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HOTARARE   Nr. 5 din 19 martie 2004

pentru aprobarea Tabloului executorilor judecatoresti pe anul 2004


ACT PUBLICAT IN: MONITORUL OFICIAL  NR. 301 din  6 aprilie 2004


    Avand in vedere prevederile art. 16 alin. (2) din Legea nr. 188/2000 privind executorii judecatoresti, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, cu privire la actualizarea Tabloului executorilor judecatoresti si publicarea acestuia in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I,
    in conformitate cu prevederile art. 10 alin. 1 din Regulamentul de punere in aplicare a Legii nr. 188/2000 si ale art. 19 lit. b) din Statutul Uniunii Nationale a Executorilor Judecatoresti,

    Consiliul Uniunii Nationale a Executorilor Judecatoresti adopta prezenta hotarare.

    Art. 1
    Se aproba Tabloul executorilor judecatoresti pe anul 2004 si publicarea acestuia in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I.
    Art. 2
    Serviciul secretariat, legislatie si evidenta va urmari ducerea la indeplinire a prevederilor prezentei hotarari.

                      Presedintele Uniunii Nationale
                      a Executorilor Judecatoresti,
                       Gabriel George Draganescu,
                          executor judecatoresc


    *) Tabloul executorilor judecatoresti este reprodus in facsimil.

|Nr. |         Executor judecatoresc       |       Circumscriptia      |
|crt.|                                     |                           |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel         |
| Alba Iulia                                                           |
|  1.| Sapta Florian                       | Alba Iulia                |
|  2.| Baba Teodor Nicolae                 | Alba Iulia                |
|  3.| Aldea Marin Vasile                  | Aiud                      |
|  4.| Saratean D-tru Alexandru            | Blaj                      |
|  5.| Sav Augustin                        | Campeni                   |
|  6.| Boldas Liviu Nicolae                | Sebes                     |
|  7.| Carja Ispas                         | Sibiu                     |
|  8.| Cruduleci Horatiu                   | Sibiu                     |
|  9.| Marin Vasile                        | Sibiu                     |
| 10.| Tatu Felician Liviu                 | Sibiu                     |
| 11.| Tudor Vasile Petru                  | Medias                    |
| 12.| Rotaru Simion                       | Medias                    |
| 13.| Baciu Traian                        | Hunedoara                 |
| 14.| Barboni Eugen                       | Deva                      |
| 15.| Benteu Aron                         | Deva                      |
| 16.| Vrabie Florin Constantin            | Petrosani                 |
| 17.| Dumitrache Emilia                   | Petrosani                 |
| 18.| Oancea Petru                        | Orastie                   |
| 19.| Rovinar Daniel Marin                | Brad                      |
| 20.| Nutescu C-tin Ciprian               | Saliste                   |
| 21.| Opris Ofelia                        | Hateg                     |
| 22.| Scutea Sorin                        | Agnita                    |
| 23.| Ifrim Remus                         | Hunedoara                 |
| 24.| Terei Simona Elisabeta              | Avrig                     |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel Pitesti |
| 25.| Bucescu Emanoil Aron                | Pitesti                   |
| 26.| Rada Ion                            | Pitesti                   |
| 27.| Ioana Cristian                      | Pitesti                   |
| 28.| Negoescu Adrian Gheorghe            | Pitesti                   |
| 29.| Copaci Vasile Dorel                 | Pitesti                   |
| 30.| Fieraru Eugen                       | Pitesti - suspendat       |
| 31.| Mitu Mihai Ioan                     | Campulung                 |
| 32.| Iordache Vasile                     | Curtea de Arges           |
| 33.| Raduca Constantin                   | Ramnicu Valcea            |
| 34.| Bunescu D-tru Teodor                | Ramnicu Valcea            |
| 35.| Deaconu Mihai                       | Ramnicu Valcea            |
| 36.| Gatejescu Bogdan Constantin         | Ramnicu Valcea            |
| 37.| Buzatu Constantin                   | Ramnicu Valcea            |
| 38.| Condoiu Florea                      | Dragasani                 |
| 39.| Valeanu Ilie                        | Horezu                    |
| 40.| Radu Marius                         | Brezoi                    |
| 41.| Andrei Ionel                        | Costesti                  |
| 42.| Iordache Ion                        | Topoloveni                |
| 43.| Varga Ioan                          | Balcesti                  |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel Bacau   |
| 44.| Grigore Nicolae                     | Bacau                     |
| 45.| Chiticeanu Florin                   | Bacau                     |
| 46.| Ciobanu Ioan                        | Bacau                     |
| 47.| Dascalita Dumitru                   | Bacau                     |
| 48.| Mititelu Iosif                      | Bacau                     |
| 49.| Kovacs Gabriel                      | Buhusi                    |
| 50.| Popa Valentin                       | Onesti                    |
| 51.| Bajenaru Dorin                      | Onesti                    |
| 52.| Prisecariu Cezar Sorin              | Onesti                    |
| 53.| Bindileu Eugen                      | Moinesti                  |
| 54.| Neneci Tanase                       | Piatra-Neamt              |
| 55.| Cotoi Cornel                        | Piatra-Neamt              |
| 56.| Mares Ioan                          | Piatra-Neamt              |
| 57.| Mocanu Pavel                        | Piatra-Neamt              |
| 58.| Mereuta Ioan                        | Roman                     |
| 59.| Postelnicu Spiridon                 | Roman                     |
| 60.| Dron Gheorghe                       | Targu-Neamt               |
| 61.| Balan Ioan                          | Bicaz                     |
| 62.| Grigoras Ioan Nicolae               | Podu Turcului             |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel Oradea  |
| 63.| Puscas Eugen Nicolae                | Oradea                    |
| 64.| Bucureanu Ioan                      | Oradea                    |
| 65.| Negrau Mihai                        | Oradea                    |
| 66.| Pasca Titu                          | Beius                     |
| 67.| Popovici Dorin                      | Alesd                     |
| 68.| Serfezi Florin                      | Marghita                  |
| 69.| Danciu Ghe. Radu                    | Satu Mare                 |
| 70.| Vasvari Aurel                       | Satu Mare                 |
| 71.| Michis Ioan                         | Satu Mare                 |
| 72.| Iva-Anitas Dan Marian               | Carei                     |
| 73.| Fainita Gabriela                    | Salonta                   |
| 74.| Beiusan Gheorghe                    | Oradea                    |
| 75.| Mihalcea Benone                     | Negresti Oas              |
| 76.| Danciu Cozmin Gabriel               | Negresti Oas - suspendat  |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel Suceava |
| 77.| Tataru Ioan                         | Suceava                   |
| 78.| Tugui Cezar                         | Suceava                   |
| 79.| Mustea Marcel Mihai                 | Suceava                   |
| 80.| Jugaru Constantin                   | Suceava                   |
| 81.| Bordian Constantin                  | Gura Humorului            |
| 82.| Miron Catalin                       | Radauti                   |
| 83.| Miron Benoni Viorel                 | Radauti                   |
| 84.| Starica Radu                        | Campulung Moldovenesc     |
| 85.|Ioneac Sevastian                     | Campulung Moldovenesc     |
| 86.| Hopu Vasile                         | Falticeni                 |
| 87.| Strachinaru Dumitru                 | Botosani                  |
| 88.| Gavriliuc Sorin                     | Botosani                  |
| 89.| Manoila Vasile                      | Botosani                  |
| 90.| Sfaiter Carmen                      | Botosani                  |
| 91.| Secrieru Dinu                       | Botosani                  |
| 92.| Popa Daniel                         | Dorohoi                   |
| 93.| Smocot Grigore                      | Dorohoi                   |
| 94.| Guceanu Adrian                      | Darabani                  |
| 95.| Carlan Florin                       | Saveni                    |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel Brasov  |
| 96.| Tereaca Cornel Toma                 | Brasov                    |
| 97.| Dinca Stelian Emil                  | Brasov                    |
| 98.| Koppandi Ollyver                    | Brasov                    |
| 99.| Dutceac Ioan                        | Brasov                    |
|100.| Anca Ramona Loredana                | Brasov                    |
|101.| Blajiu Gheorghe                     | Zarnesti                  |
|102.| Fratila Viorel Alexandru            | Fagaras                   |
|103.| Mathe-Peter Iosif                   | Sfantu Gheorghe           |
|104.| Concz Csaba                         | Sfantu Gheorghe           |
|105.| Kolcza Jeno Gabor                   | Sfantu Gheorghe           |
|106.| Balas Marius                        | Targu Secuiesc            |
|107.| Iordache Cristian Madalin           | Rupea                     |
|108.| Manoli Lucian                       | Intorsura Buzaului        |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel         |
| Bucuresti                                                            |
|109.| Draganescu Gabriel George           | Bucuresti                 |
|110.| Ionescu Niculae                     | Bucuresti                 |
|111.| Crafcenco Marius Gheorghe           | Bucuresti                 |
|112.| Nemes Dan                           | Bucuresti                 |
|113.| Stanescu Ilie                       | Bucuresti                 |
|114.| Ezer Lucian                         | Bucuresti                 |
|115.| Popescu Claudiu George              | Bucuresti                 |
|116.| Staiculescu Dumitru                 | Bucuresti                 |
|117.| Popescu Sofica                      | Bucuresti                 |
|118.| Dima Mihai                          | Bucuresti                 |
|119.| Iordache Radu                       | Bucuresti                 |
|120.| Boambes Viorel                      | Bucuresti                 |
|121.| Badea Catalin                       | Bucuresti                 |
|122.| Raileanu Ionut Catalin              | Bucuresti                 |
|123.| Casagranda-Stana Anton              | Bucuresti                 |
|124.| Popa Vasile                         | Bucuresti                 |
|125.| Vasiliu George                      | Bucuresti                 |
|126.| Tanase Gheorghe                     | Bucuresti                 |
|127.| Chiriloiu Filoftia                  | Bucuresti                 |
|128.| Milos Cristian                      | Bucuresti                 |
|129.| Gont Dorina                         | Bucuresti                 |
|130.| Jalba Georgiana Nicoleta            | Bucuresti                 |
|131.| Safta Doina                         | Bucuresti                 |
|132.| Scaesteanu Silvia                   | Bucuresti                 |
|133.| Dobra Camelia Ofelia                | Buftea                    |
|134.| Dobranici Doina Crenguta            | Buftea                    |
|135.| Ichim Viorel                        | Buftea                    |
|136.| Benescu Catalin Manuel              | Buftea                    |
|137.| Nistor Vasile                       | Zimnicea                  |
|138.| Agiu Iulian                         | Rosiori de Vede           |
|139.| Milos Marius Emil                   | Rosiori de Vede           |
|140.| Impungeroua Nicolae                 | Videle                    |
|141.| Mihaita Marian                      | Alexandria                |
|142.| Horvath Sorin Cornel                | Alexandria                |
|143.| Nitu Ion                            | Slobozia                  |
|144.| Banciu Constantin                   | Slobozia                  |
|145.| Constantin Radu                     | Urziceni                  |
|146.| Milea Anghel                        | Fetesti                   |
|147.| Barbulescu Constantin               | Bolintin-Vale             |
|148.| Iordache Ion                        | Giurgiu                   |
|149.| Martin Constantin                   | Giurgiu                   |
|150.| Gogoase-Popescu Florinel Bebe       | Giurgiu                   |
|151.| Stoian Valentin                     | Calarasi                  |
|152.| Serban Victor                       | Calarasi                  |
|153.| Mihalcea Ionel                      | Calarasi                  |
|154.| Ene Alexandru                       | Oltenita                  |
|155.| Oprisan Constantin                  | Lehliu-Gara               |
|156.| Bran Cristian                       | Turnu Magurele            |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel Cluj    |
|157.| Stolnean Romeo Marius               | Cluj                      |
|158.| Campian Mihai-Radu                  | Cluj                      |
|159.| Bolos Mircea                        | Cluj                      |
|160.| Popa Nicolae Fanfany                | Cluj                      |
|161.| Marian Daniel                       | Turda                     |
|162.| Sipos Alexandru                     | Dej                       |
|163.| Potra Iulian Adrian                 | Huedin                    |
|164.| Moldovan Ioan Florin                | Gherla                    |
|165.| Ivanov Emilian Geani                | Bistrita                  |
|166.| Manchevici Marin                    | Bistrita                  |
|167.| Andronesi Valerian Dorin            | Bistrita                  |
|168.| Ilovan Dumitru                      | Nasaud                    |
|169.| Sarbu Viorel                        | Nasaud                    |
|170.| Muresan Vasile Mircea               | Beclean                   |
|171.| Vucea Gheorghe                      | Baia Mare                 |
|172.| Morari Marius Iacob                 | Baia Mare                 |
|173.| Bud Robert Mihai                    | Baia Mare                 |
|174.| Simon Attila                        | Baia Mare                 |
|175.| Coman Gheorghe Gavril               | Sighetu Marmatiei         |
|176.| Batin Petru                         | Sighetu Marmatiei         |
|177.| Bucur Ioan                          | Viseul de Sus - suspendat |
|178.| Anitei Dorel                        | Viseul de Sus             |
|179.| Oszoczki Marton                     | Zalau                     |
|180.| Turcas Ioan                         | Zalau                     |
|181.| Kovacs Levente Ferenc               | Zalau                     |
|182.| Fati Vasile                         | Simleu Silvaniei          |
|183.| Stoica Ioan Alin                    | Targu Lapus               |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel         |
| Constanta                                                            |
|184.| Deacu Vasile                        | Constanta                 |
|185.| Gavrilescu Alin                     | Constanta                 |
|186.| Volintiru Stefan                    | Constanta                 |
|187.| Oana Marian                         | Constanta                 |
|188.| Malciu Aurel                        | Constanta                 |
|189.| Vasile Dumitru Gabriel              | Constanta                 |
|190.| Stoica Constantin Adrian            | Constanta                 |
|191.| Romanescu Adrian                    | Constanta                 |
|192.| Munteanu Ionel                      | Constanta                 |
|193.| Dumbrava Dumitru                    | Tulcea                    |
|194.| Vlad Irinel                         | Tulcea                    |
|195.| Cornea Pompiliu                     | Tulcea                    |
|196.| Casapu Catalin Octavian             | Tulcea                    |
|197.| Solomon Nicolae                     | Medgidia                  |
|198.| Pirju Marian                        | Medgidia - suspendat      |
|199.| Banea Alexandru                     | Macin                     |
|200.| Dorache Nicolae                     | Babadag                   |
|201.| Grasu Gelu Iulian                   | Mangalia                  |
|202.| Cojocaru Bogdan Mihai               | Harsova                   |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel Craiova |
|203.| Ivanovici Cristodor Constantin      | Craiova                   |
|204.| Terpovici Laurentiu Bogdan          | Craiova                   |
|205.| Iacob Mircea                        | Craiova                   |
|206.| Balaci Titi                         | Craiova                   |
|207.| Talpa-Neacsu Cristian Florian       | Craiova                   |
|208.| Balica Marius Eugen                 | Craiova                   |
|209.| Prodan Apostol                      | Calafat                   |
|210.| Crangus Florina                     | Filiasi                   |
|211.| Olaru Constantin                    | Targu Jiu                 |
|212.| Talianu Savu                        | Targu Jiu                 |
|213.| Tranca Nicusor                      | Targu Jiu                 |
|214.| Enea Marin                          | Targu Jiu                 |
|215.| Vonica Filimon                      | Novaci                    |
|216.| Matei Marian                        | Slatina                   |
|217.| Vlad Constantin                     | Slatina                   |
|218.| Pavaloiu Georgeta                   | Slatina                   |
|219.| Neda Ion                            | Caracal                   |
|220.| Rafaila Vasile                      | Caracal                   |
|221.| Barsasteanu Florian                 | Corabia                   |
|222.| Ispas George                        | Corabia                   |
|223.| Darloaga Florinel                   | Strehaia                  |
|224.| Dumitrescu Alfred Constantin        | Drobeta-Turnu Severin     |
|225.| Cerbulescu Constantin               | Drobeta-Turnu Severin     |
|226.| Purcaru Marcel                      | Drobeta-Turnu Severin     |
|227.| Popescu Grigore Alin                | Drobeta-Turnu Severin     |
|228.| Raicu Ion                           | Vanju Mare                |
|229.| Marascu Ion                         | Vanju Mare                |
|230.| Patrasanu Constantin                | Orsova                    |
|231.| Stan Monica                         | Bals                      |
|232.| Diaconita Constantin                | Motru                     |
|233.| Iovan Cornel                        | Segarcea                  |
|234.| Martinescu Iacob                    | Baia de Arama - suspendat |
|235.| Madescu Lionela                     | Bailesti                  |
|236.| Raduletu Valeriu                    | Targu Carbunesti -        |
|    |                                     | suspendat                 |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel Galati  |
|237.| Colt Victor                         | Galati                    |
|238.| Vitelaru Dumitru                    | Galati                    |
|239.| Martin Tudorel                      | Galati                    |
|240.| Micu Constantin                     | Galati                    |
|241.| Munteanu Paraschiva Laura           | Galati                    |
|242.| Capraru Apostu                      | Tecuci                    |
|243.| Tiganus Viorel Mirel                | Tecuci                    |
|244.| Postelnicu Stefan                   | Targu Bujor               |
|245.| Pintilie Lucian Gabriel             | Braila - suspendat        |
|246.| Dragulin Eugen                      | Braila                    |
|247.| Turcu George                        | Braila                    |
|248.| Postelnicu Gabriela                 | Braila                    |
|249.| Motoc Petrica                       | Insuratei                 |
|250.| Coman Gelu                          | Focsani                   |
|251.| Barsan Mititelu Firel               | Focsani                   |
|252.| Teodorescu Ioan Cristian            | Focsani                   |
|253.| Bercariu Corneliu                   | Panciu                    |
|254.| Cotac Danut Carmen                  | Adjud                     |
|255.| Voican Madalina                     | Faurei                    |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel         |
| Targu Mures                                                          |
|256.| Puia Romulus                        | Tg. Mures                 |
|257.| Soos Stefan                         | Tg. Mures                 |
|258.| Szekely Szabolcs Barna              | Tg. Mures                 |
|259.| Pop Ioan                            | Tg. Mures                 |
|260.| Olariu Titu Traian                  | Tg. Mures                 |
|261.| Giunca Cristina Maria               | Tg. Mures                 |
|262.| Kenosy Adrian Zoltan                | Sighisoara                |
|263.| Corcescu Horatiu                    | Tarnaveni                 |
|264.| Roga Sorin                          | Reghin                    |
|265.| Olteanu Radu                        | Reghin                    |
|266.| Sarig Attila                        | Miercurea-Ciuc            |
|267.| Szilagyi Erzsebet                   | Miercurea-Ciuc            |
|268.| Cotfas Marin Cornel                 | Toplita                   |
|269.| Baroti Pal                          | Gheorgheni                |
|270.| Biro Mihaiu                         | Odorheiu Secuiesc         |
|271.| Huruba Eugen                        | Ludus                     |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel Iasi    |
|272.| Zacornea Constantin                 | Iasi                      |
|273.| Mihaila Radu                        | Iasi                      |
|274.| Airinei Constantin                  | Iasi                      |
|275.| Andrei Cezar                        | Iasi                      |
|276.| Barca Gabriel                       | Iasi                      |
|277.| Stan Iulian Marius                  | Murgeni                   |
|278.| Boboc Mihai                         | Vaslui                    |
|279.| Angheluta Lucian                    | Raducaneni                |
|280.| Corbu Vasile                        | Pascani                   |
|281.| Popovici Florin                     | Pascani                   |
|282.| Gutu Adrian                         | Husi                      |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel Ploiesti|
|283.| Petre Cristian                      | Ploiesti                  |
|284.| Radulescu Remus                     | Ploiesti                  |
|285.| Matei Sebastian                     | Ploiesti                  |
|286.| Trifina Elena Cornelia              | Ploiesti                  |
|287.| Tanase Laura Ioana                  | Ploiesti                  |
|288.| Divoiu Maria                        | Ploiesti                  |
|289.| Francu Mihai                        | Campina                   |
|290.| Negulescu Emilian Mihail            | Valenii de Munte          |
|291.| Mihai Ducu                          | Targoviste                |
|292.| Georgescu Gheorghe                  | Targoviste                |
|293.| Deaconescu Adrian                   | Targoviste                |
|294.| Stefan Viorel Dinu                  | Targoviste                |
|295.| Stanescu Mihai                      | Targoviste                |
|296.| Duica Claudiu                       | Gaesti                    |
|297.| Gruianu Viorel                      | Pucioasa                  |
|298.| Manole Victor                       | Patarlagele               |
|299.| Pavel Bebi                          | Sinaia                    |
|300.| Marin Florea                        | Racari                    |
|301.| Porojnicu Adrian                    | Buzau                     |
|302.| Popescu Adrian Gabriel              | Buzau                     |
|303.| Rusen Valeriu                       | Buzau                     |
|304.| Ailincai Alexandru                  | Rm. Sarat                 |
|305.| Clinciu Gheorghe                    | Rm. Sarat                 |
|306.| Nicolau Iulian Nicolae              | Pogoanele                 |
|307.| Galea Cristian Viorel               | Mizil                     |
| Camera executorilor judecatoresti de pe langa Curtea de Apel         |
| Timisoara                                                            |
|308.| Dragomir Daniel                     | Timisoara                 |
|309.| Jurchescu Cristian Mihai            | Timisoara                 |
|310.| Munteanu Doru                       | Timisoara                 |
|311.| Opritescu Bujor                     | Timisoara                 |
|312.| Todoran Marius Sorin                | Timisoara                 |
|313.| Matei Sorin Romeo                   | Timisoara                 |
|314.| Milici Gheorghe                     | Timisoara                 |
|315.| Marghescu Anca Lucia                | Timisoara                 |
|316.| Soimosan Alina                      | Timisoara                 |
|317.| Vitan Stefan                        | Arad                      |
|318.| Popescu Virgil Paul                 | Arad                      |
|319.| Pasculescu Horia                    | Arad                      |
|320.| Galuti Alexandru                    | Ineu                      |
|321.| Oprea Dan                           | Lipova                    |
|322.| Rus Valentin Mihai                  | Gurahont                  |
|323.| Carciumaru Gheorghe                 | Chisinau Cris             |
|324.| Nebunu Nicolae                      | Resita                    |
|325.| Modalca Gheorghe                    | Resita                    |
|326.| Ciobanu Gheorghe                    | Resita                    |
|327.| Tabusca Vasile                      | Caransebes                |
|328.| Ghidut Lucian Corneliu              | Oravita                   |
|329.| Hutiu Vasile Constantin             | Faget                     |
|330.| Blajovan Nucu Tiberius              | Lugoj                     |
|331.| Furdean Mugurel                     | Lugoj                     |
|332.| Sima Ion                            | Caransebes                |
|333.| Capotescu Ioan                      | Sannicolau Mare           |
|334.| Craciun Constantin                  | Deta                      |


COMENTARII la Hotărârea 5/2004

Momentan nu exista niciun comentariu la Hotărârea 5 din 2004
Comentarii la alte acte
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
Alte acte pe aceeaşi temă cu Hotărârea 5/2004
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