |              |        |
| autofinantate          |              |     1.535.000|     1.753.066|  114,21|
| Venituri din timbrul   |              |              |              |        |
| judiciar               |     1.350.000|     6.000.000|     5.943.040|   99,05|
| Alte venituri de la    |              |              |              |        |
| institutiile publice   |    20.000.000|    40.425.144|    52.878.055|  130,80|
|    DIVERSE VENITURI    |   185.120.000|   254.240.000|   308.102.013|  121,19|
| Venituri din aplicarea |              |              |              |        |
| prescriptiei extinctive|              |     1.500.000|     2.371.863|  158,12|
| Venituri din amenzile  |              |              |              |        |
| aplicate, potrivit     |              |              |              |        |
| dispozitiilor legale   |    38.000.000|    55.000.000|    61.291.992|  111,44|
| Incasari din cota      |              |              |              |        |
| retinuta, conform      |              |              |              |        |
| Legii nr. 6/1973       |     1.300.000|     1.300.000|     1.633.383|  125,64|
| Restituiri de fonduri  |              |              |              |        |
| din finantarea bugetara|              |              |              |        |
| a anilor precedenti    |    70.000.000|    85.000.000|   106.920.793|  125,79|
| Venituri din concesiuni|        20.000|        40.000|       525.159|1.312,90|
| Incasarea dobanzilor   |              |              |              |        |
| aferente ratelor lunare|              |              |              |        |
| din vanzarea           |              |              |              |        |
| locuintelor construite |              |              |              |        |
| din fondurile statului |     2.300.000|     1.400.000|     1.660.157|  118,58|
| Incasari din           |              |              |              |        |
| rambursarea            |              |              |              |        |
| imprumuturilor acordate|              |              |              |        |
| pentru finalizarea unor|              |              |              |        |
| obiective aprobate prin|              |              |              |        |
| conventii bilaterale si|              |              |              |        |
| acorduri               |              |              |              |        |
| interguvernamentale    |              |              |     3.100.654|        |
| Incasari din           |              |              |              |        |
| valorificarea bunurilor|              |              |              |        |
| confiscate, abandonate |              |              |              |        |
| si alte sume constatate|              |              |              |        |
| odata cu confiscarea,  |              |              |              |        |
| potrivit legii         |    42.000.000|    50.000.000|    54.865.471|  109,73|
| Incasari din alte surse|    31.500.000|    60.000.000|    75.732.541|  126,22|
| II. VENITURI DIN       |              |              |              |        |
|     CAPITAL            |     8.500.000|   107.564.569|   105.254.977|   97,85|
|  VENITURI DIN          |              |              |              |        |
|  VALORIFICAREA UNOR    |              |              |              |        |
|  BUNURI ALE STATULUI   |     8.500.000|   107.564.569|   105.254.977|   97,85|
| Venituri din           |              |              |              |        |
| valorificarea unor     |              |              |              |        |
| bunuri ale             |              |              |              |        |
| institutiilor publice  |     5.500.000|     5.500.000|     6.606.837|  120,12|
| Venituri din           |              |              |              |        |
| valorificarea          |              |              |              |        |
| stocurilor de la       |              |              |              |        |
| rezerva de stat si de  |              |              |              |        |
| mobilizare             |     3.000.000|   102.064.569|    98.648.140|   96,65|

                                                                  - MII LEI -
|    DENUMIRE INDICATORI    |           CREDITE APROBATE INITIAL               |
|                           |__________________________________________________|
|                           | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|                           |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (1 + 2)     |
|              A            |       1       |        2        |       3        |
|                                          CREDITE DEFINITIVE                  |
|                           | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|                           |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (4 + 5)     |
|                           |_______________|_________________|________________|
|                           |       4       |        5        |       6        |
|  %   |                    |              PLATI EFECTUATE DIN:                |
| 7/4  |                    | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|      |                    |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (7 + 8)     |
|  10  |                    |       7       |        8        |       9        |
| II. CHELTUIELI - TOTAL    | 20.174.632.257|      430.745.700|  20.605.377.957|
|                           ||      647.453.120|  24.651.527.263|
| 98,87                     | 23.731.997.610|      386.066.663||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     | 18.007.860.724|      188.072.475|  18.195.933.199|
|                           | 21.029.966.505|      366.663.575|  21.396.630.080|
| 98,96                     | 20.811.266.369|      263.830.886||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |  5.916.488.618|        8.075.995|   5.924.564.613|
|                           ||       10.439.195|   6.269.597.245|
| 99,63                     |  6.235.981.543|          585.802|   6.236.567.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |  2.796.760.901|       35.687.980|   2.832.448.881|
|                           |  3.258.977.837|       22.917.680|   3.281.895.517|
| 98,94                     |  3.224.405.193|        9.032.127|   3.233.437.320|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |  1.874.807.976|                 |   1.874.807.976|
|                           |  2.594.409.887|                 |   2.594.409.887|
| 99,82                     |  2.589.857.918|                 |   2.589.857.918|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |    353.532.359|                 |     353.532.359|
|                           |    391.589.532|                 |     391.589.532|
| 99,49                     |    389.609.219|                 |     389.609.219|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pe produse   |               |                 |                |
|    si activitati          |    987.519.000|                 |     987.519.000|
|                           |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|100,00                     |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pentru       |               |                 |                |
|    acoperirea diferentelor|               |                 |                |
|    de pret si tarif       |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  PRIME                    |    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |  4.854.696.329|      144.308.500|   4.999.004.829|
|                           |  5.913.828.887|      333.306.700||
| 97,74                     |  5.780.312.033|      254.212.957|   6.034.524.990|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  DOBANZI                  |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Dobanzi aferente        |               |                 |                |
|   datoriei publice        |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Dobanzi aferente        |               |                 |                |
|   datoriei publice interne|  1.235.660.000|                 |   1.235.660.000|
|                           |  1.552.463.000|                 |   1.552.463.000|
| 99,93                     |  1.551.430.399|                 |   1.551.430.399|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Dobanzi aferente        |               |                 |                |
|   datoriei publice externe|     24.340.000|                 |      24.340.000|
|                           |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|100,00                     |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Cheltuieli ocazionate   |               |                 |                |
|   de emisiunea si plasarea|               |                 |                |
|   titlurilor de stat si de|               |                 |                |
|   riscurile garantiilor   |               |                 |                |
|   date de stat in         |               |                 |                |
|   conditiile legii        |    100.000.000|                 |     100.000.000|
|                           |    186.237.000|                 |     186.237.000|
| 98,60                     |    183.626.738|                 |     183.626.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| REZERVE                   |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |  1.855.667.073|      242.673.225|   2.098.340.298|
|                           |  2.421.059.680|      280.789.545|   2.701.849.225|
| 98,59                     |  2.386.831.093|      122.235.777|   2.509.066.870|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |    311.104.460|                 |     311.104.460|
|                           |    553.047.958|                 |     553.047.958|
| 96,54                     |    533.900.148|                 |     533.900.148|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE     |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    330.200.000|                 |     330.200.000|
| 99,12                     |    327.295.562|                 |     327.295.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumut acordat din   |               |                 |                |
|    fondul de redresare    |               |                 |                |
|    financiara la          |               |                 |                |
|    dispozitia Guvernului  |               |                 |                |
|                           |    218.000.000|                 |     218.000.000|
| 99,36                     |    216.600.000|                 |     216.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi acordate   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru finalizarea unor|               |                 |                |
|    obiective aprobate prin|               |                 |                |
|    conventii bilaterale si|               |                 |                |
|    acorduri               |               |                 |                |
|    interguvernamentale    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    112.200.000|                 |     112.200.000|
| 98,66                     |    110.695.562|                 |     110.695.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |    225.804.460|                 |     225.804.460|
|                           |    222.847.958|                 |     222.847.958|
| 92,71                     |    206.604.586|                 |     206.604.586|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Rambursari de credite   |               |                 |                |
|   externe                 |    129.822.522|                 |     129.822.522|
|                           |    125.986.839|                 |     125.986.839|
| 89,00                     |    112.125.601|                 |     112.125.601|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Plati de dobanzi si     |               |                 |                |
|   comisioane              |     95.981.938|                 |      95.981.938|
|                           |     96.861.119|                 |      94.861.119|
| 97,54                     |     94.478.985|                 |      94.478.985|
|  Partea a I-a SERVICII    |               |                 |                |
|  PUBLICE GENERALE         |    791.786.226|                 |     791.786.226|
|                           |    903.193.790|                 |     903.193.790|
| 97,55                     |    881.073.401|                 |     881.073.401|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|AUTORITATI PUBLICE         |    791.786.226|                 |     791.786.226|
|                           |    903.193.790|                 |     903.193.790|
| 97,55                     |    881.073.401|                 |     881.073.401|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    679.129.543|                 |     679.129.543|
|                           |    757.609.731|                 |     757.609.731|
| 97,71                     |    740.248.509|                 |     740.248.509|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    429.050.075|                 |     429.050.075|
|                           |    476.313.013|                 |     476.313.013|
| 98,89                     |    471.014.994|                 |     471.014.994|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    199.119.768|                 |     199.119.768|
|                           |    251.520.615|                 |     251.520.615|
| 96,47                     |    242.634.649|                 |     242.634.649|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |     48.259.700|                 |      48.259.700|
|                           |     27.308.503|                 |      27.308.503|
| 88,84                     |     24.261.128|                 |      24.261.128|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |     48.259.700|                 |      48.259.700|
|                           |     27.308.503|                 |      27.308.503|
| 88,84                     |     24.261.128|                 |      24.261.128|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    108.532.883|                 |     108.532.883|
|                           |    140.604.859|                 |     140.604.859|
| 96,62                     |    135.858.276|                 |     135.858.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |      4.123.800|                 |       4.123.800|
|                           |      4.979.200|                 |       4.979.200|
| 99,75                     |      4.966.616|                 |       4.966.616|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |      4.123.800|                 |       4.123.800|
|                           |      4.979.200|                 |       4.979.200|
| 99,75                     |      4.966.616|                 |       4.966.616|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |      3.419.900|                 |       3.419.900|
|                           |      4.138.100|                 |       4.138.100|
| 99,77                     |      4.128.780|                 |       4.128.780|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |        703.900|                 |         703.900|
|                           |        841.100|                 |         841.100|
| 99,61                     |        837.836|                 |         837.836|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Presedintia Romaniei      |     11.090.000|                 |      11.090.000|
|                           |      9.804.488|                 |       9.804.488|
| 99,86                     |      9.790.792|                 |       9.790.792|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Autoritati Legislative    |     88.510.926|                 |      88.510.926|
|                           |     87.499.603|                 |      87.499.603|
| 95,78                     |     83.810.775|                 |      83.810.775|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Autoritati Judecatoresti  |    180.176.500|                 |     180.176.500|
|                           |    206.332.403|                 |     206.332.403|
| 98,80                     |    203.848.795|                 |     203.848.795|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte organe ale           |               |                 |                |
| autoritatii publice       |     52.521.000|                 |      52.521.000|
|                           |     48.884.245|                 |      48.884.245|
| 97,07                     |     47.451.957|                 |      47.451.957|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Autoritati executive      |    459.487.800|                 |     459.487.800|
|                           |    550.673.051|                 |     550.673.051|
| 97,37                     |    536.171.082|                 |     536.171.082|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  Partea a II-a APARARE,   |               |                 |                |
|  ORDINE PUBLICA SI        |               |                 |                |
|  SIGURANTA NATIONALA      |  3.420.015.943|       14.740.000|   3.434.755.943|
|                           |  3.699.679.248|       14.740.000|   3.714.419.248|
| 99,74                     |  3.689.968.683|       11.220.400|   3.701.189.083|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  2.905.049.440|                 |   2.905.049.440|
|                           ||                 ||
| 99,86                     |  3.086.588.614|                 |   3.086.588.614|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |  1.635.648.194|                 |   1.635.648.194|
|                           |  1.562.340.631|                 |   1.562.340.631|
| 99,87                     |  1.560.289.405|                 |   1.560.289.405|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |  1.122.525.190|                 |   1.122.525.190|
|                           |  1.361.559.750|                 |   1.361.559.750|
| 99,83                     |  1.359.201.397|                 |   1.359.201.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Alocatii de la buget    |               |                 |                |
|   pentru institutiile     |               |                 |                |
|   publice                 |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |               |                 |                |
|                           |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|100,00                     |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    452.136.103|       14.740.000|     466.876.103|
|                           |    554.265.303|       14.740.000|     569.005.303|
| 99,65                     |    552.346.904|       11.220.400|     563.567.304|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     62.830.400|                 |      62.830.400|
|                           |     54.391.100|                 |      54.391.100|
| 93,83                     |     51.033.165|                 |      51.033.165|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     62.830.400|                 |      62.830.400|
|                           |     54.391.100|                 |      54.391.100|
| 93,83                     |     51.033.165|                 |      51.033.165|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     49.791.240|                 |      49.791.240|
|                           |     37.880.540|                 |      37.880.540|
| 96,51                     |     36.559.898|                 |      36.559.898|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     13.039.160|                 |      13.039.160|
|                           |     16.510.560|                 |      16.510.560|
| 87,66                     |     14.473.267|                 |      14.473.267|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|APARARE NATIONALA          |  1.939.000.000|        9.640.000|   1.948.640.000|
|                           |  2.084.657.681|        9.640.000||
| 99,69                     ||        9.640.000|   2.087.881.169|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.578.428.390|                 |   1.578.428.390|
|                           |  1.680.731.371|                 |   1.680.731.371|
| 99,90                     |  1.678.988.661|                 |   1.678.988.661|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    864.207.500|                 |     864.207.500|
|                           |    845.714.281|                 |     845.714.281|
| 99,90                     |    844.860.295|                 |     844.860.295|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    714.220.890|                 |     714.220.890|
|                           |    835.017.090|                 |     835.017.090|
| 99,89                     |    834.128.366|                 |     834.128.366|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    314.871.610|        9.640.000|     324.511.610|
|                           |    371.071.610|        9.640.000|     380.711.610|
| 99,59                     |    369.539.361|        9.640.000|     379.179.361|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     45.700.000|                 |      45.700.000|
|                           |     32.854.700|                 |      32.854.700|
| 90,44                     |     29.713.147|                 |      29.713.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     45.700.000|                 |      45.700.000|
|                           |     32.854.700|                 |      32.854.700|
| 90,44                     |     29.713.147|                 |      29.713.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     35.320.000|                 |      35.320.000|
|                           |     23.992.689|                 |      23.992.689|
| 95,31                     |     22.866.892|                 |      22.866.892|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     10.380.000|                 |      10.380.000|
|                           |      8.862.011|                 |       8.862.011|
| 77,25                     |      6.846.255|                 |       6.846.255|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |     17.714.790|                 |      17.714.790|
|                           |     21.598.116|                 |      21.598.116|
| 98,98                     |     21.377.162|                 |      21.377.162|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Aparare nationala         |  1.921.285.210|        9.640.000|   1.930.925.210|
|                           ||        9.640.000|   2.072.699.565|
| 99,70                     |  2.056.864.007|        9.640.000|   2.066.504.007|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ORDINEA PUBLICA SI         |               |                 |                |
|SIGURANTA NATIONALA        |  1.481.015.943|        5.100.000|   1.486.115.943|
|                           |  1.615.021.567|        5.100.000|   1.620.121.567|
| 99,80                     |  1.611.727.514|        1.580.400|   1.613.307.914|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.326.621.050|                 |   1.326.621.050|
|                           |  1.410.291.474|                 |   1.410.291.474|
| 99,81                     |  1.407.599.953|                 |   1.407.599.953|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    771.440.694|                 |     771.440.694|
|                           |    716.626.350|                 |     716.626.350|
| 99,83                     |    715.429.110|                 |     715.429.110|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    408.304.300|                 |     408.304.300|
|                           |    526.542.660|                 |     526.542.660|
| 99,72                     |    525.073.031|                 |     525.073.031|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |               |                 |                |
|                           |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|100,00                     |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |               |                 |                |
|                           |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|100,00                     |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    137.264.493|        5.100.000|     142.364.493|
|                           |    183.193.693|        5.100.000|     188.293.693|
| 99,79                     |    182.807.543|        1.580.400|     184.387.943|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     17.130.400|                 |      17.130.400|
|                           |     21.536.400|                 |      21.536.400|
| 99,00                     |     21.320.018|                 |      21.320.018|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     17.130.400|                 |      17.130.400|
|                           |     21.536.400|                 |      21.536.400|
| 99,00                     |     21.320.018|                 |      21.320.018|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     14.471.240|                 |      14.471.240|
|                           |     13.887.851|                 |      13.887.851|
| 98,60                     |     13.693.006|                 |      13.693.006|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |      2.659.160|                 |       2.659.160|
|                           |      7.648.549|                 |       7.648.549|
| 99,72                     |      7.627.012|                 |       7.627.012|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Politie                   |    522.708.276|                 |     522.708.276|
|                           |    584.861.227|                 |     584.861.227|
| 99,99                     |    584.824.672|                 |     584.824.672|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Protectia si paza contra  |               |                 |                |
| incendiilor               |     81.096.198|                 |      81.096.198|
|                           |     89.680.419|                 |      89.680.419|
|100,00                     |     89.680.419|                 |      89.680.419|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Paza si supravegherea     |               |                 |                |
| frontierelor              |    129.405.287|                 |     129.405.287|
|                           |    155.864.291|                 |     155.864.291|
|100,00                     |    155.864.291|                 |     155.864.291|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Jandarmerie               |    141.066.481|                 |     141.066.481|
|                           |    184.068.794|                 |     184.068.794|
| 99,91                     |    183.911.094|                 |     183.911.094|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Siguranta nationala       |    249.863.899|        5.100.000|     254.963.899|
|                           |    308.867.797|        5.100.000|     313.967.797|
| 99,35                     |    306.867.668|        1.580.400|     308.448.068|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Penitenciare              |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte institutii si actiuni|               |                 |                |
| privind ordinea publica si|               |                 |                |
| siguranta nationala       |    209.999.746|                 |     209.999.746|
|                           |    124.950.913|                 |     124.950.913|
| 99,14                     |    123.875.896|                 |     123.875.896|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  Partea a III-a CHELTUIELI|               |                 |                |
|  SOCIAL-CULTURALE         |  6.370.763.932|      209.987.200|   6.580.751.132|
|                           |  7.044.937.309|      219.409.020|   7.264.346.329|
| 99,04                     |  6.977.087.600|       87.673.494|   7.064.761.094|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  5.865.523.650|       43.763.975|   5.909.287.625|
|                           |  6.426.327.213|       33.356.875|   6.459.684.088|
| 99,40                     |  6.387.600.323|        9.617.929|   6.397.218.252|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |  3.545.154.489|        8.075.995|   3.553.230.484|
|                           |  3.913.330.098|       10.439.195|   3.923.769.293|
| 99,65                     |  3.899.769.395|          585.802|   3.900.355.197|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    813.921.503|       35.687.980|     849.609.483|
|                           |    945.985.673|       22.917.680|     968.903.353|
| 98,97                     |    936.200.068|        9.032.127|     945.232.195|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    203.541.403|                 |     203.541.403|
|                           |    221.988.913|                 |     221.988.913|
| 99,19                     |    220.186.030|                 |     220.186.030|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Alocatii de la buget    |               |                 |                |
|   pentru institutiile     |               |                 |                |
|   publice                 |    203.541.403|                 |     203.541.403|
|                           |    221.988.913|                 |     221.988.913|
| 99,19                     |    220.186.030|                 |     220.186.030|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |  1.302.906.255|                 |   1.302.906.255|
|                           |  1.345.022.529|                 |   1.345.022.529|
| 98,99                     |  1.331.444.830|                 |   1.331.444.830|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    422.442.642|      166.223.225|     588.665.867|
|                           |    528.986.207|      186.052.145|     715.038.352|
| 96,73                     |    511.696.492|       78.055.565|     589.752.057|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     82.797.640|                 |      82.797.640|
|                           |     89.623.889|                 |      89.623.889|
| 86,80                     |     77.790.785|                 |      77.790.785|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     82.797.640|                 |      82.797.640|
|                           |     89.623.889|                 |      89.623.889|
| 86,80                     |     77.790.785|                 |      77.790.785|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     47.732.364|                 |      47.732.364|
|                           |     51.541.098|                 |      51.541.098|
| 77,45                     |     39.918.022|                 |      39.918.022|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     35.065.276|                 |      35.065.276|
|                           |     38.082.791|                 |      38.082.791|
| 99,45                     |     37.872.763|                 |      37.872.763|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|INVATAMANT                 |  3.004.670.926|       25.507.200||
|                           |  3.314.163.513|       32.946.800|   3.347.110.313|
| 99,00                     |  3.280.879.119|        8.368.596||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  2.787.871.333|       24.083.975|   2.811.955.308|
|                           |  3.003.506.875|       31.115.175|   3.034.622.050|
| 99,23                     |  2.980.502.975|        7.196.993|   2.987.699.968|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   ||        8.075.995||
|                           |  2.409.263.456|       10.439.195|   2.419.702.651|
| 99,61                     |  2.399.976.926|          585.802|   2.400.562.728|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    423.465.949|       16.007.980|     439.473.929|
|                           |    438.510.176|       20.675.980|     459.186.156|
| 99,03                     |    434.233.852|        6.611.191|     440.850.043|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    144.059.755|                 |     144.059.755|
|                           |    120.405.611|                 |     120.405.611|
| 93,49                     |    112.568.345|                 |     112.568.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |    144.059.755|                 |     144.059.755|
|                           |    120.405.611|                 |     120.405.611|
| 93,49                     |    112.568.345|                 |     112.568.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    214.298.793|        1.423.225|     215.722.018|
|                           |    309.966.638|        1.831.625|     311.798.263|
| 96,70                     |    299.742.794|        1.171.603|     300.914.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      2.449.300|                 |       2.449.300|
|                           |      2.944.338|                 |       2.944.338|
| 80,71                     |      2.376.447|                 |       2.376.447|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant prescolar      |    209.204.778|                 |     209.204.778|
|                           |    239.266.760|                 |     239.266.760|
| 99,49                     |    238.053.905|                 |     238.053.905|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant primar si      |               |                 |                |
| gimnazial                 |  1.180.768.530|       19.474.800||
|                           |  1.108.417.686|       25.154.900|   1.133.572.586|
| 99,50                     |  1.102.830.207|        6.698.596|   1.109.528.803|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant liceal         |    549.053.975|        6.032.400|     555.086.375|
|                           |    607.638.984|        7.791.900|     615.430.884|
| 99,34                     |    603.632.397|        1.670.000|     605.302.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant profesional    |     64.999.100|                 |      64.999.100|
|                           |     83.862.564|                 |      83.862.564|
| 99,39                     |     83.377.569|                 |      83.347.569|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant postliceal     |     16.282.541|                 |      16.282.541|
|                           |     15.743.217|                 |      15.743.217|
| 99,54                     |     15.670.895|                 |      15.670.895|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Case de copii             |     87.537.200|                 |      87.537.200|
|                           |    106.312.391|                 |     106.312.391|
| 99,75                     |    106.051.383|                 |     106.051.383|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant special        |    177.519.500|                 |     177.519.500|
|                           |    168.770.625|                 |     168.770.625|
| 99,19                     |    167.411.099|                 |     167.411.099|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant superior       |    550.749.434|                 |     550.749.434|
|                           |    621.092.005|                 |     621.092.005|
| 98,56                     |    612.152.042|                 |     612.152.042|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Internate, camine si      |               |                 |                |
| cantine pentru elevi si   |               |                 |                |
| studenti                  |     23.275.295|                 |      23.275.295|
|                           |     23.275.295|                 |      23.275.295|
| 93,48                     |     21.757.117|                 |      21.757.117|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |     47.798.900|                 |      47.798.900|
|                           |    134.909.730|                 |     134.909.730|
| 97,19                     |    131.114.267|                 |     131.114.267|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte institutii si        |               |                 |                |
| actiuni de invatamant     |     95.032.373|                 |      95.032.373|
|                           |    201.929.918|                 |     201.929.918|
| 97,30                     |    196.481.791|                 |     196.481.791|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|SANATATE                   |  1.758.456.113|      179.480.000|   1.937.936.113|
|                           |  2.026.819.823|      179.480.000||
| 99,09                     |  2.008.460.583|       73.616.210||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.541.734.534|       19.680.000|   1.561.414.534|
|                           |  1.799.279.530|        1.610.000|   1.800.889.530|
| 99,76                     |  1.794.877.299|        1.490.560|   1.796.367.859|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   ||                 ||
|                           |  1.417.762.804|                 |   1.417.762.804|
| 99,78                     |  1.414.635.447|                 |   1.414.635.447|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    265.012.134|       19.680.000|     284.692.134|
|                           |    377.514.152|        1.610.000|     379.124.152|
| 99,66                     |    376.240.436|        1.490.560|     377.730.996|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |        500.000|                 |         500.000|
|                           |      4.002.574|                 |       4.002.574|
| 99,97                     |      4.001.416|                 |       4.001.416|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |        500.000|                 |         500.000|
|                           |      4.002.574|                 |       4.002.574|
| 99,97                     |      4.001.416|                 |       4.001.416|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    140.024.739|      159.800.000|     299.824.739|
|                           |    141.734.789|      177.870.000|     319.604.789|
| 98,33                     |    139.362.772|       72.125.650|     211.488.422|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     76.696.840|                 |      76.696.840|
|                           |     85.805.504|                 |      85.805.504|
| 86,50                     |     74.220.512|                 |      74.220.512|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     76.696.840|                 |      76.696.840|
|                           |     85.805.504|                 |      85.805.504|
| 86,50                     |     74.220.512|                 |      74.220.512|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     45.572.364|                 |      45.572.364|
|                           |     48.741.098|                 |      48.741.098|
| 76,50                     |     37.288.602|                 |      37.288.602|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     31.124.476|                 |      31.124.476|
|                           |     37.064.406|                 |      37.064.406|
| 99,64                     |     36.931.910|                 |      36.931.910|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      1.913.000|                 |       1.913.000|
|                           |      5.280.584|                 |       5.280.584|
| 99,61                     |      5.259.987|                 |       5.259.987|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Dispensare medicale       |    356.560.000|                 |     356.560.000|
|                           |    465.826.043|                 |     465.826.043|
| 99,95                     |    465.613.178|                 |     465.613.178|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Spitale                   |  1.013.860.585|       19.680.000|   1.033.540.585|
|                           |  1.073.835.131|        1.610.000|   1.075.445.131|
| 99,72                     |  1.070.852.518|        1.490.560|   1.072.343.078|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Sanatorii si preventorii  |     19.296.322|                 |      19.296.322|
|                           |     22.475.576|                 |      22.475.576|
| 99,70                     |     22.407.631|                 |      22.407.631|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Crese                     |     21.219.033|                 |      21.219.033|
|                           |     21.990.116|                 |      21.990.116|
| 99,81                     |     21.948.440|                 |      21.948.440|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Leagane de copii          |     27.000.000|                 |      27.000.000|
|                           |     32.847.196|                 |      32.847.196|
| 99,91                     |     32.816.952|                 |      32.816.952|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Centre de transfuzii      |               |                 |                |
| sanguine                  |     18.014.900|                 |      18.014.900|
|                           |     18.629.097|                 |      18.629.097|
| 99,77                     |     18.585.534|                 |      18.585.534|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii de ambulanta     |     41.120.000|                 |      41.120.000|
|                           |     57.605.389|                 |      57.605.389|
| 99,87                     |     57.532.207|                 |      57.532.207|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Centre de sanatate,       |               |                 |                |
| diagnostic si tratament   |     47.660.777|                 |      47.660.777|
|                           |     27.951.605|                 |      27.951.605|
| 98,08                     |     27.415.232|                 |      27.415.232|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |     10.000.000|                 |      10.000.000|
|                           |     37.445.112|                 |      37.445.112|
| 98,36                     |     36.829.228|                 |      36.829.228|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte institutii si        |               |                 |                |
| actiuni sanitare          |    201.811.496|      159.800.000|     361.611.496|
|                           |    262.933.974|      177.870.000|     440.803.974|
| 94,78                     |    249.199.676|       72.125.650|     321.325.326|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CULTURA, RELIGIE SI ACTIUNI|               |                 |                |
|PRIVIND ACTIVITATEA        |               |                 |                |
|SPORTIVA SI DE TINERET     |    397.981.900|                 |     397.981.900|
|                           |    438.727.872|                 |     438.727.872|
| 97,80                     |    429.062.884|                 |     429.062.884|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    351.487.790|                 |     351.487.790|
|                           |    384.118.092|                 |     384.118.092|
| 98,57                     |    378.632.861|                 |     378.632.861|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     55.219.848|                 |      55.219.848|
|                           |     56.624.400|                 |      56.624.400|
| 98,40                     |     55.719.812|                 |      55.719.812|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    101.172.850|                 |     101.172.850|
|                           |    105.621.632|                 |     105.621.632|
| 96,63                     |    102.058.265|                 |     102.058.265|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |     29.019.000|                 |      29.019.000|
|                           |     37.495.739|                 |      37.495.739|
| 97,80                     |     36.672.566|                 |      36.672.566|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |     29.019.000|                 |      29.019.000|
|                           |     37.495.739|                 |      37.495.739|
| 97,80                     |     36.672.566|                 |      36.672.566|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     46.494.110|                 |      46.494.110|
|                           |     54.609.780|                 |      54.609.780|
| 92,35                     |     50.430.023|                 |      50.430.023|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      5.706.400|                 |       5.706.400|
|                           |      7.143.254|                 |       7.143.254|
| 94,42                     |      6.744.603|                 |       6.744.603|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Biblioteci publice        |               |                 |                |
| nationale si universitare |     57.050.320|                 |      57.050.320|
|                           |     40.680.168|                 |      40.680.168|
| 99,82                     |     40.605.247|                 |      40.605.247|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Muzee                     |     56.737.170|                 |      56.737.170|
|                           |     58.511.868|                 |      58.511.868|
| 99,86                     |     58.431.673|                 |      58.431.673|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Teatre si institutii      |               |                 |                |
| profesioniste de          |               |                 |                |
| spectacole si concerte    |     32.885.480|                 |      32.885.480|
|                           |     38.067.860|                 |      38.067.860|
| 99,74                     |     37.968.647|                 |      37.968.647|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Culte religioase          |     35.282.100|                 |      35.282.100|
|                           |     42.781.200|                 |      42.781.200|
| 98,67                     |     42.213.070|                 |      42.213.070|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Activitatea sportiva      |     68.923.412|                 |      68.923.412|
|                           |     80.004.558|                 |      80.004.558|
| 99,99                     |     79.993.571|                 |      79.993.571|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Activitatea de tineret    |      6.636.000|                 |       6.636.000|
|                           |      6.636.000|                 |       6.636.000|
| 99,88                     |      6.628.013|                 |       6.628.013|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |      7.988.960|                 |       7.988.960|
|                           |      6.195.000|                 |       6.195.000|
| 98,78                     |      6.119.473|                 |       6.119.473|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte institutii si        |               |                 |                |
| actiuni privind cultura,  |               |                 |                |
| religia si activitatea    |               |                 |                |
| sportiva si de tineret    |    126.772.058|                 |     126.772.058|
|                           |    158.707.964|                 |     158.707.964|
| 94,74                     |    150.358.587|                 |     150.358.587|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ASISTENTA SOCIALA,         |               |                 |                |
|ALOCATII, PENSII, AJUTOARE |               |                 |                |
|SI INDEMNIZATII            |  1.209.654.993|        5.000.000|   1.214.654.993|
|                           ||        6.982.220||
| 99,48                     |  1.258.685.014|        5.688.688|   1.264.373.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.184.429.993|                 |   1.184.429.993|
|                           |  1.239.422.716|          631.700||
| 99,53                     |  1.233.587.188|          930.376|   1.234.517.564|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     28.546.907|                 |      28.546.907|
|                           |     29.679.438|                 |      29.679.438|
| 99,18                     |     29.437.210|                 |      29.437.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |     24.270.570|                 |      24.270.570|
|                           |     24.339.713|          631.700|      24.971.413|
| 97,22                     |     23.662.515|          930.376|      24.592.891|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |  1.129.327.500|                 |   1.129.327.500|
|                           ||                 ||
| 99,58                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |  1.129.327.500|                 |   1.129.327.500|
|                           ||                 ||
| 99,58                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     21.625.000|        5.000.000|      26.625.000|
|                           |     22.675.000|        6.350.520|      29.025.520|
| 97,73                     |     22.160.903|        4.758.312|      26.919.215|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |      3.600.000|                 |       3.600.000|
|                           |      3.128.385|                 |       3.128.385|
| 93,88                     |      2.936.923|                 |       2.936.923|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |      3.600.000|                 |       3.600.000|
|                           |      3.128.385|                 |       3.128.385|
| 93,88                     |      2.936.923|                 |       2.936.923|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |      2.160.000|                 |       2.160.000|
|                           |      2.800.000|                 |       2.800.000|
| 93,91                     |      2.629.420|                 |       2.629.420|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |      1.440.000|                 |       1.440.000|
|                           |        328.385|                 |         328.385|
| 93,64                     |        307.503|                 |         307.503|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      5.917.526|                 |       5.917.526|
|                           |      8.508.395|                 |       8.508.395|
| 93,01                     |      7.913.542|                 |       7.913.542|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Camine de batrani si      |               |                 |                |
| pensionari                |        245.300|                 |         245.300|
|                           |        235.707|                 |         235.707|
| 99,59                     |        234.737|                 |         234.737|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Centre de primire a       |               |                 |                |
| minorilor                 |        171.170|                 |         171.170|
|                           |        134.950|                 |         134.950|
| 99,92                     |        134.836|                 |         134.836|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Ajutor social             |        200.000|                 |         200.000|
|                           |         23.000|                 |          23.000|
|100,00                     |         23.000|                 |          23.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alocatii de stat pentru   |               |                 |                |
| copii                     |    582.346.800|                 |     582.346.800|
|                           |    627.265.809|                 |     627.265.809|
| 99,75                     |    625.685.221|                 |     625.685.221|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Ajutoare pentru sotii de  |               |                 |                |
| militari in termen        |        324.700|                 |         324.700|
|                           |        256.348|                 |         256.348|
| 91,34                     |        234.146|                 |         234.146|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Pensii, ajutoare,         |               |                 |                |
| indemnizatii si sporuri   |               |                 |                |
| I.O.V.R., veterani de     |               |                 |                |
| razboi si pentru alte     |               |                 |                |
| categorii de beneficiari  |    266.354.000|                 |     266.354.000|
|                           |    277.964.072|                 |     277.964.072|
| 99,45                     |    276.444.372|                 |     276.444.372|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Pensii militari           |    268.376.000|                 |     268.376.000|
|                           |    273.677.844|                 |     273.677.844|
| 99,45                     |    272.166.888|                 |     272.166.888|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |     31.591.231|                 |      31.591.231|
|                           |     33.368.155|                 |      33.368.155|
| 99,33                     |     33.143.454|                 |      33.143.454|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte actiuni privind      |               |                 |                |
| asistenta sociala,        |               |                 |                |
| alocatii, pensii, ajutoare|               |                 |                |
| si indemnizatii           |     54.128.266|        5.000.000|      59.128.266|
|                           |     43.791.821|        6.982.220|      50.774.041|
| 97,52                     |     42.704.818|        5.688.688|      48.393.506|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Partea a IV-a SERVICII  |               |                 |                |
|   DE DEZVOLTARE PUBLICA,  |               |                 |                |
|   LOCUINTE, MEDIU SI APE  |    359.836.441|                 |     359.836.441|
|                           |    402.104.347|                 |     402.104.347|
| 99,27                     |    399.181.020|                 |     399.181.020|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    129.677.497|                 |     129.677.497|
|                           |    138.539.222|                 |     138.539.222|
| 99,95                     |    138.472.167|                 |     138.472.167|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     14.535.011|                 |      14.535.011|
|                           |     14.051.175|                 |      14.051.175|
| 99,76                     |     14.017.072|                 |      14.017.072|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |      5.714.112|                 |       5.714.112|
|                           |      5.591.365|                 |       5.591.365|
| 99,89                     |      5.585.006|                 |       5.585.006|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    109.428.374|                 |     109.428.374|
|                           |    118.896.682|                 |     118.896.682|
| 99,98                     |    118.870.089|                 |     118.870.089|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    230.158.944|                 |     230.158.944|
|                           |    263.565.125|                 |     263.565.125|
| 98,92                     |    260.708.853|                 |     260.708.853|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|SERVICII DE DEZVOLTARE     |               |                 |                |
|PUBLICA SI LOCUINTE        |    202.000.000|                 |     202.000.000|
|                           |    215.786.703|                 |     215.786.703|
| 99,81                     |    215.376.427|                 |     215.376.427|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    112.320.700|                 |     112.320.700|
|                           |    121.501.222|                 |     121.501.222|
| 99,97                     |    121.468.681|                 |     121.468.681|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |      2.231.214|                 |       2.231.214|
|                           |      2.063.252|                 |       2.063.252|
| 99,71                     |      2.057.304|                 |       2.057.304|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |        661.112|                 |         661.112|
|                           |        541.288|                 |         541.288|
|100,00                     |        541.288|                 |         541.288|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    109.428.374|                 |     109.428.374|
|                           |    118.896.682|                 |     118.896.682|
| 99,98                     |    118.870.089|                 |     118.870.089|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |    109.428.374|                 |     109.428.374|
|                           |    118.896.682|                 |     118.896.682|
| 99,98                     |    118.870.089|                 |     118.870.089|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     89.679.300|                 |      89.679.300|
|                           |     94.285.481|                 |      94.285.481|
| 99,60                     |     93.907.746|                 |      93.907.746|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      3.105.626|                 |       3.105.626|
|                           |      2.817.408|                 |       2.817.408|
| 99,79                     |      2.811.459|                 |       2.811.459|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Locuinte                  |    198.894.374|                 |     198.894.374|
|                           |    212.969.295|                 |     212.969.295|
| 99,81                     |    212.564.968|                 |     212.564.968|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|MEDIU SI APE               |    157.836.441|                 |     157.836.441|
|                           |    186.317.644|                 |     186.317.644|
| 98,65                     |    183.804.593|                 |     183.804.593|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |     17.356.797|                 |      17.356.797|
|                           |     17.038.000|                 |      17.038.000|
| 99,80                     |     17.003.486|                 |      17.003.486|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     12.303.797|                 |      12.303.797|
|                           |     11.987.923|                 |      11.987.923|
| 99,77                     |     11.959.768|                 |      11.959.768|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |      5.053.000|                 |       5.053.000|
|                           |      5.050.077|                 |       5.050.077|
| 99,87                     |      5.043.718|                 |       5.043.718|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    140.479.644|                 |     140.479.644|
|                           |    169.279.644|                 |     169.279.644|
| 98,54                     |    166.801.107|                 |     166.801.107|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Dezvoltare surse de apa,  |               |                 |                |
| acumulari si amenajari    |               |                 |                |
| hidrotehnice              |    122.466.000|                 |     122.466.000|
|                           |    121.266.000|                 |     121.266.000|
| 99,59                     |    120.764.044|                 |     120.764.044|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Supraveghere si protectie |               |                 |                |
| mediu, reducerea si       |               |                 |                |
| controlul poluarii        |      3.100.000|                 |       3.100.000|
|                           |      3.100.000|                 |       3.100.000|
|100,00                     |      3.100.000|                 |       3.100.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Prospectiuni geologice    |               |                 |                |
| privind sursele de apa    |        700.000|                 |         700.000|
|                           |        700.000|                 |         700.000|
| 70,39                     |        492.704|                 |         492.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |     26.570.441|                 |      26.570.441|
|                           |     26.251.644|                 |      26.251.644|
| 96,39                     |     25.305.034|                 |      25.305.034|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte cheltuieli in        |               |                 |                |
| domeniul mediului si      |               |                 |                |
| apelor                    |      5.000.000|                 |       5.000.000|
|                           |     35.000.000|                 |      35.000.000|
| 97,55                     |     34.142.811|                 |      34.142.811|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  Partea a V-a ACTIUNI     |               |                 |                |
|  ECONOMICE                |  4.594.461.760|      206.018.500|   4.800.480.260|
|                           |  6.166.444.749|      413.304.100|   6.579.748.849|
| 99,10                     ||      287.172.769|   6.398.343.294|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  3.917.516.458|      144.308.500|   4.061.824.958|
|                           ||      333.306.700|   5.499.341.613|
| 99,08                     |  5.118.370.065|      254.212.957|   5.372.583.022|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    223.758.638|                 |     223.758.638|
|                           |    226.537.896|                 |     226.537.896|
| 99,45                     |    225.281.631|                 |     225.281.631|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    233.250.203|                 |     233.250.203|
|                           |    263.254.140|                 |     263.254.140|
| 96,94                     |    255.194.706|                 |     255.194.706|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |  1.521.275.617|                 |   1.521.275.617|
|                           |  2.202.820.355|                 |   2.202.820.355|
| 99,88                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pe produse   |               |                 |                |
|    si activitati          |    987.519.000|                 |     987.519.000|
|                           |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|100,00                     |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pentru       |               |                 |                |
|    acoperirea diferentelor|               |                 |                |
|    de pret si tarif       |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.356|                 |     943.899.356|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  PRIME                    |    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              ||      144.308.500|   1.187.540.500|
|                           |  1.237.322.522|      333.306.700|   1.570.629.222|
| 97,11                     |  1.201.592.484|      254.212.957|   1.455.805.441|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    600.892.682|       61.710.000|     662.602.682|
|                           |    896.256.067|       79.997.400|     976.253.467|
| 99,27                     |    889.756.736|       32.959.812|     922.716.548|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     76.052.620|                 |      76.052.620|
|                           |    104.153.769|                 |     104.153.769|
| 98,93                     |    103.043.724|                 |     103.043.724|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE     |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi acordate   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru finalizarea unor|               |                 |                |
|    obiective aprobate prin|               |                 |                |
|    conventii bilaterale si|               |                 |                |
|    acorduri               |               |                 |                |
|    interguvernamentale    |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     76.052.620|                 |      76.052.620|
|                           |     73.853.769|                 |      73.853.769|
| 98,59                     |     72.814.020|                 |      72.814.020|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     28.879.018|                 |      28.879.018|
|                           |     32.427.101|                 |      32.427.101|
| 97,20                     |     31.518.901|                 |      31.518.901|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     47.173.602|                 |      47.173.602|
|                           |     41.426.668|                 |      41.426.668|
| 99,68                     |     41.295.119|                 |      41.295.119|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|INDUSTRIE                  |  1.539.312.006|        6.248.500|   1.545.560.506|
|                           |  2.024.380.780|        6.248.500|   2.030.629.280|
| 99,63                     |  2.016.836.484|        3.469.524|   2.020.306.008|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.280.685.022|        6.248.500|   1.286.933.522|
|                           |  1.528.104.292|        6.248.500|   1.534.352.792|
| 99,56                     |  1.521.439.329|        3.469.524|   1.524.908.853|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |      6.517.422|                 |       6.517.422|
|                           |      6.471.463|                 |       6.471.463|
| 94,41                     |      6.109.617|                 |       6.109.617|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |     91.848.600|                 |      91.848.600|
|                           |    104.028.896|                 |     104.028.896|
| 93,94                     |     97.725.779|                 |      97.725.779|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pe produse   |               |                 |                |
|    si activitati          |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    259.800.000|        6.248.500|     266.048.500|
|                           |    231.125.933|        6.248.500|     237.374.433|
|100,00                     |    231.125.933|        3.469.524|     234.595.457|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |    259.800.000|        6.248.500|     266.048.500|
|                           |    231.125.933|        6.248.500|     237.374.433|
|100,00                     |    231.125.933|        3.469.524|     234.595.457|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    257.814.984|                 |     257.814.984|
|                           |    496.093.184|                 |     496.093.184|
| 99,83                     |    495.236.119|                 |     495.236.119|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      8.935.272|                 |       8.935.272|
|                           |      8.951.209|                 |       8.951.209|
| 92,74                     |      8.301.545|                 |       8.301.545|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Prospectiuni si lucrari   |               |                 |                |
| geologice pentru          |               |                 |                |
| descoperirea de resurse   |               |                 |                |
| minerale                  |     90.000.000|                 |      90.000.000|
|                           |    102.116.800|                 |     102.116.800|
| 94,05                     |     96.037.328|                 |      96.037.328|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Combustibili minerali     |               |                 |                |
| solizi                    |    654.789.000|                 |     654.789.000|
|                           |    856.291.000|                 |     856.291.000|
| 93,85                     |    803.601.862|                 |     803.601.862|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Petrol si gaze            |               |                 |                |
|                           |        125.000|                 |         125.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Electricitate si alte     |               |                 |                |
| forme de energie          |     80.000.000|                 |      80.000.000|
|                           |    288.075.800|                 |     288.075.800|
| 99,96                     |    287.950.534|                 |     287.950.534|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Resurse minerale, altele  |               |                 |                |
| decat combustibili        |    598.830.000|                 |     598.830.000|
|                           |    708.655.483|                 |     708.655.483|
|107,19                     |    759.577.870|                 |     759.577.870|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Industrie prelucratoare   |     46.145.734|                 |      46.145.734|
|                           |     29.199.734|                 |      29.199.734|
| 95,75                     |     27.958.379|                 |      27.958.379|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte cheltuieli in        |               |                 |                |
| domeniul industriei       |     60.612.000|        6.248.500|      66.860.500|
|                           |     30.965.754|        6.248.500|      37.214.254|
|107,89                     |     33.408.966|        3.469.524|      36.878.490|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|AGRICULTURA SI             |               |                 |                |
|SILVICULTURA               |  1.776.300.000|                 |   1.776.300.000|
|                           |  2.675.740.300|                 |   2.675.740.300|
| 99,70                     |  2.667.801.997|                 |   2.667.801.997|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.726.350.500|                 |   1.726.350.500|
|                           |  2.605.653.940|                 |   2.605.653.940|
| 99,80                     |  2.600.474.269|                 |   2.600.474.269|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    195.349.626|                 |     195.349.626|
|                           |    199.566.943|                 |     199.566.943|
|  99,73                    |    199.033.122|                 |     199.033.122|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE     |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |     98.744.257|                 |      98.744.257|
|                           |    118.644.257|                 |     118.644.257|
| 99,25                     |    117.754.276|                 |     117.754.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pentru       |               |                 |                |
|    acoperirea diferentelor|               |                 |                |
|    de pret si tarif       |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  PRIME                    |    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |      2.500.000|                 |       2.500.000|
|                           |    104.871.719|                 |     104.871.719|
| 98,92                     |    103.734.961|                 |     103.734.961|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |      2.500.000|                 |       2.500.000|
|                           |    104.871.719|                 |     104.871.719|
| 98,92                     |    103.734.961|                 |     103.734.961|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     44.300.000|                 |      44.300.000|
|                           |     61.300.000|                 |      61.300.000|
| 95,55                     |     58.573.702|                 |      58.573.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |      5.649.500|                 |       5.649.500|
|                           |      8.786.360|                 |       8.786.360|
| 99,63                     |      8.754.026|                 |       8.754.026|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |      5.649.500|                 |       5.649.500|
|                           |      8.786.360|                 |       8.786.360|
| 99,63                     |      8.754.026|                 |       8.754.026|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |      1.841.000|                 |       1.841.000|
|                           |      3.229.901|                 |       3.229.901|
|100,00                     |      3.229.901|                 |       3.229.901|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |      3.808.500|                 |       3.808.500|
|                           |      5.556.459|                 |       5.556.459|
| 99,42                     |      5.524.125|                 |       5.524.125|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      7.781.158|                 |       7.781.158|
|                           |      8.669.745|                 |       8.669.745|
| 95,32                     |      8.263.670|                 |       8.263.670|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Amendarea solurilor acide |               |                 |                |
| si alcaline               |      3.555.000|                 |       3.555.000|
|                           |      3.892.387|                 |       3.892.387|
| 99,68                     |      3.879.877|                 |       3.879.877|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Acoperirea sumelor fixe   |               |                 |                |
| la seminte                |     43.400.000|                 |      43.400.000|
|                           |    162.453.579|                 |     162.453.579|
|100,00                     |    162.453.579|                 |     162.453.579|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Combatere daunatori si    |               |                 |                |
| boli in sectorul vegetal  |     48.703.563|                 |      48.703.563|
|                           |     60.971.884|                 |      60.971.884|
| 99,86                     |     60.888.658|                 |      60.888.658|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Reproductia si selectie   |               |                 |                |
| animale, prevenire si     |               |                 |                |
| combatere boli in         |               |                 |                |
| sectorul animal           |     46.397.640|                 |      46.397.640|
|                           |     49.478.078|                 |      49.478.078|
| 99,81                     |     49.382.338|                 |      49.382.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Programe pentru           |               |                 |                |
| sustinerea preturilor la  |               |                 |                |
| produsele agricole        |     22.919.117|                 |      22.919.117|
|                           |     34.307.668|                 |      34.307.668|
| 99,96                     |     34.294.474|                 |      34.294.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Subventionare dobanzi     |               |                 |                |
| aferente creditelor       |               |                 |                |
| bancare acordate          |               |                 |                |
| producatorilor agricoli   |    194.400.000|                 |     194.400.000|
|                           |    327.097.259|                 |     327.097.259|
| 99,38                     |    325.074.202|                 |     325.074.202|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alocatii pentru           |               |                 |                |
| ingrasaminte chimice      |     70.000.000|                 |      70.000.000|
|                           |    207.058.867|                 |     207.058.867|
| 99,96                     |    206.965.899|                 |     206.965.899|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Procurare si mentinere in |               |                 |                |
| exploatare de efective    |               |                 |                |
| matca si reproducatori    |     21.000.000|                 |      21.000.000|
|                           |     15.551.633|                 |      15.551.633|
|  98,44                    |     15.308.933|                 |      15.308.933|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte programe pentru      |               |                 |                |
| sprijinirea producatorilor|               |                 |                |
| agricoli                  |    894.000.000|                 |     894.000.000|
|                           |  1.234.700.000|                 |   1.234.700.000|
|100,00                     |  1.234.675.049|                 |   1.234.675.049|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Imbunatatiri funciare,    |               |                 |                |
| irigatii, desecari si     |               |                 |                |
| combaterea eroziunii      |               |                 |                |
| solului                   |    196.687.000|                 |     196.687.000|
|                           |    217.270.875|                 |     217.270.875|
| 99,97                     |    217.195.401|                 |     217.195.401|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Silvicultura              |     14.200.000|                 |      14.200.000|
|                           |     31.200.000|                 |      31.200.000|
| 92,33                     |     28.806.849|                 |      28.806.849|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |    184.275.275|                 |     184.275.275|
|                           |    192.966.025|                 |     192.966.025|
| 99,59                     |    192.179.376|                 |     192.179.376|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte unitati si actiuni   |               |                 |                |
| din domeniul agriculturii |               |                 |                |
| si silviculturii          |     28.981.247|                 |      28.981.247|
|                           |    130.122.300|                 |     130.122.300|
| 98,70                     |    128.433.692|                 |     128.433.692|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|TRANSPORTURI SI COMUNICATII|    950.000.000|      199.770.000|   1.149.770.000|
|                           ||      407.055.600|   1.498.341.316|
| 99,74                     |  1.088.395.898|      283.703.245|   1.372.099.143|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    668.343.618|      138.060.000|     806.403.618|
|                           |    732.966.945|      327.058.200||
| 99,92                     |    732.353.653|      250.743.433|     983.097.086|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     10.633.868|                 |      10.633.868|
|                           |      9.759.988|                 |       9.759.988|
|  97,60                    |      9.525.963|                 |       9.525.963|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE     |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |     14.777.750|                 |      14.777.750|
|                           |     15.042.153|                 |      15.042.153|
| 97,50                     |     14.666.837|                 |      14.666.837|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pe produse   |               |                 |                |
|    si activitati          |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    577.932.000|      138.060.000|     715.992.000|
|                           |    638.293.470|      327.058.200|     965.351.670|
|100,00                     |    638.289.519|      250.743.433|     889.032.952|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |    577.932.000|      138.060.000|     715.992.000|
|                           |    638.293.470|      327.058.200|     965.351.670|
|100,00                     |    638.289.519|      250.743.433|     889.032.952|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    212.065.262|       61.710.000|     273.775.262|
|                           |    293.434.666|       79.997.400|     373.432.066|
| 99,56                     |    292.143.287|       32.959.812|     325.103.099|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     69.591.120|                 |      69.591.120|
|                           |     64.884.105|                 |      64.884.105|
| 98,48                     |     63.898.958|                 |      63.898.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     69.591.120|                 |      69.591.120|
|                           |     64.884.105|                 |      64.884.105|
| 98,48                     |     63.898.958|                 |      63.898.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Rambursari de credite   |               |                 |                |
|   externe                 |     27.038.018|                 |      27.038.018|
|                           |     29.197.200|                 |      29.197.200|
| 96,89                     |     28.289.000|                 |      28.289.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Plati de dobanzi si     |               |                 |                |
|   comisioane              |     42.553.102|                 |      42.553.102|
|                           |     35.686.905|                 |      35.686.905|
| 99,78                     |     35.609.958|                 |      35.609.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      6.054.828|                 |       6.054.828|
|                           |      7.349.765|                 |       7.349.765|
| 94,95                     |      6.978.958|                 |       6.978.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Aviatia civila            |     83.111.158|       61.710.000|     144.821.158|
|                           |     90.995.876|       79.997.400|     170.993.276|
| 99,83                     |     90.839.378|       32.959.812|     123.799.190|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Navigatia civila          |     48.641.882|                 |      48.641.882|
|                           |     47.919.822|                 |      47.919.822|
| 99,45                     |     47.654.936|                 |      47.654.936|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Zone libere               |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      3.001.700|                 |       3.001.700|
| 99,87                     |      2.997.698|                 |       2.997.698|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Drumuri si poduri         |    341.437.500|      138.060.000|     479.497.500|
|                           |    419.066.700|      319.658.200|     738.724.900|
| 99,75                     |    418.032.759|      250.743.433|     668.776.192|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transportul feroviar      |    361.439.250|                 |     361.439.250|
|                           |    411.227.779|        7.400.000|     418.627.779|
| 99,74                     |    410.168.095|                 |     410.168.095|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transportul in comun      |     99.067.000|                 |      99.067.000|
|                           |    104.598.812|                 |     104.598.812|
|100,00                     |    104.598.812|                 |     104.598.812|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Comunicatii               |      8.188.382|                 |       8.188.382|
|                           |      7.065.262|                 |       7.065.262|
|100,00                     |      7.065.262|                 |       7.065.262|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte cheltuieli in        |               |                 |                |
| domeniul transporturilor  |               |                 |                |
| si comunicatiilor         |         60.000|                 |          60.000|
|                           |         60.000|                 |          60.000|
|100,00                     |         60.000|                 |          60.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ALTE ACTIUNI ECONOMICE     |    328.849.754|                 |     328.849.754|
|                           |    375.037.953|                 |     375.037.953|
| 90,16                     |    338.136.146|                 |     338.136.146|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    242.137.318|                 |     242.137.318|
|                           |    299.309.736|                 |     299.309.736|
| 88,24                     |    264.102.814|                 |     264.102.814|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     11.257.722|                 |      11.257.722|
|                           |     10.739.502|                 |      10.739.502|
| 98,82                     |     10.612.929|                 |      10.612.929|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE MATERIALE  |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |     27.879.596|                 |      27.879.596|
|                           |     25.538.834|                 |      25.538.834|
| 98,08                     |     25.047.814|                 |      25.047.814|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    203.000.000|                 |     203.000.000|
|                           |    263.031.400|                 |     263.031.400|
| 86,85                     |    228.442.071|                 |     228.442.071|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |    203.000.000|                 |     203.000.000|
|                           |    263.031.400|                 |     263.031.400|
| 86,85                     |    228.442.071|                 |     228.442.071|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     86.712.436|                 |      86.712.436|
|                           |     45.428.217|                 |      45.428.217|
| 96,42                     |     43.803.628|                 |      43.803.628|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE     |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi acordate   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru finalizarea     |               |                 |                |
|    unor obiective aprobate|               |                 |                |
|    prin conventii         |               |                 |                |
|    bilaterale si acorduri |               |                 |                |
|    interguvernamentale    |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |        902.000|                 |         902.000|
|                           |        733.063|                 |         733.063|
| 98,28                     |        720.459|                 |         720.459|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Rezerve materiale         |               |                 |                |
| nationale si de mobilizare|    122.862.044|                 |     122.862.044|
|                           |     78.792.881|                 |      78.792.881|
| 97,24                     |     76.615.857|                 |      76.615.857|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Prevenirea si combaterea  |               |                 |                |
| inundatii si gheturi      |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      1.844.899|                 |       1.844.899|
| 99,97                     |      1.844.349|                 |       1.844.349|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Meteorologie si hidrologie|     12.000.000|                 |      12.000.000|
|                           |     12.831.400|                 |      12.831.400|
|100,00                     |     12.831.400|                 |      12.831.400|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Stimularea productiei de  |               |                 |                |
| export si a exportului    |    130.000.000|                 |     130.000.000|
|                           |    150.000.000|                 |     150.000.000|
| 91,62                     |    137.425.671|                 |     137.425.671|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Actiuni de cooperare      |               |                 |                |
| economica internationala  |     58.000.000|                 |      58.000.000|
|                           |     97.200.000|                 |      97.200.000|
| 80,44                     |     78.185.000|                 |      78.185.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Stimulare intreprinderi   |               |                 |                |
| mici si mijlocii          |      3.000.000|                 |       3.000.000|
|                           |      3.000.000|                 |       3.000.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Rambursarea imprumutului  |               |                 |                |
| de stat destinat          |               |                 |                |
| continuarii construirii   |               |                 |                |
| combinatului de la        |               |                 |                |
| Krivoi Rog                |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |         85.710|                 |          85.710|
|                           |        185.710|                 |         185.710|
|100,00                     |        185.710|                 |         185.710|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte cheltuieli           |               |                 |                |
|                           |        150.000|                 |         150.000|
| 65,33                     |         97.996|                 |          97.996|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  Partea a VI-a ALTE       |               |                 |                |
| ACTIUNI                   |    626.761.055|                 |     626.761.055|
|                           |    621.370.392|                 |     621.370.392|
| 94,95                     |    589.999.199|                 |     589.999.199|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    585.257.236|                 |     585.257.236|
|                           |    583.988.273|                 |     583.988.273|
| 94,79                     |    553.535.367|                 |     553.535.367|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     68.342.211|                 |      68.342.211|
|                           |     66.585.237|                 |      66.585.237|
| 98,53                     |     65.609.046|                 |      65.609.046|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE     |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |    422.230.125|                 |     422.230.125|
|                           |    431.066.294|                 |     431.066.294|
| 98,73                     |    425.589.367|                 |     425.589.367|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |     94.270.000|                 |      94.270.000|
|                           |     85.931.849|                 |      85.931.849|
| 72,10                     |     61.954.977|                 |      61.954.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     41.503.819|                 |      41.503.819|
|                           |     37.382.119|                 |      37.382.119|
| 97,54                     |     36.463.832|                 |      36.463.832|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CERCETARE STIINTIFICA      |    518.120.422|                 |     518.120.422|
|                           |    454.113.240|                 |     454.113.240|
| 97,09                     |    440.892.535|                 |     440.892.535|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    492.616.603|                 |     492.616.603|
|                           |    432.731.121|                 |     432.731.121|
| 96,95                     |    419.546.325|                 |     419.546.325|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     25.624.111|                 |      25.624.111|
|                           |     25.651.116|                 |      25.651.116|
| 99,16                     |     25.434.949|                 |      25.434.949|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE     |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |    374.307.592|                 |     374.307.592|
|                           |    379.374.934|                 |     379.374.934|
| 99,04                     |    375.747.528|                 |     375.747.528|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |     92.270.000|                 |      92.270.000|
|                           |     27.300.178|                 |      27.300.178|
| 65,87                     |     17.981.871|                 |      17.981.871|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |     92.270.000|                 |      92.270.000|
|                           |     27.300.178|                 |      27.300.178|
| 65,87                     |     17.981.871|                 |      17.981.871|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     25.503.819|                 |      25.503.819|
|                           |     21.382.119|                 |      21.382.119|
| 99,83                     |     21.346.210|                 |      21.346.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratia centrala    |     13.093.420|                 |      13.093.420|
|                           |     16.217.294|                 |      16.217.294|
| 97,99                     |     15.891.490|                 |      15.891.490|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cercetare fundamentala    |     72.618.795|                 |      72.618.795|
|                           |     68.005.415|                 |      68.005.415|
| 95,86                     |     65.192.929|                 |      65.192.929|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cercetare aplicativa si   |               |                 |                |
| experimentala             |    402.849.377|                 |     402.849.377|
|                           |    345.902.627|                 |     345.902.627|
| 97.34                     |    336.713.079|                 |     336.713.079|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte institutii si        |               |                 |                |
| actiuni pentru cercetare  |               |                 |                |
| stiintifica               |     29.558.830|                 |      29.558.830|
|                           |     23.987.904|                 |      23.987.904|
| 96,28                     |     23.095.037|                 |      23.095.037|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ALTE ACTIUNI               |    108.640.633|                 |     108.640.633|
|                           |    110.625.481|                 |     110.625.481|
| 95,33                     |    105.464.102|                 |     105.464.102|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |     92.640.633|                 |      92.640.633|
|                           |     94.625.481|                 |      94.625.481|
| 95,48                     |     90.346.480|                 |      90.346.480|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     42.718.100|                 |      42.718.100|
|                           |     40.934.121|                 |      40.934.121|
| 98,14                     |     40.174.097|                 |      40.174.097|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE     |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |     47.922.533|                 |      47.922.533|
|                           |     51.691.360|                 |      51.691.360|
| 96,42                     |     49.841.839|                 |      49.841.839|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
| 16,53                     |        330.544|                 |         330.544|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
| 16,53                     |        330.544|                 |         330.544|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
|                           |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
| 94,49                     |     15.117.622|                 |      15.117.622|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |               |                 |                |
| vamala si unitati         |               |                 |                |
| teritoriale               |     24.108.100|                 |      24.108.100|
|                           |     27.935.045|                 |      27.935.045|
| 97,15                     |     27.139.810|                 |      27.139.810|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Distrugere tehnica        |               |                 |                |
| militara                  |      6.250.574|                 |       6.250.574|
|                           |      6.250.574|                 |       6.250.574|
| 99,92                     |      6.245.697|                 |       6.245.697|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Parteneriatul pentru      |               |                 |                |
| pace si operatiuni de     |               |                 |                |
| mentinerea pacii          |     14.623.168|                 |      14.623.168|
|                           |     13.905.758|                 |      13.905.758|
| 96,75                     |     13.454.463|                 |      13.454.463|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Acordarea de medalii      |               |                 |                |
| comemorative              |      1.876.616|                 |       1.876.616|
|                           |        404.814|                 |         404.814|
| 24,90                     |        100.809|                 |         100.809|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cheltuieli pentru         |               |                 |                |
| aplicarea tratatelor      |               |                 |                |
| internationale            |      3.753.232|                 |       3.753.232|
|                           |        149.425|                 |         149.425|
| 99,44                     |        148.588|                 |         148.588|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Despagubiri civile,       |               |                 |                |
| precum si cheltuieli      |               |                 |                |
| judiciare si              |               |                 |                |
| extrajudiciare derivate   |               |                 |                |
| din actiuni in            |               |                 |                |
| reprezentarea intereselor |               |                 |                |
| statului potrivit         |               |                 |                |
| dispozitiilor legale      |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
| 16,53                     |        330.544|                 |         330.544|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte cheltuieli           |     56.028.943|                 |      56.028.943|
|                           |     59.979.865|                 |      59.979.865|
| 96,77                     |     58.044.191|                 |      58.044.191|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CHELTUIELI DIN FONDURI LA  |               |                 |                |
|DISPOZITIA GUVERNULUI      |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cheltuieli din fondul de  |               |                 |                |
| interventie               |               |                 |                |
|                           |     19.246.000|                 |      19.246.000|
| 98,53                     |     18.963.838|                 |      18.963.838|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cheltuieli din fondul     |               |                 |                |
| pentru relatiile cu       |               |                 |                |
| Republica Moldova         |               |                 |                |
|                           |     10.517.671|                 |      10.517.671|
| 87,12                     |      9.162.943|                 |       9.162.943|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cheltuieli din fondul de  |               |                 |                |
| redresare financiara      |               |                 |                |
|                           |     26.868.000|                 |      26.868.000|
| 57,75                     |     15.515.781|                 |      15.515.781|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Partea a VII-a TRANSFERURI|  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|TRANSFERURI DIN BUGETUL    |               |                 |                |
|DE STAT                    |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   consolidabile           |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetele    |               |                 |                |
| locale pentru asigurarea  |               |                 |                |
| protectiei sociale a      |               |                 |                |
| populatiei pentru energie |               |                 |                |
| termica si transport      |               |                 |                |
| urban de calatori         |    571.000.000|                 |     571.000.000|
|                           |    711.000.000|                 |     711.000.000|
| 96,60                     |    686.840.093|                 |     686.840.093|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetele    |               |                 |                |
| locale pentru investitii  |  1.027.500.000|                 |   1.027.500.000|
|                           |  1.177.826.000|                 |   1.177.826.000|
| 98,06                     |  1.154.918.626|                 |   1.154.918.626|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetele    |               |                 |                |
| locale pentru investitii  |               |                 |                |
| finantate partial din     |               |                 |                |
| imprumuturi externe       |     42.500.000|                 |      42.500.000|
|                           |     12.500.000|                 |      12.500.000|
| 61,44                     |      7.679.883|                 |       7.679.883|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetul     |               |                 |                |
| asigurarilor sociale de   |               |                 |                |
| stat                      |               |                 |                |
|                           |    312.000.000|                 |     312.000.000|
|100,00                     |    312.000.000|                 |     312.000.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetul     |               |                 |                |
| fondului special de risc  |               |                 |                |
| si accident pentru        |               |                 |                |
| protectia speciala a      |               |                 |                |
| persoanelor handicapate   |    275.000.000|                 |     275.000.000|
|                           |    361.931.000|                 |     361.931.000|
| 99,53                     |    360.223.991|                 |     360.223.991|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetul     |               |                 |                |
| fondului special pentru   |               |                 |                |
| plata pensiilor si altor  |               |                 |                |
| drepturi de asigurari     |               |                 |                |
| sociale ale agricultorilor|    340.600.000|                 |     340.600.000|
|                           |    523.695.464|                 |     523.695.464|
| 99,32                     |    520.131.594|                 |     520.131.594|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Partea a VIII-a         |               |                 |                |
|   IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|IMPRUMUTURI                |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE     |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|Imprumut acordat din fondul|               |                 |                |
|de redresare financiara la |               |                 |                |
|dispozitia Guvernului      |               |                 |                |
|                           |    218.000.000|                 |     218.000.000|
| 99,36                     |    216.600.000|                 |     216.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|Imprumuturi acordate       |               |                 |                |
|pentru finalizarea unor    |               |                 |                |
|obiective aprobate prin    |               |                 |                |
|conventii bilaterale si    |               |                 |                |
|acorduri                   |               |                 |                |
|interguvernamentale        |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |     81.900.000|                 |      81.900.000|
| 98,25                     |     80.465.858|                 |      80.465.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Partea a IX-a PLATI DE  |               |                 |                |
|   DOBANZI SI ALTE         |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI AFERENTE     |               |                 |                |
|   DATORIEI PUBLICE        |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|DOBANZI AFERENTE DATORIEI  |               |                 |                |
|PUBLICE SI ALTE CHELTUIELI |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  Dobanzi aferente datoriei|               |                 |                |
|  publice                  |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Dobanzi aferente datoriei |               |                 |                |
| publice interne           |  1.235.660.000|                 |   1.235.660.000|
|                           |  1.552.463.000|                 |   1.552.463.000|
| 99,93                     |  1.551.430.399|                 |   1.551.430.399|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Dobanzi aferente datoriei |               |                 |                |
| publice externe           |     24.340.000|                 |      24.340.000|
|                           |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|100,00                     |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cheltuieli ocazionate de  |               |                 |                |
| emisiunea si plasarea     |               |                 |                |
| titlurilor de stat si de  |               |                 |                |
| riscul garantiilor date de|               |                 |                |
| stat in conditiile legii  |    100.000.000|                 |     100.000.000|
|                           |    186.237.000|                 |     186.237.000|
| 98,60                     |    183.626.738|                 |     183.626.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Partea a XI-a FONDURI     |               |                 |                |
| DE REZERVA                |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|FONDURI DE REZERVA         |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  REZERVE                  |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fondul de rezerva         |               |                 |                |
| bugetara la dispozitia    |               |                 |                |
| Guvernului                |     44.106.900|                 |      44.106.900|
|                           |     19.005.515|                 |      19.005.515|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fondul de interventie la  |               |                 |                |
| dispozitia Guvernului     |     10.000.000|                 |      10.000.000|
|                           |         54.000|                 |          54.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fond la dispozitia        |               |                 |                |
| Guvernului Romaniei       |               |                 |                |
| pentru relatiile cu       |               |                 |                |
| Republica Moldova         |      5.000.000|                 |       5.000.000|
|                           |        132.329|                 |         132.329|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fond de redresare         |               |                 |                |
| financiara la dispozitia  |               |                 |                |
| Guvernului                |    250.000.000|                 |     250.000.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  DEFICIT                  ||      430.745.700|   3.623.807.957|
|                           |  5.608.984.048|      647.453.120|   6.256.437.168|
|                           |  5.359.194.392|      386.066.663|   5.745.261.055|

    ANEXA 2

                     - detalierea pe articole de cheltuieli -

                                                                  - MII LEI -
|    DENUMIRE INDICATORI    |           CREDITE APROBATE INITIAL               |
|                           |__________________________________________________|
|                           | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|                           |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (1 + 2)     |
|            A              |       1       |        2        |       3        |
|                                          CREDITE DEFINITIVE                  |
|                           | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|                           |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (4 + 5)     |
|                           |_______________|_________________|________________|
|                           |       4       |        5        |       6        |
|  %   |                    |              PLATI EFECTUATE DIN:                |
| 7/4  |                    | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|      |                    |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (7 + 8)     |
| 10   |                    |       7       |        8        |       9        |
|  CHELTUIELI - TOTAL       | 20.174.632.257|      430.745.700|  20.605.377.957|
|                           ||      647.453.120|  24.651.527.263|
| 98,87                     | 23.731.997.610|      386.066.663||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     | 18.007.860.724|      188.072.475|  18.195.933.199|
|                           | 21.029.966.505|      366.663.575|  21.396.630.080|
| 98,96                     | 20.811.266.369|      263.830.886||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |  5.916.488.618|        8.075.955|   5.924.564.613|
|                           ||       10.439.195|   6.269.597.245|
| 99,63                     |  6.235.981.543|          585.802|   6.236.567.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |  2.796.760.901|       35.687.980|   2.832.448.881|
|                           |  3.258.977.837|       22.917.680|   3.281.895.517|
| 98,94                     |  3.224.405.193|        9.032.127|   3.233.437.320|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |  1.874.807.976|                 |   1.874.807.976|
|                           |  2.594.409.887|                 |   2.594.409.887|
| 99,82                     |  2.589.857.918|                 |   2.589.857.918|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la         |               |                 |                |
|    buget pentru           |               |                 |                |
|    institutiile publice   |    353.532.359|                 |     353.532.359|
|                           |    391.589.532|                 |     391.589.532|
| 99,49                     |    389.609.219|                 |     389.609.219|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pe produse si|               |                 |                |
|    activitati             |    987.519.000|                 |     987.519.000|
|                           |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|100,00                     |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pentru       |               |                 |                |
|    acoperirea diferentelor|               |                 |                |
|    de pret si tarif       |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  PRIME                    |    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |  4.854.696.329|      144.308.500|   4.999.004.829|
|                           |  5.913.828.887|      333.306.700||
| 97,74                     |  5.780.312.033|      254.212.957|   6.034.524.990|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  DOBANZI                  |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Dobanzi aferente        |               |                 |                |
|   datoriei publice        |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Dobanzi aferente       |               |                 |                |
|    datoriei publice       |               |                 |                |
|    interne                |  1.235.660.000|                 |   1.235.660.000|
|                           |  1.552.463.000|                 |   1.552.463.000|
| 99,93                     |  1.551.430.399|                 |   1.551.430.399|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Dobanzi aferente       |               |                 |                |
|    datoriei publice       |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     24.340.000|                 |      24.340.000|
|                           |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|100,00                     |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli ocazionate  |               |                 |                |
|    de emisiunea si        |               |                 |                |
|    plasarea titlurilor de |               |                 |                |
|    stat si de riscurile   |               |                 |                |
|    garantiilor date de    |               |                 |                |
|    stat in conditiile     |               |                 |                |
|    legii                  |    100.000.000|                 |     100.000.000|
|                           |    186.237.000|                 |     186.237.000|
| 98,60                     |    183.626.738|                 |     183.626.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  REZERVE                  |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |  1.855.667.073|      242.673.225|   2.098.340.298|
|                           |  2.421.059.680|      280.789.545|   2.701.849.225|
| 98,59                     |  2.386.831.093|      122.235.777|   2.509.066.870|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |    311.104.460|                 |     311.104.460|
|                           |    553.047.958|                 |     553.047.958|
| 96,54                     |    533.900.148|                 |     533.900.148|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE     |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    330.200.000|                 |     330.200.000|
| 99,12                     |    327.295.562|                 |     327.295.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumut acordat din   |               |                 |                |
|    fondul de redresare    |               |                 |                |
|    financiara la          |               |                 |                |
|    dispozitia Guvernului  |               |                 |                |
|                           |    218.000.000|                 |     218.000.000|
| 99,36                     |    216.600.000|                 |     216.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi acordate   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru finalizarea unor|               |                 |                |
|    obiective aprobate prin|               |                 |                |
|    conventii bilaterale si|               |                 |                |
|    acorduri               |               |                 |                |
|    interguvernamentale    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    112.200.000|                 |     112.200.000|
| 98,66                     |    110.695.562|                 |     110.695.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |    225.804.460|                 |     225.804.460|
|                           |    222.847.958|                 |     222.847.958|
| 92,71                     |    206.604.586|                 |     206.604.586|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |    129.822.522|                 |     129.822.522|
|                           |    125.986.839|                 |     125.986.839|
| 89,00                     |    112.125.601|                 |     112.125.601|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     95.981.938|                 |      95.981.938|
|                           |     96.861.119|                 |      96.861.119|
| 97,54                     |     94.478.985|                 |      94.478.985|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|AUTORITATI PUBLICE         |    791.786.226|                 |     791.786.226|
|                           |    903.193.790|                 |     903.193.790|
| 97,55                     |    881.073.401|                 |     881.073.401|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    679.129.543|                 |     679.129.543|
|                           |    757.609.731|                 |     757.609.731|
| 97,71                     |    740.248.509|                 |     740.248.509|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    429.050.075|                 |     429.050.075|
|                           |    476.313.013|                 |     476.313.013|
| 98,89                     |    471.014.994|                 |     471.014.994|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Cheltuieli cu salariile |    309.151.952|                 |     309.151.952|
|                           |    352.587.984|                 |     352.587.984|
| 99,25                     |    349.942.116|                 |     349.942.116|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Contributii pentru      |               |                 |                |
|   asigurari sociale de    |               |                 |                |
|   stat                    |     66.354.288|                 |      66.354.288|
|                           |     69.210.482|                 |      69.210.482|
| 99,21                     |     68.665.446|                 |      68.665.446|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Cheltuieli pentru       |               |                 |                |
|   constituirea fondului   |               |                 |                |
|   pentru plata ajutorului |               |                 |                |
|   de somaj                |     13.288.840|                 |      13.288.840|
|                           |     14.304.459|                 |      14.304.459|
| 98,89                     |     14.145.655|                 |      14.145.655|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Deplasari, detasari,    |               |                 |                |
|   transferari             |     40.254.995|                 |      40.254.995|
|                           |     40.210.088|                 |      40.210.088|
| 95,15                     |     38.261.777|                 |      38.261.777|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari si |               |                 |                |
|    transferari in tara    |     24.013.637|                 |      24.013.637|
|                           |     22.572.751|                 |      22.572.751|
| 95,76                     |     21.616.515|                 |      21.616.515|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari in           |               |                 |                |
|    strainatate            |     16.241.358|                 |      16.241.358|
|                           |     17.637.337|                 |      17.637.337|
| 94,38                     |     16.645.262|                 |      16.645.262|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    199.119.768|                 |     199.119.768|
|                           |    251.520.615|                 |     251.520.615|
| 96,47                     |    242.634.649|                 |     242.634.649|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Drepturi cu caracter    |               |                 |                |
|   social                  |               |                 |                |
|                           |         25.727|                 |          25.727|
| 99,58                     |         25.618|                 |          25.618|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Hrana                   |        210.000|                 |         210.000|
|                           |        206.770|                 |         206.770|
|100,00                     |        206.769|                 |         206.769|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Cheltuieli pentru       |               |                 |                |
|   intretinere si          |               |                 |                |
|   gospodarie              |     76.336.382|                 |      76.336.382|
|                           |     94.969.075|                 |      94.969.075|
| 96,68                     |     91.816.774|                 |      91.816.774|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Materiale si prestari   |               |                 |                |
|   de servicii cu caracter |               |                 |                |
|   functional              |     17.071.735|                 |      17.071.735|
|                           |     20.239.546|                 |      20.239.546|
| 97,92                     |     19.817.609|                 |      19.817.609|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Obiecte de inventar de  |               |                 |                |
|   mica valoare sau scurta |               |                 |                |
|   durata si echipament    |     11.151.368|                 |      11.151.368|
|                           |      5.046.322|                 |       5.046.322|
| 92,59                     |      4.672.225|                 |       4.672.225|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Reparatii curente       |     18.033.124|                 |      18.033.124|
|                           |     19.453.707|                 |      19.453.707|
| 93,70                     |     18.227.492|                 |      18.227.492|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Reparatii capitale      |     33.601.900|                 |      33.601.900|
|                           |     40.786.821|                 |      40.786.821|
| 97,42                     |     39.735.865|                 |      39.735.865|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Carti si publicatii     |      4.390.769|                 |       4.390.769|
|                           |      4.263.142|                 |       4.263.142|
| 85,08                     |      3.627.103|                 |       3.627.103|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Alte cheltuieli         |     38.324.490|                 |      38.324.490|
|                           |     66.529.505|                 |      66.529.505|
| 96,96                     |     64.505.194|                 |      64.505.194|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |     48.259.700|                 |      48.259.700|
|                           |     27.308.503|                 |      27.308.503|
| 88,84                     |     24.261.128|                 |      24.261.128|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |     48.259.700|                 |      48.259.700|
|                           |     27.308.503|                 |      27.308.503|
| 88,84                     |     24.261.128|                 |      24.261.128|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    108.532.883|                 |     108.532.883|
|                           |    140.604.859|                 |     140.604.859|
| 96,62                     |    135.858.276|                 |     135.858.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL    |    108.532.883|                 |     108.532.883|
|                           |    140.604.859|                 |     140.604.859|
| 96,62                     |    135.858.276|                 |     135.858.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Investitii ale         |               |                 |                |
|    institutiilor publice  |    108.532.883|                 |     108.532.883|
|                           |    140.604.859|                 |     140.604.859|
| 96,62                     |    135.858.276|                 |     135.858.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |      4.123.800|                 |       4.123.800|
|                           |      4.979.200|                 |       4.979.200|
| 99,75                     |      4.966.616|                 |       4.966.616|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |      4.123.800|                 |       4.123.800|
|                           |      4.979.200|                 |       4.979.200|
| 99,75                     |      4.966.616|                 |       4.966.616|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Rambursari de credite   |               |                 |                |
|   externe si plati de     |               |                 |                |
|   dobanzi si comisioane   |               |                 |                |
|   la credite contractate  |               |                 |                |
|   de ordonatorii de       |               |                 |                |
|   credite                 |      4.123.800|                 |       4.123.800|
|                           |      4.979.200|                 |       4.979.200|
| 99,75                     |      4.966.616|                 |       4.966.616|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |      3.419.900|                 |       3.419.900|
|                           |      4.138.100|                 |       4.138.100|
| 99,77                     |      4.128.780|                 |       4.128.780|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |        703.900|                 |         703.900|
|                           |        841.100|                 |         841.100|
| 99,61                     |        837.836|                 |         837.836|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|APARARE NATIONALA          |  1.939.000.000|        9.640.000|   1.948.640.000|
|                           |  2.084.657.681|        9.640.000||
| 99,69                     ||        9.640.000|   2.087.881.169|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.578.428.390|                 |   1.578.428.390|
|                           |  1.680.731.371|                 |   1.680.731.371|
| 99,90                     |  1.678.988.661|                 |   1.678.988.661|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |    864.207.500|                 |     864.207.500|
|                           |    845.714.281|                 |     845.714.281|
| 99,90                     |    844.860.295|                 |     844.860.295|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |    714.220.890|                 |     714.220.890|
|                           |    835.017.090|                 |     835.017.090|
| 99,89                     |    834.128.366|                 |     834.128.366|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    314.871.610|        9.640.000|     324.511.610|
|                           |    371.071.610|        9.640.000|     380.711.610|
| 99,59                     |    369.539.361|        9.640.000|     379.179.361|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    314.871.610|        9.640.000|     324.511.610|
|                           |    371.071.610|        9.640.000|     380.711.610|
| 99,59                     |    369.539.361|        9.640.000|     379.179.361|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |    314.871.610|        9.640.000|     324.511.610|
|                           |    371.071.610|        9.640.000|     380.711.610|
| 99,59                     |    369.539.361|        9.640.000|     379.179.361|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |     45.700.000|                 |      45.700.000|
|                           |     32.854.700|                 |      32.854.700|
| 90,44                     |     29.713.147|                 |      29.713.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |     45.700.000|                 |      45.700.000|
|                           |     32.854.700|                 |      32.854.700|
| 90,44                     |     29.713.147|                 |      29.713.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |     45.700.000|                 |      45.700.000|
|                           |     32.854.700|                 |      32.854.700|
| 90,44                     |     29.713.147|                 |      29.713.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Rambursari de credite |               |                 |                |
|     externe               |     35.320.000|                 |      35.320.000|
|                           |     23.992.689|                 |      23.992.689|
| 95,31                     |     22.866.892|                 |      22.866.892|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |     10.380.000|                 |      10.380.000|
|                           |      8.862.011|                 |       8.862.011|
| 77,25                     |      6.846.255|                 |       6.846.255|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ORDINEA PUBLICA SI         |               |                 |                |
|SIGURANTA NATIONALA        |  1.481.015.943|        5.100.000|   1.486.115.943|
|                           |  1.615.021.567|        5.100.000|   1.620.121.567|
| 99,80                     |  1.611.727.514|        1.580.400|   1.613.307.914|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.326.621.050|                 |   1.326.621.050|
|                           |  1.410.291.474|                 |   1.410.291.474|
| 99,81                     |  1.407.599.953|                 |   1.407.599.953|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    771.440.694|                 |     771.440.694|
|                           |    716.626.350|                 |     716.626.350|
| 99,83                     |    715.429.110|                 |     715.429.110|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    408.304.300|                 |     408.304.300|
|                           |    526.542.660|                 |     526.542.660|
| 99,72                     |    525.073.031|                 |     525.073.031|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |               |                 |                |
|                           |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|100,00                     |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |               |                 |                |
|                           |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|100,00                     |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    137.264.493|        5.100.000|     142.364.493|
|                           |    183.193.693|        5.100.000|     188.293.693|
| 99,79                     |    182.807.543|        1.580.400|     184.387.943|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL    |    137.264.493|        5.100.000|     142.364.493|
|                           |    183.193.693|        5.100.000|     188.293.693|
| 99,79                     |    182.807.543|        1.580.400|     184.387.943|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Investitii ale         |               |                 |                |
|    institutiilor publice  |    137.264.493|        5.100.000|     142.364.493|
|                           |    183.193.693|        5.100.000|     188.293.693|
| 99,79                     |    182.807.543|        1.580.400|     184.387.943|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     17.130.400|                 |      17.130.400|
|                           |     21.536.400|                 |      21.536.400|
| 99,00                     |     21.320.018|                 |      21.320.018|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     17.130.400|                 |      17.130.400|
|                           |     21.536.400|                 |      21.536.400|
| 99,00                     |     21.320.018|                 |      21.320.018|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Rambursari de credite   |               |                 |                |
|   externe si plati de     |               |                 |                |
|   dobanzi si comisioane   |               |                 |                |
|   la creditele externe    |               |                 |                |
|   contractate de          |               |                 |                |
|   ordonatorii de credite  |     17.130.400|                 |      17.130.400|
|                           |     21.536.400|                 |      21.536.400|
| 99,00                     |     21.320.018|                 |      21.320.018|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     14.471.240|                 |      14.471.240|
|                           |     13.887.851|                 |      13.887.851|
| 98,60                     |     13.693.006|                 |      13.693.006|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |      2.659.160|                 |       2.659.160|
|                           |      7.648.549|                 |       7.648.549|
| 99,72                     |      7.627.012|                 |       7.627.012|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|INVATAMANT                 |  3.004.670.926|       25.507.200||
|                           |  3.314.163.513|       32.946.800|   3.347.110.313|
| 99,00                     |  3.280.879.119|        8.368.596||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  2.787.871.333|       24.083.975|   2.811.955.308|
|                           |  3.003.506.875|       31.115.175|   3.034.622.050|
| 99,23                     |  2.980.502.975|        7.196.993|   2.987.699.968|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   ||        8.075.995||
|                           |  2.409.263.456|       10.439.195|   2.419.702.651|
| 99,61                     |  2.399.976.926|          585.802|   2.400.562.728|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|  1.687.290.371|                 |   1.687.290.371|
|                           |  1.862.185.807|                 |   1.862.185.807|
| 99,69                     |  1.856.445.808|                 |   1.856.445.808|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |    409.887.188|                 |     409.887.188|
|                           |    449.187.727|                 |     449.187.727|
| 99,22                     |    445.687.702|                 |     445.687.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |     82.015.175|                 |      82.015.175|
|                           |     92.028.554|                 |      92.028.554|
| 99,38                     |     91.457.326|                 |      91.457.326|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |      5.972.600|        8.075.995|      14.048.595|
|                           |      5.861.368|       10.439.195|      16.300.563|
|108,95                     |      6.386.090|          585.802|       6.971.892|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     transferari in tara   |      3.279.100|                 |       3.279.100|
|                           |      4.710.275|                 |       4.710.275|
|115,76                     |      5.452.443|                 |       5.452.443|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |      2.693.500|        8.075.995|      10.769.495|
|                           |      1.151.093|       10.439.195|      11.590.288|
| 81,11                     |        933.647|          585.802|       1.519.449|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |    423.465.949|       16.007.980|     439.473.929|
|                           |    438.510.176|       20.675.980|     459.186.156|
| 99,03                     |    434.238.852|        6.611.191|     440.850.043|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Drepturi cu caracter   |               |                 |                |
|    social                 |     64.674.174|       13.442.370|      78.116.544|
|                           |     83.471.132|       12.819.108|      96.290.240|
| 97,11                     |     81.055.363|        4.100.612|      85.155.975|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |     63.719.490|                 |      63.719.490|
|                           |     66.831.896|                 |      66.831.896|
| 99,82                     |     66.713.206|                 |      66.713.206|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |        740.544|                 |         740.544|
|                           |      1.440.342|                 |       1.440.342|
| 99,49                     |      1.432.936|                 |       1.432.936|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |     77.562.544|                 |      77.562.544|
|                           |     54.000.610|                 |      54.000.610|
| 98,91                     |     53.412.147|                 |      53.412.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu caracter|               |                 |                |
|    functional             |      7.658.004|                 |       7.658.004|
|                           |     21.888.280|        7.856.872|      29.745.152|
| 98,98                     |     21.664.067|        2.510.579|      24.174.646|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau       |               |                 |                |
|    scurta durata si       |               |                 |                |
|    echipament             |     62.990.518|                 |      62.990.518|
|                           |     89.257.955|                 |      89.257.955|
| 99,60                     |     88.898.229|                 |      88.898.229|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |     21.096.263|                 |      21.096.263|
|                           |     62.001.971|                 |      62.001.971|
| 99,69                     |     61.807.759|                 |      61.807.759|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |    120.391.073|                 |     120.391.073|
|                           |     50.597.924|                 |      50.597.924|
| 99,85                     |     50.523.403|                 |      50.523.403|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |      3.732.467|          734.400|       4.466.867|
|                           |      5.591.579|                 |       5.591.579|
| 99,47                     |      5.561.828|                 |       5.561.828|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |        900.872|        1.831.210|       2.732.082|
|                           |      3.428.487|                 |       3.428.487|
| 92,46                     |      3.169.914|                 |       3.169.914|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Alocatii de la buget  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru institutiile   |               |                 |                |
|     publice               |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |    144.059.755|                 |     144.059.755|
|                           |    120.405.611|                 |     120.405.611|
| 93,49                     |    112.568.345|                 |     112.568.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |    144.059.755|                 |     144.059.755|
|                           |    120.405.611|                 |     120.405.611|
| 93,49                     |    112.568.345|                 |     112.568.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    214.298.793|        1.423.225|     215.722.018|
|                           |    309.966.638|        1.831.625|     311.798.263|
| 96,70                     |    299.742.794|        1.171.603|     300.914.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    214.298.793|        1.423.225|     215.722.018|
|                           |    309.966.638|        1.831.625|     311.798.263|
| 96,70                     |    299.742.794|        1.171.603|     300.914.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |    214.298.793|        1.423.225|     215.722.018|
|                           |    309.966.638|        1.831.625|     311.798.263|
| 96,70                     |    299.742.794|        1.171.603|     300.914.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|SANATATE                   |  1.758.456.113|      179.480.000|   1.937.936.113|
|                           |  2.026.819.823|      179.480.000||
| 99,09                     |  2.008.460.583|       73.616.210||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.541.734.534|       19.680.000|   1.561.414.534|
|                           |  1.799.279.530|        1.610.000|   1.800.889.530|
| 99,76                     |  1.794.877.299|        1.490.560|   1.796.367.859|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  ||                 ||
|                           |  1.417.762.804|                 |   1.417.762.804|
| 99,78                     |  1.414.635.447|                 |   1.414.635.447|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|    978.157.769|                 |     978.157.769|
|                           |  1.086.444.828|                 |   1.086.444.828|
| 99,82                     |  1.084.477.323|                 |   1.084.477.323|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |    247.420.528|                 |     247.420.528|
|                           |    274.590.139|                 |     274.590.139|
| 99,78                     |    273.991.116|                 |     273.991.116|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |     47.712.948|                 |      47.712.948|
|                           |     54.101.033|                 |      54.101.033|
| 99,24                     |     53.691.388|                 |      53.691.388|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |      2.931.155|                 |       2.931.155|
|                           |      2.626.804|                 |       2.626.804|
| 94,24                     |      2.475.620|                 |       2.475.620|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|      2.064.300|                 |       2.064.300|
|                           |      2.399.268|                 |       2.399.268|
| 95,24                     |      2.285.125|                 |       2.285.125|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        866.855|                 |         866.855|
|                           |        227.536|                 |         227.536|
| 83,72                     |        190.495|                 |         190.495|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |    265.012.134|       19.680.000|     284.692.134|
|                           |    377.514.152|        1.610.000|     379.124.152|
| 99,66                     |    376.240.436|        1.490.560|     377.730.996|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Drepturi cu caracter   |               |                 |                |
|    social                 |      1.736.000|                 |       1.736.000|
|                           |        221.066|                 |         221.066|
| 99,36                     |        219.646|                 |         219.646|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |     12.386.451|                 |      12.386.451|
|                           |     16.599.864|                 |      16.599.864|
| 98,54                     |     16.357.551|                 |      16.357.551|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |    198.465.242|       19.680.000|     218.145.242|
|                           |    292.766.241|        1.610.000|     294.376.241|
| 99,97                     |    292.673.656|        1.490.560|     294.164.216|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |     17.696.614|                 |      17.696.614|
|                           |     23.912.100|                 |      23.912.100|
| 98,83                     |     23.631.198|                 |      23.631.198|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu caracter|               |                 |                |
|    functional             |      7.538.584|                 |       7.538.584|
|                           |     13.379.538|                 |      13.379.538|
| 99,39                     |     13.297.266|                 |      13.297.266|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |      6.427.158|                 |       6.427.158|
|                           |      6.807.282|                 |       6.807.282|
| 98,96                     |      6.736.697|                 |       6.736.697|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |     11.127.498|                 |      11.127.498|
|                           |     11.548.914|                 |      11.548.914|
| 99,03                     |     11.436.583|                 |      11.436.583|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |      4.975.960|                 |       4.975.960|
|                           |      7.201.442|                 |       7.201.442|
| 95,30                     |      6.863.166|                 |       6.863.166|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |        118.336|                 |         118.336|
|                           |        261.294|                 |         261.294|
| 96,02                     |        250.882|                 |         250.882|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |      4.540.291|                 |       4.540.291|
|                           |      4.816.411|                 |       4.816.411|
| 99,12                     |      4.773.791|                 |       4.773.791|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |        500.000|                 |         500.000|
|                           |      4.002.574|                 |       4.002.574|
| 99,97                     |      4.001.416|                 |       4.001.416|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |        500.000|                 |         500.000|
|                           |      4.002.574|                 |       4.002.574|
| 99,97                     |      4.001.416|                 |       4.001.416|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    140.024.739|      159.800.000|     299.824.739|
|                           |    141.734.789|      177.870.000|     319.604.789|
| 98,33                     |    139.362.772|       72.125.650|     211.488.422|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    140.024.739|      159.800.000|     299.824.739|
|                           |    141.734.789|      177.870.000|     319.604.789|
| 98,33                     |    139.362.772|       72.125.650|     211.488.422|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Investitii ale         |               |                 |                |
|    institutiilor publice  |    140.024.739|      159.800.000|     299.824.739|
|                           |    141.734.789|      177.870.000|     319.604.789|
| 98,33                     |    139.362.772|       72.125.650|     211.488.422|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |     76.696.840|                 |      76.696.840|
|                           |     85.805.504|                 |      85.805.504|
| 86,50                     |     74.220.512|                 |      74.220.512|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |     76.696.840|                 |      76.696.840|
|                           |     85.805.504|                 |      85.805.504|
| 86,50                     |     74.220.512|                 |      74.220.512|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |     76.696.840|                 |      76.696.840|
|                           |     85.805.504|                 |      85.805.504|
| 86,50                     |     74.220.512|                 |      74.220.512|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Rambursari de credite |               |                 |                |
|     externe               |     45.572.364|                 |      45.572.364|
|                           |     48.741.098|                 |      48.741.098|
| 76,50                     |     37.288.602|                 |      37.288.602|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |     31.124.476|                 |      31.124.476|
|                           |     37.064.406|                 |      37.064.406|
| 99,64                     |     36.931.910|                 |      36.931.910|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CULTURA, RELIGIE SI ACTIUNI|               |                 |                |
|PRIVIND ACTIVITATEA        |               |                 |                |
|SPORTIVA SI DE TINERET     |    397.981.900|                 |     397.981.900|
|                           |    438.727.872|                 |     438.727.872|
| 97,80                     |    429.062.884|                 |     429.062.884|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    351.487.790|                 |     351.487.790|
|                           |    384.118.092|                 |     384.118.092|
| 98,57                     |    378.632.861|                 |     378.632.861|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     55.219.848|                 |      55.219.848|
|                           |     56.624.400|                 |      56.624.400|
| 98,40                     |     55.719.812|                 |      55.719.812|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|     40.561.105|                 |      40.561.105|
|                           |     42.644.524|                 |      42.644.524|
| 98,75                     |     42.111.583|                 |      42.111.583|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |     10.017.524|                 |      10.017.524|
|                           |     10.398.752|                 |      10.398.752|
| 99,33                     |     10.329.468|                 |      10.329.468|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |      2.000.981|                 |       2.000.981|
|                           |      2.097.553|                 |       2.097.553|
| 99,09                     |      2.078.569|                 |       2.078.569|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |      2.640.238|                 |       2.640.238|
|                           |      1.483.571|                 |       1.483.571|
| 80,90                     |      1.200.192|                 |       1.200.192|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|      1.134.990|                 |       1.134.990|
|                           |        659.646|                 |         659.646|
| 84,13                     |        554.939|                 |         554.939|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |      1.505.248|                 |       1.505.248|
|                           |        823.925|                 |         823.925|
| 78,31                     |        645.253|                 |         645.253|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |    101.172.850|                 |     101.172.850|
|                           |    105.621.632|                 |     105.621.632|
| 96,63                     |    102.058.265|                 |     102.058.265|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Drepturi cu caracter   |               |                 |                |
|    social                 |               |                 |                |
|                           |         10.000|                 |          10.000|
| 87,68                     |          8.768|                 |           8.768|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      4.661.300|                 |       4.661.300|
|                           |      9.165.833|                 |       9.165.833|
|101,97                     |      9.345.950|                 |       9.345.950|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |     57.680.642|                 |      57.680.642|
|                           |     54.137.133|                 |      54.137.133|
| 94,06                     |     50.920.706|                 |      50.920.706|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |        671.400|                 |         671.400|
|                           |        545.897|                 |         545.897|
| 77,69                     |        424.132|                 |         424.132|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        871.200|                 |         871.200|
|                           |      1.495.254|                 |       1.495.254|
| 88,67                     |      1.325.851|                 |       1.325.851|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |     22.899.100|                 |      22.899.100|
|                           |     24.692.825|                 |      24.692.825|
| 99,95                     |     24.680.278|                 |      24.680.278|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |      4.493.828|                 |       4.493.828|
|                           |      4.301.588|                 |       4.301.588|
| 99,06                     |      4.260.977|                 |       4.260.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |      9.895.380|                 |       9.895.380|
|                           |     11.273.102|                 |      11.273.102|
| 98,39                     |     11.091.603|                 |      11.091.603|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Alocatii de la buget  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru institutiile   |               |                 |                |
|     publice               |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |     29.019.000|                 |      29.019.000|
|                           |     37.495.739|                 |      37.495.739|
| 97,80                     |     36.672.566|                 |      36.672.566|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |     29.019.000|                 |      29.019.000|
|                           |     37.495.739|                 |      37.495.739|
| 97,80                     |     36.672.566|                 |      36.672.566|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     46.494.110|                 |      46.494.110|
|                           |     54.609.780|                 |      54.609.780|
| 92,35                     |     50.430.023|                 |      50.430.023|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     46.494.110|                 |      46.494.110|
|                           |     54.609.780|                 |      54.609.780|
| 92,35                     |     50.430.023|                 |      50.430.023|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     46.494.110|                 |      46.494.110|
|                           |     54.609.780|                 |      54.609.780|
| 92,35                     |     50.430.023|                 |      50.430.023|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ASISTENTA SOCIALA,         |               |                 |                |
|ALOCATII, PENSII, AJUTOARE |               |                 |                |
|SI INDEMNIZATII            |  1.209.654.993|        5.000.000|   1.214.654.993|
|                           ||        6.982.220||
| 99,48                     |  1.258.685.014|        5.688.688|   1.264.373.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.184.429.993|                 |   1.184.429.993|
|                           |  1.239.422.716|          631.700||
| 99,53                     |  1.233.587.188|          930.376|   1.234.517.564|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     28.546.907|                 |      28.546.907|
|                           |     29.679.438|                 |      29.679.438|
| 99,18                     |     29.437.210|                 |      29.437.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|     21.114.959|                 |      21.114.959|
|                           |     22.088.487|                 |      22.088.487|
| 99,69                     |     22.019.165|                 |      22.019.165|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      5.278.740|                 |       5.278.740|
|                           |      5.476.168|                 |       5.476.168|
| 98,67                     |      5.403.098|                 |       5.403.098|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |      1.055.750|                 |       1.055.750|
|                           |      1.098.782|                 |       1.098.782|
| 99,25                     |      1.090.527|                 |       1.090.527|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |      1.097.458|                 |       1.097.458|
|                           |      1.016.001|                 |       1.016.001|
| 90,99                     |        924.420|                 |         924.420|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        713.348|                 |         713.348|
|                           |        670.906|                 |         670.906|
| 97,09                     |        651.360|                 |         651.360|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        384.110|                 |         384.110|
|                           |        345.095|                 |         345.095|
| 79,13                     |        273.060|                 |         273.060|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     24.270.570|                 |      24.270.570|
|                           |     24.339.713|          631.700|      24.971.413|
| 97,22                     |     23.662.515|          930.376|      24.592.891|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Drepturi cu caracter   |               |                 |                |
|    social                 |     14.893.400|                 |      14.893.400|
|                           |     14.221.903|                 |      14.221.903|
| 98,31                     |     13.981.203|                 |      13.981.203|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |         89.182|                 |          89.182|
|                           |        110.970|                 |         110.970|
| 99,98                     |        110.953|                 |         110.953|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |          5.000|                 |           5.000|
|                           |          3.750|                 |           3.750|
| 98,96                     |          3.711|                 |           3.711|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      6.711.870|                 |       6.711.870|
|                           |      6.931.454|                 |       6.931.454|
| 94,43                     |      6.545.061|                 |       6.545.061|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu caracter|               |                 |                |
|    functional             |         95.211|                 |          95.211|
|                           |        173.311|           20.000|         193.311|
|121,00                     |        209.712|                 |         209.712|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |        565.361|                 |         565.361|
|                           |        376.282|                 |         376.282|
| 99,67                     |        375.042|                 |         375.042|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        672.417|                 |         672.417|
|                           |        938.727|                 |         938.727|
|107,28                     |      1.007.107|                 |       1.007.107|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |        557.484|                 |         557.484|
|                           |        173.616|                 |         173.616|
| 78,68                     |        136.596|                 |         136.596|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         97.744|                 |          97.744|
|                           |        155.591|                 |         155.591|
| 89,38                     |        139.071|                 |         139.071|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |        582.901|                 |         582.901|
|                           |      1.254.109|          611.700|       1.865.809|
| 92,02                     |      1.154.059|          930.376|       2.084.435|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Alocatii de la buget  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru institutiile   |               |                 |                |
|     publice               |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |  1.129.327.500|                 |   1.129.327.500|
|                           ||                 ||
| 99,58                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |  1.129.327.500|                 |   1.129.327.500|
|                           ||                 ||
| 99,58                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     21.625.000|        5.000.000|      26.625.000|
|                           |     22.675.000|        6.350.520|      29.025.520|
| 97,73                     |     22.160.903|        4.758.312|      26.919.215|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     21.625.000|        5.000.000|      26.625.000|
|                           |     22.675.000|        6.350.520|      29.025.520|
| 97,73                     |     22.160.903|        4.758.312|      26.919.215|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     21.625.000|        5.000.000|      26.625.000|
|                           |     22.675.000|        6.350.520|      29.025.520|
| 97,73                     |     22.160.903|        4.758.312|      26.919.215|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |      3.600.000|                 |       3.600.000|
|                           |      3.128.385|                 |       3.128.385|
| 93,88                     |      2.936.923|                 |       2.936.923|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |      3.600.000|                 |       3.600.000|
|                           |      3.128.385|                 |       3.128.385|
| 93,88                     |      2.936.923|                 |       2.936.923|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |      3.600.000|                 |       3.600.000|
|                           |      3.128.385|                 |       3.128.385|
| 93,88                     |      2.936.923|                 |       2.936.923|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Rambursari de credite |               |                 |                |
|     externe               |      2.160.000|                 |       2.160.000|
|                           |      2.800.000|                 |       2.800.000|
| 93,91                     |      2.629.420|                 |       2.629.420|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |      1.440.000|                 |       1.440.000|
|                           |        328.385|                 |         328.385|
| 93,64                     |        307.503|                 |         307.503|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|SERVICII DE DEZVOLTARE     |               |                 |                |
|PUBLICA SI LOCUINTE        |    202.000.000|                 |     202.000.000|
|                           |    215.786.703|                 |     215.786.703|
| 99,81                     |    215.376.427|                 |     215.376.427|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    112.320.700|                 |     112.320.700|
|                           |    121.501.222|                 |     121.501.222|
| 99,97                     |    121.468.681|                 |     121.468.681|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |      2.231.214|                 |       2.231.214|
|                           |      2.063.252|                 |       2.063.252|
| 99,71                     |      2.057.304|                 |       2.057.304|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|      1.524.895|                 |       1.524.895|
|                           |      1.494.000|                 |       1.494.000|
| 99,96                     |      1.493.350|                 |       1.493.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |        381.224|                 |         381.224|
|                           |        371.064|                 |         371.064|
| 99,89                     |        370.657|                 |         370.657|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |         76.245|                 |          76.245|
|                           |         75.500|                 |          75.500|
| 98,59                     |         74.439|                 |          74.439|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        248.850|                 |         248.850|
|                           |        122.688|                 |         122.688|
| 96,88                     |        118.858|                 |         118.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|         26.000|                 |          26.000|
|                           |         32.088|                 |          32.088|
| 96,68                     |         31.023|                 |          31.023|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        222.850|                 |         222.850|
|                           |         90.600|                 |          90.600|
| 96,95                     |         87.835|                 |          87.835|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |        661.112|                 |         661.112|
|                           |        541.288|                 |         541.288|
|100,00                     |        541.288|                 |         541.288|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |        333.121|                 |         333.121|
|                           |        253.121|                 |         253.121|
|100,00                     |        253.121|                 |         253.121|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |        109.246|                 |         109.246|
|                           |         64.246|                 |          64.246|
|100,00                     |         64.246|                 |          64.246|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |         12.556|                 |          12.556|
|                           |          7.556|                 |           7.556|
|100,00                     |          7.556|                 |           7.556|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |         99.422|                 |          99.422|
|                           |        135.159|                 |         135.159|
|100,00                     |        135.159|                 |         135.159|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |         20.737|                 |          20.737|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         10.665|                 |          10.665|
|                           |         10.665|                 |          10.665|
|100,00                     |         10.665|                 |          10.665|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |         75.365|                 |          75.365|
|                           |         70.541|                 |          70.541|
|100,00                     |         70.541|                 |          70.541|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |    109.428.374|                 |     109.428.374|
|                           |    118.896.682|                 |     118.896.682|
| 99,98                     |    118.870.089|                 |     118.870.089|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |    109.428.374|                 |     109.428.374|
|                           |    118.896.682|                 |     118.896.682|
| 99,98                     |    118.870.089|                 |     118.870.089|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     89.679.300|                 |      89.679.300|
|                           |     94.285.481|                 |      94.285.481|
| 99,60                     |     93.907.746|                 |      93.907.746|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     89.679.300|                 |      89.679.300|
|                           |     94.285.481|                 |      94.285.481|
| 99,60                     |     93.907.746|                 |      93.907.746|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     89.679.300|                 |      89.679.300|
|                           |     94.285.481|                 |      94.285.481|
| 99,60                     |     93.907.746|                 |      93.907.746|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|MEDIU SI APE               |    157.836.441|                 |     157.836.441|
|                           |    186.317.644|                 |     186.317.644|
| 98,65                     |    183.804.593|                 |     183.804.593|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |     17.356.797|                 |      17.356.797|
|                           |     17.038.000|                 |      17.038.000|
| 99,80                     |     17.003.486|                 |      17.003.486|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     12.303.797|                 |      12.303.797|
|                           |     11.987.923|                 |      11.987.923|
| 99,77                     |     11.959.768|                 |      11.959.768|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|      8.914.459|                 |       8.914.459|
|                           |      8.911.676|                 |       8.911.676|
| 99,98                     |      8.910.337|                 |       8.910.337|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      2.228.615|                 |       2.228.615|
|                           |      2.227.919|                 |       2.227.919|
| 99,32                     |      2.212.729|                 |       2.212.729|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        445.723|                 |         445.723|
|                           |        445.544|                 |         445.544|
| 99,57                     |        443.624|                 |         443.624|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        715.000|                 |         715.000|
|                           |        402.784|                 |         402.784|
| 97,59                     |        393.078|                 |         393.078|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        715.000|                 |         715.000|
|                           |        402.784|                 |         402.784|
| 97,59                     |        393.078|                 |         393.078|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |      5.053.000|                 |       5.053.000|
|                           |      5.050.077|                 |       5.050.077|
| 99,87                     |      5.043.718|                 |       5.043.718|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |               |                 |                |
|                           |         58.550|                 |          58.550|
| 99,93                     |         58.510|                 |          58.510|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |          9.000|                 |           9.000|
|                           |          7.500|                 |           7.500|
| 97,45                     |          7.309|                 |           7.309|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      1.120.000|                 |       1.120.000|
|                           |      1.942.200|                 |       1.942.200|
| 99,97                     |      1.941.677|                 |       1.941.677|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |      2.675.500|                 |       2.675.500|
|                           |      1.850.000|                 |       1.850.000|
| 99,89                     |      1.847.936|                 |       1.847.936|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |         83.000|                 |          83.000|
|                           |        205.000|                 |         205.000|
| 98,63                     |        202.189|                 |         202.189|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        355.500|                 |         355.500|
|                           |        556.100|                 |         556.100|
| 99,99                     |        556.046|                 |         556.046|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |        300.000|                 |         300.000|
|                           |        109.927|                 |         109.927|
| 99,67                     |        109.563|                 |         109.563|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         10.000|                 |          10.000|
|                           |         65.800|                 |          65.800|
| 99,82                     |         65.682|                 |          65.682|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |        500.000|                 |         500.000|
|                           |        255.000|                 |         255.000|
| 99,92                     |        254.806|                 |         254.806|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    140.479.644|                 |     140.479.644|
|                           |    169.279.644|                 |     169.279.644|
| 98,54                     |    166.801.107|                 |     166.801.107|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    140.479.644|                 |     140.479.644|
|                           |    169.279.644|                 |     169.279.644|
| 98,54                     |    166.801.107|                 |     166.801.107|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |    140.379.644|                 |     140.379.644|
|                           |      5.750.000|                 |       5.750.000|
|122,08                     |      7.019.634|                 |       7.019.634|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     regiilor autonome si  |               |                 |                |
|     societatilor          |               |                 |                |
|     comerciale cu capital |               |                 |                |
|     de stat               |        100.000|                 |         100.000|
|                           |    163.529.644|                 |     163.529.644|
| 97,71                     |    159.781.473|                 |     159.781.473|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|INDUSTRIE                  |  1.539.312.006|        6.248.500|   1.545.560.506|
|                           |  2.024.380.780|        6.248.500|   2.030.629.280|
| 99,63                     |  2.016.836.484|        3.469.524|   2.020.306.008|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.280.685.022|        6.248.500|   1.286.933.522|
|                           |  1.528.104.292|        6.248.500|   1.534.352.792|
| 99,56                     |  1.521.439.329|        3.469.524|   1.524.908.853|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |      6.517.422|                 |       6.517.422|
|                           |      6.471.463|                 |       6.471.463|
| 94,41                     |      6.109.617|                 |       6.109.617|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|      4.599.563|                 |       4.599.563|
|                           |      4.533.147|                 |       4.533.147|
| 96,01                     |      4.352.069|                 |       4.352.069|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      1.149.891|                 |       1.149.891|
|                           |      1.133.287|                 |       1.133.287|
| 95,10                     |      1.077.812|                 |       1.077.812|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        229.978|                 |         229.978|
|                           |        226.656|                 |         226.656|
| 95,53                     |        216.515|                 |         216.515|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        537.990|                 |         537.990|
|                           |        578.373|                 |         578.373|
| 80,09                     |        463.221|                 |         463.221|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        167.990|                 |         167.990|
|                           |        143.726|                 |         143.726|
| 74,43                     |        106.975|                 |         106.975|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        370.000|                 |         370.000|
|                           |        434.647|                 |         434.647|
| 81,96                     |        356.246|                 |         356.246|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     91.848.600|                 |      91.848.600|
|                           |    104.028.896|                 |     104.028.896|
| 93,94                     |     97.725.779|                 |      97.725.779|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |        439.611|                 |         439.611|
|                           |        990.964|                 |         990.964|
|102,34                     |      1.014.190|                 |       1.014.190|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |        907.773|                 |         907.773|
|                           |        441.829|                 |         441.829|
| 74,19                     |        327.777|                 |         327.777|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |          8.811|                 |           8.811|
|                           |          8.311|                 |           8.311|
| 95,02                     |          7.897|                 |           7.897|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        177.950|                 |         177.950|
|                           |        177.950|                 |         177.950|
| 94,05                     |        167.363|                 |         167.363|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |        102.978|                 |         102.978|
|                           |         84.778|                 |          84.778|
| 47,18                     |         40.000|                 |          40.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         11.827|                 |          11.827|
|                           |         13.747|                 |          13.747|
| 87,90                     |         12.084|                 |          12.084|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |     90.199.650|                 |      90.199.650|
|                           |    102.311.317|                 |     102.311.317|
| 93,98                     |     96.156.468|                 |      96.156.468|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Subventii pe produse  |               |                 |                |
|     si activitati         |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |    259.800.000|        6.248.500|     266.048.500|
|                           |    231.125.933|        6.248.500|     237.374.433|
|100,00                     |    231.125.933|        3.469.524|     234.595.457|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |    259.800.000|        6.248.500|     266.048.500|
|                           |    231.125.933|        6.248.500|     237.374.433|
|100,00                     |    231.125.933|        3.469.524|     234.595.457|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    257.814.984|                 |     257.814.984|
|                           |    496.093.184|                 |     496.093.184|
| 99,83                     |    495.236.119|                 |     495.236.119|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    257.814.984|                 |     257.814.984|
|                           |    496.093.184|                 |     496.093.184|
| 99,83                     |    495.236.119|                 |     495.236.119|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |        569.250|                 |         569.250|
|                           |        567.650|                 |         567.650|
| 88,69                     |        503.477|                 |         503.477|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     regiilor autonome si  |               |                 |                |
|     societatilor          |               |                 |                |
|     comerciale cu capital |               |                 |                |
|     de stat               |    257.245.734|                 |     257.245.734|
|                           |    495.525.534|                 |     495.525.534|
| 99,84                     |    494.732.642|                 |     494.732.642|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|AGRICULTURA SI SILVICULTURA|  1.776.300.000|                 |   1.776.300.000|
|                           |  2.675.740.300|                 |   2.675.740.300|
| 99,70                     |  2.667.801.997|                 |   2.667.801.997|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.726.350.500|                 |   1.726.350.500|
|                           |  2.605.653.940|                 |   2.605.653.940|
| 99,80                     |  2.600.474.269|                 |   2.600.474.269|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |    195.349.626|                 |     195.349.626|
|                           |    199.566.943|                 |     199.566.943|
| 99,73                     |    199.033.122|                 |     199.033.122|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|    147.400.125|                 |     147.400.125|
|                           |    148.947.306|                 |     148.947.306|
| 99,75                     |    148.570.024|                 |     148.570.024|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |     36.278.602|                 |      36.278.602|
|                           |     39.205.950|                 |      39.205.950|
| 99,84                     |     39.144.386|                 |      39.144.386|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |      7.227.149|                 |       7.227.149|
|                           |      7.309.251|                 |       7.309.251|
| 99,37                     |      7.263.098|                 |       7.263.098|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |      4.443.750|                 |       4.443.750|
|                           |      4.104.436|                 |       4.104.436|
| 98,81                     |      4.055.614|                 |       4.055.614|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|      4.197.500|                 |       4.197.500|
|                           |      3.808.186|                 |       3.808.186|
| 98,81                     |      3.762.744|                 |       3.762.744|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        246.250|                 |         246.250|
|                           |        296.250|                 |         296.250|
| 98,86                     |        292.870|                 |         292.870|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     98.744.257|                 |      98.744.257|
|                           |    118.644.257|                 |     118.644.257|
| 99,25                     |    117.754.276|                 |     117.754.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |      1.047.000|                 |       1.047.000|
|                           |      1.007.728|                 |       1.007.728|
| 99,83                     |      1.006.002|                 |       1.006.002|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |      8.380.000|                 |       8.380.000|
|                           |      7.993.375|                 |       7.993.375|
| 99,87                     |      7.983.064|                 |       7.983.064|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      8.400.000|                 |       8.400.000|
|                           |     18.311.635|                 |      18.311.635|
| 99,21                     |     18.166.612|                 |      18.166.612|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |     65.227.000|                 |      65.227.000|
|                           |     79.378.635|                 |      79.378.635|
| 99,22                     |     78.760.474|                 |      78.760.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |      7.333.000|                 |       7.333.000|
|                           |      2.637.487|                 |       2.637.487|
| 99,47                     |      2.623.427|                 |       2.623.427|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |      2.095.000|                 |       2.095.000|
|                           |      4.892.583|                 |       4.892.583|
| 99,69                     |      4.877.559|                 |       4.877.559|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |      3.142.000|                 |       3.142.000|
|                           |      3.131.599|                 |       3.131.599|
| 97,78                     |      3.062.086|                 |       3.062.086|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |      1.000.000|                 |       1.000.000|
|                           |        465.122|                 |         465.122|
| 98,99                     |        460.444|                 |         460.444|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |      2.120.257|                 |       2.120.257|
|                           |        826.093|                 |         826.093|
| 98,61                     |        814.608|                 |         814.608|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Subventii pentru      |               |                 |                |
|     acoperirea            |               |                 |                |
|     diferentelor de pret  |               |                 |                |
|     si tarif              |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   PRIME                   |    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Prime acordate         |               |                 |                |
|    producatorilor agricoli|    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |      2.500.000|                 |       2.500.000|
|                           |    104.871.719|                 |     104.871.719|
| 98,92                     |    103.734.961|                 |     103.734.961|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |      2.500.000|                 |       2.500.000|
|                           |    104.871.719|                 |     104.871.719|
| 98,92                     |    103.734.961|                 |     103.734.961|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     44.300.000|                 |      44.300.000|
|                           |     61.300.000|                 |      61.300.000|
| 95,55                     |     58.573.702|                 |      58.573.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     44.300.000|                 |      44.300.000|
|                           |     61.300.000|                 |      61.300.000|
| 95,55                     |     58.573.702|                 |      58.573.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     18.250.000|                 |      18.250.000|
|                           |     16.652.284|                 |      16.652.284|
| 98,26                     |     16.362.540|                 |      16.362.540|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     regiilor autonome si  |               |                 |                |
|     societatilor          |               |                 |                |
|     comerciale cu capital |               |                 |                |
|     de stat               |     26.050.000|                 |      26.050.000|
|                           |     44.647.716|                 |      44.647.716|
| 94,54                     |     42.211.162|                 |      42.211.162|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |      5.649.500|                 |       5.649.500|
|                           |      8.786.360|                 |       8.786.360|
| 99,63                     |      8.754.026|                 |       8.754.026|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |      5.649.500|                 |       5.649.500|
|                           |      8.786.360|                 |       8.786.360|
| 99,63                     |      8.754.026|                 |       8.754.026|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |      5.649.500|                 |       5.649.500|
|                           |      8.786.360|                 |       8.786.360|
| 99,63                     |      8.754.026|                 |       8.754.026|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Rambursari de credite |               |                 |                |
|     externe               |      1.841.000|                 |       1.841.000|
|                           |      3.229.901|                 |       3.229.901|
|100,00                     |      3.229.901|                 |       3.229.901|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |      3.808.500|                 |       3.808.500|
|                           |      5.556.459|                 |       5.556.459|
| 99,42                     |      5.524.125|                 |       5.524.125|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|TRANSPORTURI SI COMUNICATII|    950.000.000|      199.770.000|   1.149.770.000|
|                           ||      407.055.600|   1.498.341.316|
| 99,74                     |  1.088.395.898|      283.703.245|   1.372.099.143|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    668.343.618|      138.060.000|     806.403.618|
|                           |    732.966.945|      327.058.200||
| 99,92                     |    732.353.653|      250.743.433|     983.097.086|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     10.633.868|                 |      10.633.868|
|                           |      9.759.988|                 |       9.759.988|
| 97,60                     |      9.525.963|                 |       9.525.963|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|      7.562.167|                 |       7.562.167|
|                           |      7.218.433|                 |       7.218.433|
| 97,43                     |      7.032.980|                 |       7.032.980|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      1.890.542|                 |       1.890.542|
|                           |      1.797.111|                 |       1.797.111|
| 98,96                     |      1.778.461|                 |       1.778.461|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        378.107|                 |         378.107|
|                           |        360.419|                 |         360.419|
| 96,41                     |        347.486|                 |         347.486|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        803.052|                 |         803.052|
|                           |        384.025|                 |         384.025|
| 95,58                     |        367.036|                 |         367.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        551.402|                 |         551.402|
|                           |        174.274|                 |         174.274|
| 97,93                     |        170.663|                 |         170.663|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        251.650|                 |         251.650|
|                           |        209.751|                 |         209.751|
| 93,62                     |        196.373|                 |         196.373|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     14.777.750|                 |      14.777.750|
|                           |     15.042.153|                 |      15.042.153|
| 97,50                     |     14.666.837|                 |      14.666.837|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Drepturi cu caracter   |               |                 |                |
|    social                 |        106.965|                 |         106.965|
|                           |         75.670|                 |          75.670|
|100,00                     |         75.668|                 |          75.668|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |        355.333|                 |         355.333|
|                           |        457.923|                 |         457.923|
| 97,47                     |        446.344|                 |         446.344|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |         10.907|                 |          10.907|
|                           |          2.050|                 |           2.050|
| 89,71                     |          1.839|                 |           1.839|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      1.160.410|                 |       1.160.410|
|                           |      1.920.381|                 |       1.920.381|
| 93,99                     |      1.804.889|                 |       1.804.889|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |      3.295.182|                 |       3.295.182|
|                           |      5.540.826|                 |       5.540.826|
| 98,59                     |      5.462.969|                 |       5.462.969|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    de mica valoare sau    |               |                 |                |
|    scurta durata si       |               |                 |                |
|    echipament             |        333.976|                 |         333.976|
|                           |        298.568|                 |         298.568|
| 90,67                     |        270.699|                 |         270.699|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |      1.352.530|                 |       1.352.530|
|                           |      2.264.109|                 |       2.264.109|
| 98,90                     |      2.239.112|                 |       2.239.112|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |      5.829.680|                 |       5.829.680|
|                           |      3.338.525|                 |       3.338.525|
| 96,87                     |      3.234.075|                 |       3.234.075|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         60.029|                 |          60.029|
|                           |         81.562|                 |          81.562|
| 68,59                     |         55.944|                 |          55.944|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |      2.272.738|                 |       2.272.738|
|                           |      1.062.539|                 |       1.062.539|
|101,20                     |      1.075.298|                 |       1.075.298|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Subventii pe produse  |               |                 |                |
|     si activitati         |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |    577.932.000|      138.060.000|     715.992.000|
|                           |    638.293.470|      327.058.200|     965.351.670|
|100,00                     |    638.289.519|      250.743.433|     889.032.952|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |    577.932.000|      138.060.000|     715.992.000|
|                           |    638.293.470|      327.058.200|     965.351.670|
|100,00                     |    638.289.519|      250.743.433|     889.032.952|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    212.065.262|       61.710.000|     273.775.262|
|                           |    293.434.666|       79.997.400|     373.432.066|
| 99,56                     |    292.143.287|       32.959.812|     325.103.099|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    212.065.262|       61.710.000|     273.775.262|
|                           |    293.434.666|       79.997.400|     373.432.066|
| 99,56                     |    292.143.287|       32.959.812|     325.103.099|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |        144.800|                 |         144.800|
|                           |      3.220.850|                 |       3.220.850|
| 99,00                     |      3.188.527|                 |       3.188.527|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     regiilor autonome si  |               |                 |                |
|     societatilor          |               |                 |                |
|     comerciale cu capital |               |                 |                |
|     de stat               |    211.920.462|       61.710.000|     273.630.462|
|                           |    290.213.816|       79.997.400|     370.211.216|
| 99,57                     |    288.954.760|       32.959.812|     321.914.572|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |     69.591.120|                 |      69.591.120|
|                           |     64.884.105|                 |      64.884.105|
| 98,48                     |     63.898.958|                 |      63.898.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |     69.591.120|                 |      69.591.120|
|                           |     64.884.105|                 |      64.884.105|
| 98,48                     |     63.898.958|                 |      63.898.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |     69.591.120|                 |      69.591.120|
|                           |     64.884.105|                 |      64.884.105|
| 98,48                     |     63.898.958|                 |      63.898.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Rambursari de         |               |                 |                |
|     credite externe       |     27.038.018|                 |      27.038.018|
|                           |     29.197.200|                 |      29.197.200|
| 96,89                     |     28.289.000|                 |      28.289.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |     42.553.102|                 |      42.553.102|
|                           |     35.686.905|                 |      35.686.905|
| 99,78                     |     35.609.958|                 |      35.609.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ALTE ACTIUNI ECONOMICE     |    328.849.754|                 |     328.849.754|
|                           |    375.037.953|                 |     375.037.953|
| 90,16                     |    338.136.146|                 |     338.136.146|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    242.137.318|                 |     242.137.318|
|                           |    299.309.736|                 |     299.309.736|
| 88,24                     |    264.102.814|                 |     264.102.814|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     11.257.722|                 |      11.257.722|
|                           |     10.739.502|                 |      10.739.502|
| 98,82                     |     10.612.929|                 |      10.612.929|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|      8.382.455|                 |       8.382.455|
|                           |      8.125.350|                 |       8.125.350|
| 98,99                     |      8.042.907|                 |       8.042.907|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      2.308.514|                 |       2.308.514|
|                           |      2.063.427|                 |       2.063.427|
| 98,92                     |      2.041.087|                 |       2.041.087|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        419.243|                 |         419.243|
|                           |        405.180|                 |         405.180|
| 99,59                     |        403.536|                 |         403.536|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        147.510|                 |         147.510|
|                           |        145.545|                 |         145.545|
| 86,16                     |        125.399|                 |         125.399|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        137.410|                 |         137.410|
|                           |        141.545|                 |         141.545|
| 86,30                     |        122.151|                 |         122.151|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |         10.100|                 |          10.100|
|                           |          4.000|                 |           4.000|
| 81,20                     |          3.248|                 |           3.248|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     27.879.596|                 |      27.879.596|
|                           |     25.538.834|                 |      25.538.834|
| 98,08                     |     25.047.814|                 |      25.047.814|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |          5.000|                 |           5.000|
|                           |          3.439|                 |           3.439|
| 95,43                     |          3.282|                 |           3.282|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |               |                 |                |
|                           |            500|                 |             500|
| 57,00                     |            285|                 |             285|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      7.509.244|                 |       7.509.244|
|                           |     14.518.564|                 |      14.518.564|
| 99,01                     |     14.374.958|                 |      14.374.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |      1.965.000|                 |       1.965.000|
|                           |      3.893.573|                 |       3.893.573|
| 94,98                     |      3.698.069|                 |       3.698.069|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |        164.000|                 |         164.000|
|                           |        231.414|                 |         231.414|
| 93,94                     |        217.397|                 |         217.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |      3.054.600|                 |       3.054.600|
|                           |      3.072.144|                 |       3.072.144|
| 98,48                     |      3.025.447|                 |       3.025.447|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |      2.790.152|                 |       2.790.152|
|                           |      3.070.051|                 |       3.070.051|
| 98,63                     |      3.028.056|                 |       3.028.056|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         22.100|                 |          22.100|
|                           |         40.323|                 |          40.323|
| 93,60                     |         37.741|                 |          37.741|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |     12.369.500|                 |      12.369.500|
|                           |        708.826|                 |         708.826|
| 93,48                     |        662.579|                 |         662.579|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |    203.000.000|                 |     203.000.000|
|                           |    263.031.400|                 |     263.031.400|
| 86,85                     |    228.442.071|                 |     228.442.071|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |    203.000.000|                 |     203.000.000|
|                           |    263.031.400|                 |     263.031.400|
| 86,85                     |    228.442.071|                 |     228.442.071|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     86.712.436|                 |      86.712.436|
|                           |     45.428.217|                 |      45.428.217|
| 96,42                     |     43.803.628|                 |      43.803.628|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     86.712.436|                 |      86.712.436|
|                           |     45.428.217|                 |      45.428.217|
| 96,42                     |     43.803.628|                 |      43.803.628|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Stocuri pentru rezerve |               |                 |                |
|    materiale nationale si |               |                 |                |
|    de mobilizare          |     83.101.000|                 |      83.101.000|
|                           |     41.738.581|                 |      41.738.581|
| 97,54                     |     40.712.942|                 |      40.712.942|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Investitii ale         |               |                 |                |
|    institutiilor publice  |      3.511.436|                 |       3.511.436|
|                           |      3.661.436|                 |       3.661.436|
| 83,64                     |      3.062.486|                 |       3.062.486|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Investitii ale         |               |                 |                |
|    regiilor autonome si   |               |                 |                |
|    societatilor           |               |                 |                |
|    comerciale cu capital  |               |                 |                |
|    de stat                |        100.000|                 |         100.000|
|                           |         28.200|                 |          28.200|
|100,00                     |         28.200|                 |          28.200|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE    |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi            |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Imprumuturi acordate  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru finalizarea    |               |                 |                |
|     unor obiective        |               |                 |                |
|     aprobate prin         |               |                 |                |
|     conventii bilaterale  |               |                 |                |
|     si acorduri           |               |                 |                |
|     interguvernamentale   |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CERCETARE STIINTIFICA      |    518.120.422|                 |     518.120.422|
|                           |    454.113.240|                 |     454.113.240|
| 97,09                     |    440.892.535|                 |     440.892.535|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    492.616.603|                 |     492.616.603|
|                           |    432.731.121|                 |     432.731.121|
| 96,95                     |    419.546.325|                 |     419.546.325|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     25.624.111|                 |      25.624.111|
|                           |     25.651.116|                 |      25.651.116|
| 99,16                     |     25.434.949|                 |      25.434.949|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|     19.481.971|                 |      19.481.971|
|                           |     19.389.832|                 |      19.389.832|
| 98,71                     |     19.139.476|                 |      19.139.476|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      4.553.170|                 |       4.553.170|
|                           |      4.648.489|                 |       4.648.489|
|103,19                     |      4.796.984|                 |       4.796.984|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        910.634|                 |         910.634|
|                           |        933.189|                 |         933.189|
|101,52                     |        947.407|                 |         947.407|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        678.336|                 |         678.336|
|                           |        679.606|                 |         679.606|
| 81,09                     |        551.082|                 |         551.082|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari   |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        318.176|                 |         318.176|
|                           |        271.240|                 |         271.240|
| 89,58                     |        242.970|                 |         242.970|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        360.160|                 |         360.160|
|                           |        408.366|                 |         408.366|
| 75,45                     |        308.112|                 |         308.112|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |    374.307.592|                 |     374.307.592|
|                           |    379.374.934|                 |     379.374.934|
| 99,04                     |    375.747.528|                 |     375.747.528|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |          5.000|                 |           5.000|
|                           |         18.000|                 |          18.000|
| 99,51                     |         17.911|                 |          17.911|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      2.031.221|                 |       2.031.221|
|                           |      3.120.761|                 |       3.120.761|
| 97,18                     |      3.032.781|                 |       3.032.781|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |        971.275|                 |         971.275|
|                           |        778.926|                 |         778.926|
| 98,48                     |        767.078|                 |         767.078|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar    |               |                 |                |
|    de mica valoare sau    |               |                 |                |
|    scurta durata si       |               |                 |                |
|    echipament             |         35.152|                 |          35.152|
|                           |        128.667|                 |         128.667|
| 93,53                     |        120.343|                 |         120.343|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        265.836|                 |         265.836|
|                           |        358.058|                 |         358.058|
| 88,98                     |        318.593|                 |         318.593|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |      2.051.007|                 |       2.051.007|
|                           |      1.754.177|                 |       1.754.177|
| 94,22                     |      1.652.708|                 |       1.652.708|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |        225.235|                 |         225.235|
|                           |        342.413|                 |         342.413|
| 97,08                     |        332.411|                 |         332.411|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |    368.722.866|                 |     368.722.866|
|                           |    372.873.932|                 |     372.873.932|
| 99,10                     |    369.505.703|                 |     369.505.703|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Alocatii de la buget  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru institutiile   |               |                 |                |
|     publice               |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |     92.270.000|                 |      92.270.000|
|                           |     27.300.178|                 |      27.300.178|
| 65,87                     |     17.981.871|                 |      17.981.871|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |     92.270.000|                 |      92.270.000|
|                           |     27.300.178|                 |      27.300.178|
| 65,87                     |     17.981.871|                 |      17.981.871|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     25.503.819|                 |      25.503.819|
|                           |     21.382.119|                 |      21.382.119|
| 99,83                     |     21.346.210|                 |      21.346.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     25.503.819|                 |      25.503.819|
|                           |     21.382.119|                 |      21.382.119|
| 99,83                     |     21.346.210|                 |      21.346.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     25.503.819|                 |      25.503.819|
|                           |     21.382.119|                 |      21.382.119|
| 99,83                     |     21.346.210|                 |      21.346.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ALTE ACTIUNI               |    108.640.633|                 |     108.640.633|
|                           |    110.625.481|                 |     110.625.481|
| 95,33                     |    105.464.102|                 |     105.464.102|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |     92.640.633|                 |      92.640.633|
|                           |     94.625.481|                 |      94.625.481|
| 95,48                     |     90.346.480|                 |      90.346.480|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     42.718.100|                 |      42.718.100|
|                           |     40.934.121|                 |      40.934.121|
| 98,14                     |     40.174.097|                 |      40.174.097|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|     37.754.500|                 |      37.754.500|
|                           |     32.455.366|                 |      32.455.366|
| 98,73                     |     32.042.575|                 |      32.042.575|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      3.601.100|                 |       3.601.100|
|                           |      4.444.065|                 |       4.444.065|
| 97,90                     |      4.350.639|                 |       4.350.639|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        720.200|                 |         720.200|
|                           |        897.475|                 |         897.475|
| 98,08                     |        880.269|                 |         880.269|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        642.300|                 |         642.300|
|                           |      3.137.215|                 |       3.137.215|
| 92,46                     |      2.900.614|                 |       2.900.614|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        502.300|                 |         502.300|
|                           |        820.020|                 |         820.020|
| 87,66                     |        718.801|                 |         718.801|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        140.000|                 |         140.000|
|                           |      2.317.195|                 |       2.317.195|
| 94,16                     |      2.181.813|                 |       2.181.813|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     47.922.533|                 |      47.922.533|
|                           |     51.691.360|                 |      51.691.360|
| 96,42                     |     49.841.839|                 |      49.841.839|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |               |                 |                |
|                           |         69.956|                 |          69.956|
|100,00                     |         69.956|                 |          69.956|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |               |                 |                |
|                           |        354.126|                 |         354.126|
| 99,40                     |        352.009|                 |         352.009|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      2.530.000|                 |       2.530.000|
|                           |      2.874.175|                 |       2.874.175|
| 97,52                     |      2.802.855|                 |       2.802.855|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |     43.067.533|                 |      43.067.533|
|                           |     10.583.270|                 |      10.583.270|
| 94,21                     |      9.970.575|                 |       9.970.575|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |      1.548.000|                 |       1.548.000|
|                           |      1.627.396|                 |       1.627.396|
| 69,94                     |      1.138.187|                 |       1.138.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        223.000|                 |         223.000|
|                           |      7.643.174|                 |       7.643.174|
| 99,27                     |      7.587.095|                 |       7.587.095|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |         81.000|                 |          81.000|
|                           |        872.500|                 |         872.500|
| 97,69                     |        852.387|                 |         852.387|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         24.000|                 |          24.000|
|                           |         49.884|                 |          49.884|
| 87,94                     |         43.870|                 |          43.870|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |        449.000|                 |         449.000|
|                           |     27.616.879|                 |      27.616.879|
| 97,86                     |     27.024.905|                 |      27.024.905|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
| 16,53                     |        330.544|                 |         330.544|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
| 16,53                     |        330.544|                 |         330.544|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
|                           |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
| 94,49                     |     15.117.622|                 |      15.117.622|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
|                           |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
| 94,49                     |     15.117.622|                 |      15.117.622|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
|                           |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
| 94,49                     |     15.117.622|                 |      15.117.622|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CHELTUIELI DIN FONDURI LA  |               |                 |                |
|DISPOZITIA GUVERNULUI      |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|TRANSFERURI DIN BUGETUL DE |               |                 |                |
|STAT                       |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    consolidabile          |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetele locale|               |                 |                |
| pentru asigurarea         |               |                 |                |
| protectiei sociale a      |               |                 |                |
| populatiei pentru energie |               |                 |                |
| termica si transport urban|               |                 |                |
| de calatori               |    571.000.000|                 |     571.000.000|
|                           |    711.000.000|                 |     711.000.000|
| 96,60                     |    686.840.093|                 |     686.840.093|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetele locale|               |                 |                |
| pentru investitii         |  1.027.500.000|                 |   1.027.500.000|
|                           |  1.177.826.000|                 |   1.177.826.000|
| 98,06                     |  1.154.918.626|                 |   1.154.918.626|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetele locale|               |                 |                |
| pentru investitii         |               |                 |                |
| finantate partial din     |               |                 |                |
| imprumuturi externe       |     42.500.000|                 |      42.500.000|
|                           |     12.500.000|                 |      12.500.000|
| 61,44                     |      7.679.883|                 |       7.679.883|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetul        |               |                 |                |
| asigurarilor sociale de   |               |                 |                |
| stat                      |               |                 |                |
|                           |    312.000.000|                 |     312.000.000|
|100,00                     |    312.000.000|                 |     312.000.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetul        |               |                 |                |
| fondului special de risc  |               |                 |                |
| si accident pentru        |               |                 |                |
| protectia speciala a      |               |                 |                |
| persoanelor handicapate   |    275.000.000|                 |     275.000.000|
|                           |    361.931.000|                 |     361.931.000|
| 99,53                     |    360.223.991|                 |     360.223.991|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetul        |               |                 |                |
| fondului special pentru   |               |                 |                |
| plata pensiilor si altor  |               |                 |                |
| drepturi de asigurari     |               |                 |                |
| sociale ale agricultorilor|    340.600.000|                 |     340.600.000|
|                           |    523.695.464|                 |     523.695.464|
| 99,32                     |    520.131.594|                 |     520.131.594|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Partea a VIII-a         |               |                 |                |
|   IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|IMPRUMUTURI                |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|Imprumut acordat din fondul|               |                 |                |
|de redresare financiara la |               |                 |                |
|dispozitia Guvernului      |               |                 |                |
|                           |    212.350.000|                 |     212.350.000|
| 99,34                     |    210.950.000|                 |     210.950.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|Imprumuturi acordate       |               |                 |                |
|pentru finalizarea unor    |               |                 |                |
|obiective aprobate prin    |               |                 |                |
|conventii bilaterale si    |               |                 |                |
|acorduri                   |               |                 |                |
|interguvernamentale        |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |     87.550.000|                 |      87.550.000|
| 98,36                     |     86.115.858|                 |      86.115.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|IMPRUMUTURI                |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi            |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Imprumut acordat din  |               |                 |                |
|     fondul de redresare   |               |                 |                |
|     financiara la         |               |                 |                |
|     dispozitia Guvernului |               |                 |                |
|                           |    218.000.000|                 |     218.000.000|
| 99,36                     |    216.600.000|                 |     216.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Imprumuturi acordate  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru finalizarea    |               |                 |                |
|     unor obiective        |               |                 |                |
|     aprobate prin         |               |                 |                |
|     conventii bilaterale  |               |                 |                |
|     si acorduri           |               |                 |                |
|     interguvernamentale   |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |     81.900.000|                 |      81.900.000|
| 98,25                     |     80.465.858|                 |      80.465.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|DOBANZI AFERENTE DATORIEI  |               |                 |                |
|PUBLICE SI ALTE CHELTUIELI |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   DOBANZI                 |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Dobanzi aferente       |               |                 |                |
|    datoriei publice       |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Dobanzi aferente      |               |                 |                |
|     datoriei publice      |               |                 |                |
|     interne               |  1.235.660.000|                 |   1.235.660.000|
|                           |  1.552.463.000|                 |   1.552.463.000|
| 99,93                     |  1.551.430.399|                 |   1.551.430.399|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Dobanzi aferente      |               |                 |                |
|     datoriei publice      |               |                 |                |
|     externe               |     24.340.000|                 |      24.340.000|
|                           |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|100,00                     |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Cheltuieli ocazionate |               |                 |                |
|     de emisiunea si       |               |                 |                |
|     plasarea titlurilor   |               |                 |                |
|     de stat si de         |               |                 |                |
|     riscurile garantiilor |               |                 |                |
|     date de stat in       |               |                 |                |
|     conditiile legii      |    100.000.000|                 |     100.000.000|
|                           |    186.237.000|                 |     186.237.000|
| 98,60                     |    183.626.738|                 |     183.626.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|FONDURI DE REZERVA         |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   REZERVE                 |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fondul de rezerva bugetara|               |                 |                |
| la dispozitia Guvernului  |     44.106.900|                 |      44.106.900|
|                           |     19.005.515|                 |      19.005.515|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fondul de interventie la  |               |                 |                |
| dispozitia Guvernului     |     10.000.000|                 |      10.000.000|
|                           |         54.000|                 |          54.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fond la dispozitia        |               |                 |                |
| Guvernului Romaniei pentru|               |                 |                |
| relatiile cu Republica    |               |                 |                |
| Moldova                   |      5.000.000|                 |       5.000.000|
|                           |        132.329|                 |         132.329|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fond de redresare         |               |                 |                |
| financiara la dispozitia  |               |                 |                |
| Guvernului                |    250.000.000|                 |     250.000.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   DEFICIT                 ||      430.745.700|   3.623.807.957|
|                           |  5.608.984.048|      647.453.120|   6.256.437.168|
|                           |  5.359.194.392|      386.066.663|   5.745.261.055|


COMENTARII la Legea 36/2000

Momentan nu exista niciun comentariu la Legea 36 din 2000
Comentarii la alte acte
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 770 1966
    Bună ziua, Știți că există o modalitate prin care puteți câștiga bani fără contact de stres (THOMAS FREDDIE) pentru un [CARD ATM] gol astăzi și să fiți printre norocoșii care beneficiază de aceste carduri. Acest card ATM gol PROGRAMAT este capabil să pirateze orice bancomat de oriunde în lume. Mi-am luat cardul de master de la un Hacker bun de pe internet, cu acest card ATM pot colecta 50.000,00 EUR în fiecare zi prin contacte:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 770 1966
    Bună ziua, Știți că există o modalitate prin care puteți câștiga bani fără contact de stres (THOMAS FREDDIE) pentru un [CARD ATM] gol astăzi și să fiți printre norocoșii care beneficiază de aceste carduri. Acest card ATM gol PROGRAMAT este capabil să pirateze orice bancomat de oriunde în lume. Mi-am luat cardul de master de la un Hacker bun de pe internet, cu acest card ATM pot colecta 50.000,00 EUR în fiecare zi prin contacte:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Bună ziua, Știți că există o modalitate prin care puteți câștiga bani fără contact de stres (THOMAS FREDDIE) pentru un [CARD ATM] gol astăzi și să fiți printre norocoșii care beneficiază de aceste carduri. Acest card ATM gol PROGRAMAT este capabil să pirateze orice bancomat de oriunde în lume. Mi-am luat cardul de master de la un Hacker bun de pe internet, cu acest card ATM pot colecta 50.000,00 EUR în fiecare zi prin contacte: Am fost foarte sărac, dar acest card m-a făcut bogat și fericit. Dacă doriți să beneficiați de această oportunitate de a deveni bogat și de a vă stabili afacerea, atunci aplicați pentru acest card Master, sunt atât de fericit pentru că l-am primit săptămâna trecută și am l-au folosit pentru a obține 277.000,00 EURO de la THOMAS FREDDIE UNLIMITED Hackers oferă cardul doar pentru a-i ajuta pe cei săraci și nevoiași și OFERĂ ȘI ASISTENȚĂ FINANCIARĂ. obține-l pe al tău de la THOMAS FREDDIE UNLIMITED HACKERS astăzi. Vă rugăm să-i contactați prin e-mail
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 441 2020
    Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for finance to enlarge your business? We help individuals and companies to obtain finance for business expanding and to setup a new business ranging any amount. Get finance at affordable interest rate of 3%, Do you need this finance for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now for more information contact us now via ( whats-App +918929509036 Dr James Eric Finance Pvt Ltd Thanks
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 441 2020
    Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for finance to enlarge your business? We help individuals and companies to obtain finance for business expanding and to setup a new business ranging any amount. Get finance at affordable interest rate of 3%, Do you need this finance for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now for more information contact us now via ( whats-App +918929509036 Dr James Eric Finance Pvt Ltd Thanks
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Aveți nevoie de un împrumut de urgență pentru a plăti datoria sau de un împrumut pentru locuință pentru a vă îmbunătăți afacerea? Ai fost refuzat de bănci și alte agenții financiare? Ai nevoie de împrumut sau consolidare ipotecară? Nu mai căuta, pentru că suntem aici pentru a pune în urmă toate problemele tale financiare. Contactați-ne prin e-mail: { Oferim împrumuturi părților interesate la o rată rezonabilă a dobânzii de 3%. Intervalul este de la 5.000,00 EUR la 100.000.000,00 EUR
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Un împrumut financiar rapid și convenabil pe care îl poți folosi pentru orice. Rata scăzută a dobânzii este stabilă pe toată perioada de rambursare a creditului. Datorită gamei largi de împrumuturi financiare oferite, oferim tuturor împrumuturi financiare favorabile de la 50.000 la 100.000.000 CZK, aproape fiecare solicitant din Republica Cehă putând obține acest împrumut. Contract clar și ușor de înțeles, termeni clari ai serviciilor. Puteți folosi banii pentru orice aveți nevoie. Această ofertă este valabilă pentru toată Republica Cehă. Nu ezitați să contactați. E-mail:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 226 2006
    Un împrumut financiar rapid și convenabil pe care îl poți folosi pentru orice. Rata scăzută a dobânzii este stabilă pe toată perioada de rambursare a creditului. Datorită gamei largi de împrumuturi financiare oferite, oferim tuturor împrumuturi financiare favorabile de la 50.000 la 100.000.000 CZK, aproape fiecare solicitant din Republica Cehă putând obține acest împrumut. Contract clar și ușor de înțeles, termeni clari ai serviciilor. Puteți folosi banii pentru orice aveți nevoie. Această ofertă este valabilă pentru toată Republica Cehă. Nu ezitați să contactați. E-mail:
ANONIM a comentat Hotărârea 1475 2004
    Hledali jste možnosti financování nákupu nového domu, výstavby, úvěru na nemovitost, refinancování, konsolidace dluhu, osobního nebo obchodního účelu? Vítejte v budoucnosti! Financování je s námi snadné. Kontaktujte nás, protože nabízíme naši finanční službu za nízkou a dostupnou úrokovou sazbu 3% na dlouhou a krátkou dobu úvěru, se 100% zárukou úvěru, zájemce by nás měl kontaktovat ohledně dalších postupů získávání úvěru prostřednictvím:
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    Ați căutat opțiuni de finanțare pentru achiziția unei noi case, construcție, împrumut imobiliar, refinanțare, consolidare a datoriilor, scop personal sau de afaceri? Bun venit în viitor! Finanțarea este ușoară cu noi. Contactați-ne, deoarece oferim serviciile noastre financiare la o rată a dobânzii scăzută și accesibilă de 3% pentru împrumuturi pe termen lung și scurt, cu împrumut garantat 100%. Solicitantul interesat ar trebui să ne contacteze pentru proceduri suplimentare de achiziție de împrumut prin:
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